I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 255 Dongfu Archipelago

Chapter 255 Dongfu Archipelago
Seeing the photos on the documents, Ye Da knew that the third party Wang Weiwen arrested that day was actually from the Dongfu Islands.

The so-called Dongfu Archipelago is the name of Kyushu. It was recorded in the old days. It is located in the east of Kyushu. It is composed of many islands, two of which are larger, and the others are very small. Using the current geographical division, it is in Gray Island. The deep sea beyond the wall of fog.

Ye Da had never heard of it in his last life, because Liangzhou is located in the southwest of Kyushu, so it can be said that the sky is far from the north.

The residents of the Dongfu Islands all migrated from Kyushu in a period longer than the old days. Thousands of years have passed, and they have developed into different civilizations, and their races are also different, because their original races are in Kyushu is extinct.

Kyushu was the overlord and absolute center of this area until the Alien Rebellion, so the Dongfu Islands have always existed as Kyushu's younger brother.

The imperial courts of all dynasties in Kyushu lacked interest in Dongfu Islands and paid little attention to them. However, the people of Dongfu Islands have always regarded Kyushu as a glorious kingdom of immortals. Occasionally, one or two people from Kyushu crossed the sea to Dongfu Islands, and they were regarded as gods. The same existence also respects Kyushu culturally, and even uses Kyushu's characters, although the language is completely different.

After the calamity of the alien race, the wall of fog rose and Kyushu was isolated from the outside world. The people of the Dongfu Islands were in a panic for a while. wall, they continued to conquer and plunder eastward, and destroyed the backward Dongfu regime without much effort, and the Dongfu Islands were crying for their fathers and mothers with just a few large ships.

At the beginning, Hessein also implemented a policy of massacre and plundering the Dongfu Islands. As a result, the Dongfu Islands were too far away, and they had to cross dangerous oceans, spending a lot of manpower and material resources, but they could not get much output. , the more you invest, the more you lose.

So Xisaiyin changed his strategy, chose to occupy some important islands and the most fertile land, and drove the aborigines into the deep mountains and old forests, and planned to gradually exterminate the Dongfu Islanders by means of cannibalization.

However, the locals of the Dongfu Islands are more familiar with the local hydrology, climate, and geography, and they have actually stabilized their position in the deep mountains and old forests. Taking advantage of the restriction that the Xisaiyin people are far away from the mainland and inconvenient supplies, they have formed an unequal confrontation.

While doing all kinds of destruction, the aborigines gave away heads and tried to master the weapons and technology of the Hessein people. They were not exterminated, but persisted for a hundred years.

The Xisaiyin people don't seem to care, the border land is not enough to describe the Dongfu Islands, only criminals, exiles, and neglected people will come here, let them die as they die, and use it as a prison.

By the way, Dongfu Archipelago is the name of Kyushu, and Xisaiyin calls it the "Eleventh District of the Far East".

In the past few years, for some reason, Xi Saiyin suddenly increased his investment in Dongfu Islands. He seemed to suddenly think of this rotten place. Catastrophic disaster.

In a few years, the people of the Dongfu Islands who were still immersed in the fantasy of "being evenly matched with Hessein" were directly stunned, lost 70% of their settlements, suffered countless casualties, were completely defeated, and the progress bar for complete extinction has been read half done.

An organization called "Dongfu Islands Resistance Front" emerged during this period. Different from the mainstream idea of ​​hiding in the mountains and forests, they wanted to reach the mainland and wreak havoc in the Far East in order to reduce the pressure on the Dongbu Islands and find a chance of survival.

A group of people went through the dangerous deep sea and arrived in the far east of Hessein, and continued to carry forward the guerrilla spirit and destroy everywhere.

It's a pity that in the eyes of Xisaiyin, this group of people is just a small group of bandits, and this group of people who can be beaten by a casual watcher team ran away without even attracting the attention of Xisaiyin's regular army.

Some time ago, people on the resistance front saw a small group of watchmen enter the wall of gray mist. Naturally, the people of the Dongfu Islands also knew the legend of the wall of gray fog. .

When Ye Da and the others were vaguely about to meet with the Watcher team, this group of people didn't know which string was wrong, and they actually started to fight the Kyushu people and the Xisaiyin people, and the pressure on the Dongfu Islands would be greatly reduced idea.

It can be said to be mean and stupid.

Whether he let go of the sneer or not, he has to fight on both sides.

Is it possible that the two sides can sit down to sing songs and eat hot pot?After that, he fired a few shots on both sides, and then he was caught by Wang Weiwen. There are still two teammates who are still hiding in Nianzi Mountain.

If I go back, I will definitely not be able to go back. The crack has long been controlled by the government. I don’t know if I froze to death.

All this information was revealed by Wang Weiwen who captured the man under the interrogation of a spiritual enlightener. This guy who claimed to be "the number one sniper in the Dongfu Islands" saw the novelty of Kyushu and was shocked to heaven!
After all, Hessein, who is like a god in their eyes, belongs to a backward country in the eyes of Kyushu, not to mention the Dongfu Islands, which the people of Hessein think are backward and barbaric.

See small artificial suns (electric lights), huge intact stonework (concrete walls), ornate fabrics (interrogators smocks).

This guy instinctively realized that Kyushu might be stronger than Hessein, at least he might be a comparable opponent.

So that person transformed into a member of a dependent country who followed the ancient legend and traveled across the ocean to Kyushu for help.

Why the Dongfu Islands have been the territory of Kyushu since ancient times, why the people of the Dongfu Islands have always respected Kyushu, why can't they cross their species to strengthen the people, and so on.

But he didn't know that the little thoughts in his heart had long been seen through by spiritual enlighteners.

People from the Dongfu Islands: Taijun!The Hesseins are ahead!
Kyushu officials are naturally not so easy to be deceived, but considering the need to face threats from the deep sea in the future, the geographical location of the Dongfu Islands is very suitable as a defensive island chain to prevent Kyushu from being directly harmed, so I decided to send someone to find out the situation .

This is the goal of Pangolin Team 10. Compared with other teams, they are facing a long journey.

Captain Xie Tiannan introduced the tasks of each team one by one on the stage. In addition to knowing their own goals, each team also needs to understand the overall plan, because if an accident occurs in an adjacent team, other teams may need support. Even take over to complete the established tasks.

Xie Tiannan also specially thanked Wang Weiwen, saying that the information he provided had reduced a lot of risks for the Pangolin Project and allowed them to grasp a lot of basic information.

When talking about Team No. [-], Xie Tiannan said: "The personnel of Team No. [-] are as follows: captain Ye Da, deputy captain Wang Weiwen, team members Li Zifeng, Yao Ruting, and Liu Xiaoqian. The goal of the five of you is to head northwest. A town-level settlement, this is the picture taken by the satellite."

A separate top view appeared on the screen, which was the suppression of information brought about by technology. No one from Kyushu had ever arrived in this town outside the gray fog, but the underwear that had been photographed was gone.

Of course, when it comes to towns, they are nothing more than a slightly larger village in Kyushu.

Captain Xie drew circles on the two buildings.

"Collect all useful intelligence, but these two places need extra attention."

"According to the satellite monitoring, this one should be the warehouse of a certain caravan. Search carefully, focusing on finding a metal syringe that can treat diseases, and try to bring back other items that may have extraordinary power."

"Another building. How should I put it? It is suspected to be the manor of a local nobleman in the Far East in Xisayin, or this town is his territory. There may be valuable things in it."

(End of this chapter)

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