I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 256 The momentum is like a rainbow, each showing their magical powers!

Chapter 256 The momentum is like a rainbow, each showing their magical powers!
At the foot of the mountain, all ten teams were assembled, including the Sixth Pangolin Team, and Ye Da was making the final preparations.

Pangolin’s plan is very urgent, because it is necessary to grasp the external trends to formulate a series of plans in the future.

After the meeting yesterday, we are leaving this morning.

Everyone wore thick fur coats, white, which looked like a group of polar bears from a distance. Originally, the logistics had more advanced thermal insulation materials, but in order to unify the style with the "backward Hessein people", they rushed to make it overnight These fur jackets.

It looks very rustic on the outside, but there are good things inside. This time, not only is the logistics support top-notch, but also a lot of new things have been brought out.

It was the first time for Liu Xiaoqian to wear this kind of clothes, she felt very fresh, and kept turning around to look at herself.

Yao Ruting adjusted his clothes, it was fine, no matter how big he was, he could hide it. .

Li Zifeng checked his gun.

Mentioning this, Ye Da has to complain. This exaggerated special sniper rifle is more than two meters long, more than half taller than Li Zifeng, and weighs a hundred catties. It is all made of high-tech lightweight materials the result of.

Generally speaking, this thing can't be carried for a long distance at all, and can only be used for positional warfare.

What is this "Zhangba Great Sniper"?

standing there like a tree

Fortunately, with the Talking Skateboard, Li Zifeng can strap the gun to the Talking Skateboard.

The Talking Skateboard was covered with snow camouflage, and some complex and strong metal card slots were set on the body, which could fix this exaggerated weapon on it.

Li Zifeng said: "Ye Da, should you give this skateboard a name? At least having a code name will make it easier to convey information."

Ye Da looked at the chatterbox skateboard to see what it said. Before, only he and Liu Xiaoqian could talk to him, so there was no need to use his name.

The talkative skateboarder twisted and pondered for a long time: "In that case, then just call me.
"Dump truck."

Li Zifeng:
Ye Da said: "Then, Li Zifeng and the dump truck form a team, and the material load, observation, and remote support will be handed over to you. You need to hang around one kilometer behind the main team. The dump truck and I have a place." Sensing, don’t worry about getting lost.”

Li Zifeng: You actually approved this code name?

Isn't it a bit too natural to use!
Li Zifeng's positioning does not need to be too close to the main team, the greater the distance, the greater the effect. Using the flight and load capacity of the skateboard to provide lookout and sniper support is the optimal solution.

Chatterbox skateboard said: "Is it a temporary low-configuration vehicle? Just treat it as a green and environmentally friendly vehicle."

Ye Da continued: "Wang Weiwen and I walked at the front, followed closely by Yao Ruting and Liu Xiaoqian."

Yao Ruting suddenly raised his hand and said, "Captain, should an illusion user like Xiaoqian be in the same group as Li Zifeng? Then the other three of us will be together."

In her mind, the girl whose appearance made her envy her should be a role in the rear, relying on illusion to provide auxiliary support.

Little did she know that this introverted girl was actually a flesh-dressing illusionist.

Liu Xiaoqian is not a character so fragile that she needs protection. To be precise, this body is full of strength and defense.

Although she didn't add it herself
Ye Da looked at Liu Xiaoqian and said, "Show me?"

Liu Xiaoqian nodded, knowing what Engong meant, after thinking about it, she walked to a big tree as thick as a bucket.

Everyone was a little curious, not knowing what Liu Xiaoqian was going to do.

Then I saw Liu Xiaoqian exerting force slowly.

The big tree was pushed down little by little.

"Bang!" sounded.

Dashu: First of all, I didn't mess with any of you.

Everyone: .
Are we under illusion?

The movement here also attracted the attention of other teams, and they all looked over curiously.

What is the youngest team over there doing?Rolling a tree to sacrifice the flag?
Ye Da clapped his hands: "Time is tight, and there is nothing you can do if you are not familiar with the abilities of the new members. In short, Liu Xiaoqian's physical strength is also very strong. Yao Ruting, you should get used to it as soon as possible."

Yao Ruting looked in shock at this girl who had a bewitching appearance but a soft and silent personality.

Was it a double enlightenment ability?Illusion + physical enhancement?

And the level should not be low, no wonder Ye Da wants to add a personal...
It's just that this combination of abilities doesn't quite fit together?
"In addition, everyone has two communicators. The one with a white border is a satellite phone, which can contact the headquarters, but it is said that it is not very stable. After all, satellites may not fly overhead. The other one with a black border is a team member. It’s more important to connect with each other.”

When Ye Da finished his introduction, the other nine teams around were almost ready.At this time, groups of black shadows flew from the sky, they were a large number of armed helicopters.

The sound of "buzzing, buzzing" propellers suppressed all the sounds in the world.

10 heavy armed helicopters came in an inverted triangle formation.

The helicopters stopped 30 meters above the heads of the ten teams, and a rope ladder was lowered. Since the ground was hidden under snow, it was impossible to judge whether it was level or not, so everyone had to board the plane in this way.

Ye Da was calling the team members to climb up, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a lot of movement in other teams in the distance.

Each team showed their own special abilities, some jumped directly, some turned into a ball of fire and rushed up, and one was surrounded by a cloud of black mist and floated directly up.

Yo hoo!

These ten teams are indeed elite, and there is a feeling of Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Even faintly contested.

"Then... we can't be too weak."

Ye Da's legs were slightly bent, and he jumped up like plucking onions from dry land, blasting a piece of snow on the ground, spanning a distance of 30 meters in an instant, and steadily crossing into the belly of the helicopter.

Not even one meter high, it will hit the propeller.

Wang Weiwen shook his head helplessly: "Are you starting to waste energy now, captain, is this appropriate for us?"

As he said, he folded his hands together, and a huge phantom of wings appeared behind him, flapped a few times, and flew into the sky.

This is a skill written by Ye Da in advance, but he didn't expect to waste an "entry" before starting.

Liu Xiaoqian blinked her eyes, but she didn't see any movement, she also floated slowly, and quickly followed Ye Da.

Just halfway up, Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting were teetering on the rope ladder:
Damn, I really want to just jump off like this, and forget about going home!

It's amazing to be able to fly!

Wait, how much ability does Liu Xiaoqian have?
Ye Da put on noise-canceling headphones, and the driver's thick voice mixed with electronic sounds came out of it.

"Hello, Captain Ye, I am Wang Meng, the driver of this short journey. Although you are all very capable, please still wear your seat belt. We are about to set sail."

"Another thing to add, the jump up just now was very handsome!"

Ye Da: "It's right to be handsome."

Ten helicopters leaned forward one after another and set off. Through the window, Ye Da could see the inside of the helicopters flying side by side. The captain of the adjacent team waved to him.

Ye Da waved his hand in response.

Watching the helicopters advancing row upon row in the sky, watching the ever-changing snow-covered forest retreat quickly.

Elite, powerful and advanced!This is Kyushu now.

A black spot in the sky was the big owl that Ye Da met the night before, and when he saw a helicopter bigger than it from a distance, he made a sharp turn and turned around, his big face was full of panic.

I slipped away and went to catch the mouse, which is so big that I can't beat it.

Ten minutes later, the ten helicopters dispersed and moved towards their respective cracks. After a while, a wall of gray fog appeared in sight.

Because the cracks will destroy the effect of repelling the confusion of the wall of gray mist, Kyushu was able to build fortifications here. This is not the new crack in Nianzishan, but the No. 2 crack in Pingdingshan.

The entire crack was secretly surrounded, leaving a large open space in the middle, and hidden underground fortifications on both sides. If foreigners choose to break in from here, they will know what it means to catch a turtle in a jar.

But at this time, here is the starting point for Kyushu people.

Looking at the crack in front of him, this was the first time Ye Da had witnessed this strange sight.

More than three meters high, it is in the shape of a spindle, as if the wall of gray fog has been unzipped.

And inside the cracks, there are bright colors that are constantly wriggling and twisting like an overturned paint box.

It looks like an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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