I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 257 Wall penetration and footsteps

Chapter 257 Wall penetration and footsteps
In the No. 2 crack in Pingdingshan, after Ye Da got off the helicopter, a little soldier stepped forward and said, "Captain Ye, I am the navigator for this time."

The so-called navigator is the person who leads the pangolin team through the gray fog. Although Kyushu officials have not probed too far outside the gray fog, how to cross the gray fog has been verified. After all, safety must be confirmed first.

Ye Da nodded, and everyone walked towards the crack.

The endless rotation of weird colors inside the cracks
There aren't many people nearby, and they should all be hiding in the underground fortifications. If it wasn't necessary to lead the way, this little soldier should be hiding somewhere.

After all, it is necessary to make the aliens who come in feel at home, right?

Ye Da and the little soldier walked side by side: "Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

The little soldier said: "Actually, it's all good, just follow closely. At present, our understanding of the gray fog is still too one-sided. It is limited to experience and knowledge. We know how it works, but the principle is still unclear."

Speaking of this, the other party seemed to hear something, and added: "By the way, the paint-like color in the crack, you can't see more."

Li Zifeng asked curiously, "What will happen? Curse? Coma?"

"I will vomit, I have vomited before."

Everyone immediately closed their eyes and lowered their eyes.

Well, you have to be in awe.

Soon, the navigator led them to the foot of the crack.

"When you enter, there will be a slight sense of spatial confusion. Don't hesitate, just take a step forward, and it will disappear soon."

Just as he was about to walk in, Ye Da held him back.

"By the way, I have something to say."

The little soldier said: "Captain Ye, tell me."

Ye Da's eyes became serious, and he said seriously: "In an incident, I accidentally heard the video transmission method left by the old strangers. The method was called 'Xuan Shui Method'. For the record."

The little soldier had a question mark on his face.

Why are you saying this all of a sudden?
"Although I haven't mastered this method, this mysterious water method is very special and has some inexplicable effects on me, especially when I encounter something related to the concept of water, I will have some different reactions. By the way, my weapon is also called 'Xuan Shui Stick'."

The little soldier has question marks all over his body.

He looked around and asked what Captain Ye meant. The surrounding area was icy and snowy, and there was no water.

Ye Da's eyes revealed absolute sincerity and fiery conviction: "So, I suspect that when I enter the gray fog or leave the gray fog, there will be some abnormal states, such as being stunned or unable to move. , if it happens, don’t panic, it’s because the ‘unacceptable water and soil’ caused the reaction of the ‘Xuan Shui Law’, don’t you think it’s reasonable.”

Little Warrior: Listen to what you are saying!
Ye Da took the vaccination in advance, mainly because he was worried that when he just entered the gray fog, or when he went out from the other side, the third memory of Jiuyin Stone Bian would be activated, and there would be some abnormal reaction.

At that time, suddenly standing still, or even losing consciousness, will make people around you suspicious.

These words of "nucleation of emotion and reasoning" are not only for the little soldier navigator, but also for Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting.

He has already greeted Wang Weiwen. If such a thing really happens, he will take care of it, at least until he wakes up from his memory.

The navigator was confused, as if Captain Ye was in a daze. But time was tight and the task was heavy, so he had no choice but to give up asking Captain Ye whether he was acclimatized.

"Then if you feel any discomfort, just tell me in time and it's not possible and we can turn around."

Ye Da waved his hand and said righteously: "That's not necessary, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

Under the leadership of the little soldier, Ye Da and the others walked into the cracks in the mist one by one. The brilliant color seemed to be just a thin film. The Mist of Spirits feels a lot like that.

Ye Da has always guessed that the wall of gray mist and the mist of spiritual particles have the same principle, but are stronger and more vast.

Passing through the crack, everyone came to a space filled with thick fog, and the visibility was extremely low. Looking back, the scene of Kyushu could be seen smoothly.

The ground under his feet was abnormally flat, like a piece of gray opaque glass. Obviously, the space inside the wall of gray mist existed independently and did not overlap with the rugged ground of the snow mountain.

Every few tens of meters, there are two inconspicuous small stones arranged on the ground, which should be used by the people who came in before to mark the direction.

In addition, the third memory that might appear in the imagination did not happen.

It seems that we still have to go in.

The little soldier said: "The wall of fog has thickness, not a thin layer. It is about one kilometer back and forth. We are now inside the wall of fog, but it is very easy to lose our way here. I can't get it back, Captain Ye, follow closely."

Ye Da was a little curious: "If you enter from here, can you come out from other cracks?"

Little Soldier: "We can't do it yet. We tried it with a rope before, but the concept of space here seems to be different from the outside world, so it didn't work."

Ye Da raised his hand, trying to catch the wriggling mist around him, but he just scattered them.

Suddenly, Ye Da caught a different voice.

"Dong dong."

The sound was not loud, it seemed to come from far away
It seemed like heavy footsteps?

At first he thought it was someone from his own group who sent it.But after listening carefully for a long time
This is by no means a normal person can make a sound when walking!

Ye Da was startled, and looked to both sides, but couldn't tell where it was coming from.

Seeing Ye Da's abnormal state, several people stopped in their tracks.

Wang Weiwen asked cautiously, "What?"

Ye Da frowned: "Did you hear anything?"

At this moment, everyone stopped, and the sound of footsteps became more obvious in Ye Da's ears, as if something would come out of the mist at any moment.

Wang Weiwen listened intently for a moment, then shook his head.

The little soldier said: "Captain Ye, don't scare me, there is nothing in this gray fog, I have come in several times."

After waiting for a while, the voice still didn't change, neither far nor near, Ye Da could only shake his head, thinking that it might be an auditory hallucination caused by abnormal space, and signaled the little soldier to move forward.

In less than 10 minutes, the same spindle crack appeared in front of the line of sight, and there was a scene of snow mountains outside.

"This is the exit, Captain Ye, if you leave here, you will not be in Kyushu."

The little soldier was a little emotional. He only found out in the last month that Kyushu was actually a closed area.

Ye Da nodded and stepped over the crack.

The light and shadow changed for a while, and the sense of spatial confusion just now reappeared.

Ye Da stood on the snow again.

The next moment, the Jiuyin Stone Bian in his right hand trembled slightly, as if he had sensed something.

Ye Da's eyes seemed to be tied to a train, moving forward rapidly.

The third memory is opened
Seeing the last member of Pangolin Team Six walk out of the crack, the little soldier's face turned red.

That young lady at the end just now looks too good-looking!The slight crossing of eyes made him blush a little.

After patting his face, the little soldier turned his head and left, returning to Kyushu.

The stones on the ground pointed out the direction for him.

He is also a spiritual enlightener, although the level is only C level.

"If I had known that I shouldn't have joined the army at that time, I should have joined the special affairs department. Maybe I would have the opportunity to meet such a beautiful woman. It's not like now, sleeping with my squad leader's lap in my arms every day."

While slandering, the little soldier moved forward in the mist.

This place is weird when I first came here, so I won’t be afraid if I walk a few more times, but it’s just that my vision is limited, there’s nothing there, just follow the stones on the ground.

"Captain Ye is so young. Although he is not the same as the captain of the special affairs department, he must be very powerful to be the captain of such an important task..."

"Boom! Boom!"

A heavy sound came from the gray mist, but the little soldier didn't notice it, and looked down at the stone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The entire gray mist space was trembling, and even the lingering mist was faintly agitated.

next moment.

Whoa! !

A huge body stepped out of the mist.

The body is tens of meters high, covered in bare fruit, exuding a faint radiance, the muscles on the body are distinct, and extremely majestic.

The mist was squeezed and stirred to make way for this majestic body.

However, above its neck, it was empty, only a bloody section remained, and the flesh and bones inside were clearly visible, as if its head had just been chopped off.

The giant strode forward without seeming to care about the little warrior under his feet.

"I heard that the monitor's girlfriend is a nurse. I wonder if I can introduce some colleagues."

The terrifying body was like a phantom, and the big feet passed through the little soldier's body, but the little soldier didn't respond.

It cannot be seen, heard, felt, or touched by ordinary people.

The giant jumped over the little soldier and once again disappeared into the thick gray fog.

"If it really doesn't work, I can consider washing the squad leader's socks for a month."

(End of this chapter)

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