I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 258 Four Sacrifice

Chapter 258 Three Sacrifice
A familiar perspective, a familiar way.

When Ye Da opened his eyes again, his gaze was fixed on someone's eyes.

However, unlike usual, he recognized the scene in front of him.

Liangzhou Xiangxi, Wenxian County, the grave of Ye Jiazu.

Compared with 150 years later, the Ye family's ancestral tomb at this time still has a complete structure, with small bluestone walls, compacted dirt roads, and no weeds on the ground, only the ancestral hall itself is a bit dilapidated.

Ye Da didn't know, if the person possessed from his perspective was still the boy in white who was suspected, why did the other party come to the Ye family's ancestral grave?
etc?Wouldn't it be for stealing corpses?At this time, I should be lying on the ground in the center of this ancestral grave!

Could it be that the mystery about me is finally going to be solved! ?

The boy in white walked slowly on the path of the Ye family's ancestral grave, and there was no one around.

There is no Ye Jianguo, and there is no Beijing Division.

After a while, he came to the center of the ancestral tomb, where the most famous and most honorable person of the Ye family was buried.

Child prodigy Ye Da.

The gaze of the boy in white seems to be able to see through the earth and see the scene underground.

“It’s a nice place”

The voice was different from the indifferent voice in the previous two memories, but rather...

With a sound of "Boom!", thunder exploded in the sky, and a figure fell from the clouds.

It was Ye Jianguo who made the noise.

At this time, Ye Jianguo looked at the boy in white with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

"Senior, I'm afraid it's a little reckless to enter the ancestral grave of another family without asking."

The boy in white turned around, Ye Da couldn't see his expression, but his voice returned to its usual calm and unfathomable.

"Your Excellency made an appointment here. There are not many houses around here. I have heard for a long time that the Ye family uses the yang to control the yin. I mistakenly thought this is the Ye family's ancestral house. It is abrupt."

Ye Jianguo was not easy to get angry, so he could only say: "There are only me and Quanzi left in the Ye family. Where is the ancestral house? One house is enough to live in."

As he spoke, he pointed to a small green brick courtyard on the hillside in the distance.

Judging from the size, it is true that the ancestral tomb here is more like the Ye family's, at least there is a two-story ancestral hall, while the small courtyard over there is more like the gravekeeper's residence.

The boy in white said softly: "I never thought Ye Zongguo, who is the top of his generation, lives in such a small house, and really lives in seclusion in the city."

Ye Zongguo.Ye Zongguo.
The boy in white accidentally revealed Ye Jianguo's name. This scene actually appeared in the third memory.
I have to say that this is a good name, worthy of the aura of a generation.

It turns out that Ye Jianguo was called "Ye Zongguo" before. Ye Da finally knew why it was called "Southern Sect and Northern Division". He thought that there was also the word "Shi" in the name of Northern Division.

Ye Jianguo walked towards the courtyard with the boy in white.

Not long after, a muffled sound resounded from the two of them, and another person from the Southern Sect and the Northern Division appeared out of thin air.

This Beishi seems to be very good at the method of space.

Master Bei bowed his head to greet the boy in white, but he was more casual with Ye Jianguo, just raising his eyebrows.

"You are so anxious to call us here, what is the experience of the formation? Your three-legged cat's formation is so good that the old tree is blooming?"

Ye Jianguo's face trembled, and he said: "My formation is only slightly inferior to yours, but how many people in the entire Kyushu are better than me? Besides, your formation is better than mine, why don't you see you gain something?"

The Northern Division sighed: "The north is not as good as the south. The war is intense and I really can't get away. Can you give me some more of your hair? Things are a little tight everywhere."

Ye Jianguo said impatiently: "I'm refining it! Do you think it's smoked bacon? How can it be so fast?"

Pushing away the small courtyard, there is an unpretentious and even dilapidated farmyard inside.

Master Bei knew that Ye Jianguo lived in this kind of place, so he showed no surprise, and might have even come here for drinks before.

It seemed that because some guests had entered the house, Ye Jianguo hesitated and said, "Do you want some tea?"

The boy in white waved his hands and said, "In times of crisis, it's better to talk about business first."

Ye Jianguo nodded, looked around, and looked at a large water tank in the corner of the courtyard.

This water tank is simple and unpretentious, with a rather large mouth, showing a tendency to be full. I don't know if it is rainwater or well water.

With a wave of his hand, the water in the tank gushed out like a long snake, hanging one meter above the open space in the courtyard, spreading into a piece.

While the clear water was surging, it was stained with the brilliance of Lingzi. Under Ye Jianguo's control, this tank of water turned into the appearance of mountains and rivers in Kyushu. Although it lacks details, the mountains and rivers are all there.

Ye Da was amazed that Ye Jianguo actually had such a method to control water with one hand, or did he know everything in one go?
The Northern Division understood Ye Jianguo's meaning, tapped with his finger, and there were 81 more light spots on the water-condensed mountains and rivers sand table, which were exactly 81 positions.

Ye Jianguo said in a deep voice: "I first discovered that there are as many as 81 formations, and I thought it might imply the meaning of nine yin and nine yangs. During my research recently, I found that if these 81 formations are connected and formed into a group of nine, then You can get nine groups."

As he spoke, Ye Jianguo twirled his fingers slightly, and the 81 points on the water surface, in groups of nine, were connected by broken lines, and the rays of light of the nine series of feet were distributed among the mountains and rivers of Kyushu.Ye Jianguo said quite proudly: "Did you find anything?"

The Northern Division held his chin and considered, "Is this the Tianhe Ridge, this is the Yunze, and this is the Tokugawa Nine Lines coincident with the terrain of Kyushu's mountains and rivers?"

Ye Jianguo nodded and said: "Yes, this large formation is suspected to be the culprit of the century-old plague, not to mention how exquisite this large formation can affect the entire Kyushu for a hundred years, there must be someone who contributes, how can anyone in this world maintain this? It takes only one day to plant a large formation, let alone a hundred years? At that time, I suspected that this large formation was fed back by the power of the earth veins, so that it can be so vast and last for a hundred years."

Master Bei nodded, but the boy in white didn't say a word.

Master Bei: "So? How can we use the big formation to solve the current problems in Kyushu?"

Ye Jianguo said: "Don't worry, I may not be as good as you when it comes to formations, but you are far inferior to me when it comes to yin and yang. I call the connection of nine formations a 'pole', although there are only nine poles at most. ' number, but there is not only one way to connect these 81 positions."

On the water surface, the connection lines between the points are constantly changing, and can even cross each other to form new arrangements.

So, how many arrangements are there for 81 different formations?

This number is extremely terrifying.

Ye Jianguo first looked at the boy in white, hoping to see something, but the boy in white remained calm and said nothing.

The last time we got together, the white-clothed boy proposed to close and encircle Kyushu. Both Nanzong and Beishi vehemently opposed it, thinking that this was just a shrinking turtle, treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

He even had some doubts about the boy in white's intentions, and was afraid of this senior strange man for the first time.

But at this time when Kyushu is in crisis, if they don't have solid evidence, they really don't want to spoil their relationship with the boy in white.

But this time, Ye Jianguo never mentioned the "encirclement and closure" that the boy in white said before.

Ye Jianguo didn't see anything and continued: "The following is my speculation, which has not been verified yet: The original nine 'poles' are calculated to be the pattern of seven yin and two yang. Through the mysterious formation and the power of the earth's veins, , leveraging the Kyushu, so that a hundred years of plague occurred, if I can reverse the yin and yang, such as seven yang and two yin, can it be helpful to the Kyushu?"

The Northern Division was shocked by Ye Jianguo's thoughts and the ingenuity of the formation.

His heart was in a hurry, and Ye Jianguo's formation method was even better. He calculated quickly in his mind, took out a white jade abacus behind him, stared at the Kyushu mountains and rivers in front of him, and moved his hand up and down to quickly create an afterimage.

"Wait a minute. Maybe it is possible. There are so many ways to connect these 81 positions, and they must be able to reorganize yin and yang. Seven yin and two yang may allude to the plague, so what if it is seven yang and two yin?"

"I am afraid that the greedy wolf will come to the world, and the war will continue in Kyushu, and there will be no other races, and there will still be wars for a hundred years."

The boy in white interrupted their imagination.

Ye Jianguo was stuck with the Northern Division.

"You two, in the way of yin and yang, biased towards either side is a slanted sword. If you want to adjust yin and yang, it is best to be neutral and peaceful."

Beishi said helplessly: "But Zhongzheng Pinghe, I'm afraid it won't be of much help to Kyushu. Serious illnesses require strong medicine."

The boy in white clasped his hands together, and he looked like a monk: "The world has its own rules. If there is no human disturbance, the yin and yang will naturally balance. If they change rashly, the century-old plague is a lesson for the past."

Nanzong and Beishi were not easily persuaded. If they can't solve the current disaster of alien races, it's useless to say anything.

Master Bei asked, "How does Jiuji balance Yin and Yang?"

The boy in white waved his sleeves, and on the sand table of mountains and rivers, the nine 'poles' changed rapidly, and finally divided into three colors.

black White Gray.

"Three poles of yin, three poles of yang, and three poles of chaos."

Before Nan Zong and Bei Shi could say anything, the boy in white waved his sleeves again, and nine rays representing "poles" flew up from the sand table of mountains and rivers and appeared in front of the three of them.

"I'm afraid you haven't realized how mysterious this grand formation is. It's not easy to activate it. Even if you two have reached the peak, if you want to activate the grand formation and protect Kyushu for a long time, there is still one most important difficulty that cannot be solved."

Ye Jianguo and Beishi's hearts moved.

In the past, this mysterious boy in white had always claimed that he knew nothing about formations, but now that the proposal of "encircling and closing" was not accepted, why did he suddenly understand this formation.

"This formation can receive the power of mountains, rivers and earth, and run for a hundred years, but it is also like a giant ship sailing on the sea. After all, it needs a helmsman to guide the direction and make repairs, so that it can be safe for a hundred years."

Ye Jianguo said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

The boy in white pushed the nine beams of light representing "poles" to the two of them.

Three black lines representing Yin stopped in front of Ye Jianguo.

Three gray lines representing chaos stopped in front of Beishi.

Finally, the three white lines representing Yang stopped in front of him.

"You two, this large formation requires sacrifices, which will be melted into the formation and last for generations like a spirit."

 5 updates to [-]. (although passive)

  Please give me a monthly pass and show readers a "footwork: lunge!":

(End of this chapter)

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