Chapter 259 Who Are You?
"Sacrifice. The sacrifice is integrated into the formation, like a weapon spirit?"

Ye Jianguo muttered to himself.

Even though he was afraid of the boy in white, he still had to admit that what the other party said was probably right.

In his conjecture, there was originally a flaw, that is, if driven from the outside, the formation would be too vast, and it might be difficult to maintain it.

Even if they are top-notch, what is the energy of the mountains, rivers and lands of the entire Kyushu, it is countless times their own power.

If we adjust from the inside, we may be able to really mobilize the operation of this big array.

Although Master Bei was also shocked, he was not frightened. Instead, he looked at the boy in white and said, "I guess the senior wants to say that the weapon spirit that is integrated into the formation must have extreme strength?"

The boy in white said calmly: "That's right, the reason why I didn't interfere with the inspection of the two formations before was because I hoped that you would discover and decide for yourself. Not everyone is willing to be a sacrifice, and not everyone will believe me. what he said."

Master Bei sneered: "I'm so busy, so I'm taking the two of us as sacrificial offerings."

The boy in white put his hands together and said leisurely, "I am also a sacrifice."


There was a long silence in the small courtyard.

Only the sandbox of mountains and rivers made of water is left, slightly surging.

Ye Da was also lost in thought.

This large formation that has sealed Kyushu for 50 years actually needs three top figures as sacrifices?

This is also the first time that the boy in white admits his realm.

Could the voice I heard in the gray mist be one of these three?

Do not!
At least Ye Jianguo shouldn't be in there!After living for 50 years, he dug himself out.

If the big formation is really as the white-clothed boy said, is there still a fourth top in this Kyushu?

According to these few memories and according to Chen Jiu's statement, this possibility is very small, otherwise there would not be only the saying of "Southern School and Northern Master".

The picture in front of Ye Da gradually faded away.

The memory this time is not long, but it is the most shocking.

The picture completely disappeared, and Ye Da's vision blurred for a while, as if he was tied to the end of the train.

However, when he opened his eyes again, what he saw was not the snow field outside the gray fog and his teammates.

But a pure white space.

Ye Da squeezed his hands, this was the first time he had a "body" in his memory.

In front of him was a white-clothed Shengxue figure with an empty head.

"who are you?"

The headless figure said: "I am the person you think in your heart."

The boy in white.

Ye Da said solemnly: "You really not only left memories, you also spoke to me at the end of the previous two paragraphs. Is your soul left in Jiuyin?"

The boy in white seemed to shake his non-existent head and said: "It's just a remnant soul, with incomplete memory and chaotic six senses, but it has to leave the truth for the world, right?"

"The truth? The truth about yourself as a sacrifice?"

Ye Da wouldn't believe that this strange white-clothed boy was a "carry-on grandfather". There were many doubts about this person, and his realm back then even surpassed that of "Southern Sect and Northern Master", and he was deeply related to the century-old plague.

Leaving the remnant soul just to leave the truth?Have you read too much Xiaobaiwen?

To be more precise, the fact that the opponent's remnant soul has been hidden in the Nine Yin Stone Bian all the time made him even more afraid!

This is something that grew up with him. Fortunately, Liu Xiaoqian, the most important soul, already has his own body. It seems that when using Jiuyin in the future, he should be more cautious.

"Let me guess, are you going to say, let me break through the gray fog and rescue you from it? How many benefits will there be afterwards?"

The boy in white asked back: "You seem to be afraid of me?"

As soon as the throat was raised and lowered, a little blood was squeezed out of the fracture, and it was unknown where the sound came from.

"If it was you, wouldn't you be afraid?"

"Will it be?"

The boy in white waved his sleeves.

In an instant, the entire white space rose rapidly.

It seems to have come to the boundless nine heavens.

The pure white ground became transparent.

Like a piece of glass square brick, the warp and weft intersect and spread infinitely.

Above is the deep galaxy universe.

The mountains and rivers of Kyushu are presented below.

The mountains and rivers of Kyushu 50 years ago.

The clouds are misty, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

All these changes were so fast that Ye Da felt dizzy.

Deafening voices came from all directions.

"Kyushu has formed its own circle. For thousands of years, no matter whether it has asked for land or sea, even if new islands, waterways, and continents are discovered, the attention has always remained in Kyushu. Compared with expansion, people in Kyushu prefer to treat Pursue internally, pursue a great harmony society, pursue the rule of prosperity, and pursue great unification.”

The scene below seems to be fast-forwarded, the clouds and mists flicker, and the stars flow quickly.

The leisurely voice of the boy in white became the narration of the wonderful scene in front of him.

The ground under the feet changed rapidly, and countless phantoms of dynasties flashed. The living range of the Kyushu human race changed from time to time, but they never left the center of Kyushu too far.There may be one or two that leave, but those who leave are only those who leave, and only Kyushu is Kyushu.

"This has caused the human race of Kyushu to gradually enter a cycle of division for a long time and division for a long time. Although it was once the most shining orb in the world, it lacks more variables than the continuous expansion and plunder of Hessein. The spark of more collisions is missing."

Under the feet, first on the north side, the Splendid Mountains and Rivers were stained red.

That is war, turmoil, and massacres.

"The chaos of alien races is just the arrival of Hessein's hundreds of years of eastward expansion. It is a historical necessity. Collisions can produce sparks of creation, but collisions also cause harm. Therefore, Kyushu at that time urgently needed a chance to breathe. Between heaven and earth, it depends on oneself to find a way out."

At Ye Da's feet, a majestic wall of fog suddenly rose around the mountains and rivers of Kyushu, penetrating the sky and the earth.

"I plan to gather the power of the three supreme powers to gain the chance to recuperate for a hundred years for the human race of Kyushu, but I never thought of closing Kyushu in a corner of this continent forever. After 50 and [-] years, Kyushu has already relied on the inheritance of thousands of years After a lot of time, he has come to the front, but Hessein has been stagnant for more than a hundred years due to various problems."

The mountains and rivers under the feet are changing with each passing day. Within the fog wall, human settlements continue to spread. The footsteps of the human race have traveled all over the mountains and rivers. The yellow mud path has become a carriage road, and then a cement road, and finally turned into a wide highway. Connecting North and South.

Villages became towns, towns became cities, and finally tall buildings stood row upon row.

Gradually, the night in Kyushu is no longer dark. Looking down from the sky, the lights will never go out. The highways are like shining arteries, transfusing blood to various cities.

Even flying things appeared in the sky.

Ye Da raised his head suddenly.

A rocket rises from the sky, carrying satellites, to the distant starry sky.

This is a picture of Kyushu's century-old changes.

"The big array not only protected Kyushu, but also changed the rules of heaven and earth in Kyushu, so that Dharma Gate is no longer restricted by talents, and those who are talented can shine as much as they want. However, at the age of fifty, Hui Wu has completed his mission. In the next It will only become an obstacle for Kyushu."

The voice of the boy in white changed from high pitched to deep.

The scene at Ye Da's feet changed again.

Ye Da is not the only one who has doubts about the world beyond Kyushu.

Ye Da is not the only one interested in exploring the wider world.

In the era of information explosion, countless nights, countless people have thought about why there is no place other than Kyushu on the map?

Is the world only as big as Kyushu?
What's it like outside?
Being closed and encircled is too heavy a matter. The government has carefully kept this secret a hundred years ago, but the fog wall can restrict people's footsteps, but it cannot restrict people's thoughts.

The Kyushu Terran is developing too fast.

Extraordinary, secular, technology, network.
Five years, ten years, decades, one day people from Kyushu will ask questions like waves.

The fog wall that has protected them for 50 years will be regarded as a restraining prison, will be cast aside, and will be destroyed by every means.

The scene under his feet changed again.

The glorious human civilization seems to have come to a fork in the road again.


Different ideas of war.

Old vs. new war.

A war between left and right.

The land under our feet ushered in the flames of war again, but it came from within.

Maybe they can finally break through the fog wall, but at what cost?

The boy in white waved his sleeves, and everything returned to calm, and the space returned to a state of pure white.

People, still the same two people.

One person is still fluttering in white clothes, but the other's face is no longer relaxed.

"This is my deduction, a judgment based on what I have seen and heard for hundreds of years. So, what is your judgment?"

Ye Da didn't speak.

"I left this remnant soul so that one day, the secrets of the great formation will be revealed to the public, whether it be him or them, and someone will finally be able to undo the great formation and open a new chapter for the Kyushu human race."

The boy in white is like an "observer" watching the rise and fall of the human race in Kyushu, without any emotion in his words.

"In fact, conflicts have already emerged. Some people are destroying the formation, some want to control the formation, and some... want the formation to block Kyushu again for a hundred years."

Ye Jianguo. Ye Zongguo.
Two names came to Ye Da's mind.

The boy in white said: "Yes, Ye Zongguo wants to repair the formation, and I hope someone can stop him."

Ye Da stared at the boy in white and remained silent for a long time.

The section of flesh and bone is always so captivating.

Ye Da said slowly: "You have said so much and asked so many questions, so I also have a few questions."

The boy in white was waiting for Ye Da's question.

"The three extremes in memory don't seem to have all entered the formation to become enlightened spirits? How does the formation work?"

The boy in white said: "Ye Zongguo has a son who is more talented than his father. He has the possibility of being the best in both professions. The person who replaces his father in the formation now is his son. The Ye family was wiped out by Ye Zongguo himself. of"

I can wipe out the queen with my own hands, haha, what a wonderful person to wipe out the queen with my own hands.
"How to destroy the Kyushu formation?"

"You already have the key, right? How are you using 'Jiuyin' and 'Juantian'?"

Ye Da took a deep breath and asked the last question.

"So, do you know who I am?"

The boy in white was silent for a moment.

"Do you know who you are?"

(End of this chapter)

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