I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 260 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 260 The Uninvited Guest

Ye Da slowly opened his eyes.

What caught my eye was Liu Xiaoqian's face.

"Engong, are you awake?"

Ye Da looked at the sky, and he was actually pillowed on Liu Xiaoqian's lap.

"Well how long has it been?"

Liu Xiaoqian said, "About 10 minutes."

She always felt that after Engong woke up, something was different.

But I can't tell where it's different.

The other teammates were waiting around, and when they saw Ye Da wake up, they came over to ask.

Li Zifeng: "Captain, are you really acclimated? Is the Xuan Shui method so powerful? Do you want to check it out after you go back?"

Ye Da shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious, everyone, I made you worry."

Seeing that Ye Da didn't want to say more, Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting didn't want to ask too much. Wang Weiwen just glanced at Ye Da, knowing that it was not the time to ask.

At this time, the team was still in the place where they had just left the gray fog, only a few tens of meters away, and found a hiding place.

Looking back at the majestic and vast wall of fog, Ye Da said after a while: "Then, let's go!"

Anyway, let's finish the task in front of us first.

Xisaiyin ushered in a group of unexpected guests.

Xi'an Terre Town is an unremarkable small town in the ninth district of the Far East of Xisaiyin.

The entire town has a population of just over 2000, and such a settlement is not considered large in the Far East.

The only thing that is special is that the word "Terry" in Xi'an Terry means territory and manor.

This is the territory of a Hessein nobleman whose surname is Sean, in the borderlands of the Far East.

If this nobleman is more powerful, then Hessein should have more than one "Centre".

But the residents here are lucky. Residents who originally settled here will automatically become the citizens of the Sean family, forming a more rigid binding relationship than "household registration". However, there have been no people from the Sean family here for decades. Come here, basically free reproduction.

As long as enough caviar is handed in every year, no one will take seriously how the third-class people here live.

In the eyes of the local nobles, the third-class people in the Far East are almost equal to savages.

It was only slightly better than the fourth-class people in the legendary gray mist.

On this day, two out-of-town hunters came to the town. They carried an elk on their backs and came to the town to sell. One of them was dumb, the other stuttered. They couldn't speak well and had a strange accent.

The two seemed to have been chasing their prey for several days. Although they managed to kill the prey in the end, it was too far away from their own town and the prey was heavy. They had to carry it back to Sean Trey and sell it for money. go home.

For this kind of combination of people from outside the town + inarticulate, the warm and honest Sean Terry will not give up the advantages of door-to-door delivery. After overwhelming the price, which is not much higher than that of a fox, several joint ventures pay readily. money.

They also asked the hunters to carve up the elk and send them to several people's homes.

The two hunters had a good temper. With a little money, they did the most exhausting work. They ran around the town several times and lost their way several times before delivering all the prey to each household.

Some people fell in love with the fur coats on them. The color of the coats would be a waste of money for a fool hunter to wear, but the hunter refused to sell them no matter what.

In the evening, with thin purses in hand, the two hunters left Cientre and disappeared into the snow and ice outside the town, unnoticed.

An hour later, in an uninhabited snow depression a few kilometers away from Sean Tree.

"Damn, these people are really thieves. They only have 6 coins in total, and there are two fake ones." In Li Zifeng's hand were two coins of obviously different quality. They were about the size of walnuts. They were much thicker than the Jiuzhou coins. It seemed that someone Silver alloy.

However, the workmanship on the left is exquisite, and the one on the right is obviously shoddy, and even a little patted and discolored.

Of course, the value of the money is not important, the key is the information it can reveal.

Ye Da asked, "Can you see anything?"

Li Zifeng looked serious. Holding two real coins, he observed carefully with his eyes, not letting go of any details. With enhanced vision and geometric sensitivity, he can see many things with the naked eye.

"The casting level is not low, and the precision of the round carving even exceeds that of coins commonly used in Kyushu. The denomination of this coin is very small, which shows that the other party's technology in metal, at least metal casting, is not behind. money."

It's not that Kyushu can't do it. A large number of high-tech processing technologies are naturally not comparable to a coin, but there is no need to spend this effort. It is enough to reach a certain level of craftsmanship and raise the threshold for counterfeit coins.

"In addition, apart from the denomination, the content engraved on it seems to be a kind of mechanism? I don't see any function for the time being, but it can be engraved on coins, which should have had a huge impact on Hessein in history."

Ye Da played with one and said, "There must be coins left by the Hessein people in Kyushu. By comparing it with the current one, we can speculate on the degree of technological progress of the other party over the years."

A small coin can reveal a lot of information.

Not just coins, but everything.

Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian disguised the hunters who sold elk during the day with the help of illusion.

Relying on the souls of three aliens, Ye Da could barely communicate with the Hessein, although it was regarded as a stammer with a strange accent.

During the day, in the name of delivering meat, Ye Da also obtained a lot of information, such as the level of construction, daily necessities, customs, etc., which needed to be collected.

Maybe other teams will report similar information, but one more sample is more accurate.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Da greeted a few people and said, "Everyone, sort out the collected information. After dark, except for Li Zifeng and the dump truck, the others will go to the mission target with me to have a look."

At night, due to the cold, most residents returned to their cabins early.

A team of unusual personnel is rapidly approaching.

"You guys are still 83 meters away from the intersection. From there, walk 534 meters to the north side, which is one of the targets 'Caravan Warehouse'."

Li Zifeng's voice came from the earphones.

At this time, he was on a hillside 5 kilometers away, using his exaggerated sniper rifle and his own vision enhancement ability, watching his teammates on the edge of the town in the distance, and broadcasting location information.

Ye Da said softly: "Got it."

Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, Liu Xiaoqian, and Yao Ruting walked along the perimeter of the wooden house.

Occasionally, the dim light of oil lamps came from one or two windows, and even faint coughing could be heard.

Not everyone goes to bed early and gets up early.

When passing by a window, Ye Da heard the person inside saying in Hisese language: "Thank you, fool hunter, for letting me have a good meal."

Well, sold an elk cheaply, and became famous in the whole town.

Ye Da was not nervous about sneaking into the town. Not to mention how elite his team was, even if they were discovered, there should be nothing in this town that could pose a threat to them with Liu Xiaoqian's illusion.

Soon, the four of them came to the first mission target.

Suspected to be a warehouse of a caravan.

Compared with other wooden houses, although it is still a rough wooden structure, it is several times larger and much taller.

Inside, there should be only one guard sleeping here.

(End of this chapter)

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