I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 261 Needle metal and the old man.

Chapter 261 Needle metal and the old man.

Outside the No. [-] target "Caravan Warehouse".

Ye Da made a gesture to Liu Xiaoqian, Liu Xiaoqian understood it, closed her eyes as if sensing something, but in fact it was a "ghost" who had left her body and went through the wall to find the guard inside.

Less than a minute later, Liu Xiaoqian in the spirit state returned to her body.

Ye Da reached out and broke the iron chain outside the door. The slight crisp sound was dissipated in the cold wind, without attracting anyone's attention.

Walking into the warehouse, a thin man in his 50s was unconscious in his guard room.

Wang Weiwen put his hands together, adding another layer of insurance to the opponent.

Under the double coma, he couldn't wake up even if he pulled his trouser pockets.

The warehouse has a lot of space, but there are not many things, only dozens of wooden boxes.

From the satellite, it is seen that there are one or two caravans stationed in the town of Sintery every quarter, and the quantity of goods changes significantly, so it is marked as a suspected caravan warehouse.

Ye Da came to a one-meter-high wooden box and opened the nailed box with brute force.

The round metal container was as big as a palm, with cursive Hessein characters written on it. Ye Da opened one casually, and it was densely packed with black particles, and a fishy smell rushed to his face.

"This is... caviar?"

Wang Weiwen on the side also opened a box: "I am here too."

Dozens of boxes were mostly filled with caviar. Ye Da remembered that when he was selling meat during the day, he seemed to pass by two workshops, and the smell of fish inside could be smelled from a long distance away.

Well, maybe caviar is a specialty here
Although it didn't do much, Ye Da still took two boxes as samples.

What if this is caviar with supernatural powers?
"Wait, what else is under here."

Several people moved boxes of caviar, revealing a secret door on the ground, and there was a space below, with only three boxes inside.

Smaller and more refined.

Ye Da's eyes lit up when he opened the first one.

Metal texture, the tail is a syringe of red liquid.

It was the kind of "cure all diseases" injection that I had seen in the memory of the foreign race, and it was also what the Pangolin Project was looking for by name.

A small box half a meter high, with half a box inside, at a glance, there must be forty or fifty.

Yao Ruting said: "It turns out there are so many valuables hidden down there, how much should we take?"

Ye Da directly handed the whole small box to Yao Ruting: "Of course I want all of it."

Then I opened the second small box with anticipation.

Somewhat disappointed.

There was still caviar inside, but it looked much more advanced. Ye Da curled his lips, pinched his nose and took a box as a sample.

It feels a bit like playing a game to draw a lottery to open a box. I don’t know if the third box can get into the soul.

The third box is the most exquisite, with metal skin and intricate patterns on it.

When I opened it, there were only 10 boxes inside, nesting dolls.

Open the box again.

A metal ingot.

The overall appearance is off-white, similar to silver, but there are inconspicuous red dots on it, which seems to be some kind of red mineral sand mixed in.

the most important is
In this icy underground warehouse, the metal ingot is actually warm, just like human body temperature.

Apparently, this is some kind of metal with supernatural power.


Xisaiyin's metal and blood meat technology is very developed, and his intuition told Ye Da that this metal ingot is very important.

Good stuff!
Take away.

After the four of them confirmed that there were no other valuable things in the warehouse, they disguised the scene. It would be difficult for the guard to find that someone had visited the warehouse when he woke up, and he would only feel that he had a good night's sleep.

And under the appearance of being intact, they also made a second layer of camouflage. If something is found missing, the traces will lead to theft, and they will not think about it in the gray fog.Wait, theft doesn't seem to count as disguise.

How can the matter of pangolins be called stealing!

Exiting the warehouse, Ye Da said something through the walkie-talkie. Not long after, a skateboard flew quietly above the warehouse, and a rope hung down in the dark.

Ye Da tied the two boxes to the rope, and the skateboard left without a sound.

There is also a second mission objective, it is inconvenient to hold the box, so I will transport it back first.

Ye Da looked towards the west side, where there was the tallest building in Cientre, and it was also the only stone building.

Three floors, with a yard, suspected to be a noble residence.

The skateboard was very fast, and Li Zifeng had already received the goods before he set off.

"Captain, the courier has been signed for. In addition, there are people 80 meters to your right who come out to wake up at night. Be careful and hide."

The four quickly hid behind the wall.

A Hessein in a jute cloth was jumping from the cold, probably woken up by urinating in the middle of the night.

There is no sewage system in this town at all, and the water pours directly onto the road after opening the door. Not urinating in the house is his last insistence on hygiene.

Yao Ruting turned his head in embarrassment.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the Xisaiyin wet his hands, scolded and rubbed the snow, and ran back into the house.

Li Zifeng's voice came: "It seems that no matter where people are, they have reached a unity by grabbing and rubbing the snow."

Wang Weiwen could only smile wryly.

Ye Da interrupted: "Stop chatting, and report the road conditions from here to No. [-] target."

"Smooth all the way! Just avoid a bright window."

The four slid forward, and it didn't take long before they arrived outside the wall of the No. [-] target.

Li Zifeng: "There are no guard dogs, no guards, and no light exposed. By the way, I have been observing the No. [-] target since daytime, and I have not found any signs of movement. I suspect that it is an abandoned house."

Ye Da said: "It's okay, it's easier to search if it's empty."

After easily climbing over the wall, you can see a deserted garden. Most of the things are buried in the snow, but occasionally there are some decayed plants with dead branches.

Ye Da looked around, there were no footprints on the snow on the ground, and no one had entered or left this place for at least two or three days.

Afterwards, everyone searched the place, and there were no traces of life. Although it was still some distance away from being deserted, all kinds of furniture and supplies had not been touched for a long time. Ye Da guessed that someone cleaned it regularly, but the interval Time is not short.

Just convenient to act.

The first floor is the living room and kitchen. There are only some handicrafts and furniture. The information is of little value. I recorded it and asked Yao Ruting to take some photos, so I didn't pay any attention to it.

The second floor seems to be the living area. Judging from the bedding, it may indeed be for nobles to live here, but it has not been used for a long time.

The third floor has the smallest area, with only one room, which originally seemed to be a study, but the bookshelves around it are empty.

There is only one table in the center, on which is a set of glass utensils consisting of test tubes and beakers, which seem to be very old chemical laboratory supplies.

It is rare to see any trace of science, and several people studied it for a while.

Wang Weiwen observed and said: "The equipment is very primitive, even if it is civilian level, it is a bit behind. They have really been standing still in the past 150 years."

Ye Da laughed and said, "The more they fall behind, the happier we should be."

Wang Weiwen also smiled: "You are right."

Ye Da suddenly said: "Tell me, how did Kyushu develop so fast in the past 150 years?"

Wang Weiwen thought for a while, and was about to answer.

Suddenly, the voice of Liu Xiaoqian on the first floor rang in Ye Da's mind.

"Engong, there seems to be a space underground, and I can sense that there seems to be life in it."

(End of this chapter)

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