Chapter 262 Me too

Lifting the carpet, there is indeed a secret door, which does not lead to the next floor, but to the deep underground.

According to the visual inspection, it is at least 20 meters deep, so Liu Xiaoqian failed to discover the life reaction underground in the first place.

Liu Xiaoqian's induction was based on her emotions, and it was also her earliest innate ability, so she could be found, which meant that there was obviously a living person below.

At least intelligent beings.

This secret passage is almost straight up and down, not much wider than the chimney, and only one person can go down at a time.

It's a bit stupid and unsafe for four people to go down in a long queue.

Ye Da said softly: "Wang Weiwen and I will go down and have a look, and you will be vigilant from above."

Wang Weiwen clasped his hands together and applied a "buff" to reduce the noise of the sound. Ye Da went down first, and climbed down the ladder lightly.

After about 20 meters, the two came to a spacious space, and the ladder ended here.

An iron door stood in the darkness, with a faint light seeping through it.

There was a big lock hanging on the door, and Ye Da pinched off the connection. With the "buff" blessing, it didn't make any sound.

After pushing the door open, there are rows of bookshelves that greet you.

study?Without this amount, I'm afraid it can be regarded as a library.
Ye Da moved his nose.

"It smells like blood, human blood."

Bookshelves filled the entire space, making Ye Da unable to see how big it was, like a maze separated.

Ye Da took out a book from the side, which looked exquisite and ancient, and the Hisayin characters on it were vaguely recognizable.

"Fog Travels?"

Ye Da frowned, anything related to fog now made him very concerned.

There are probably thousands of books here.
If the injections and metal ingots in the warehouse are equivalent to winning a lottery box for the target of collecting intelligence, then this "library" is probably the entire prize pool.

There may be a huge amount of information here.

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen looked at each other. Looking back, it's best to find a way to take these books back. If you don't have time to screen them, take them all away.

But right now, it is better to find out what is going on with that breath of life.

After turning seven or eight turns along the road made up of bookshelves, Ye Da and the two came to the center, and the sound of "Sasha" writing could be faintly heard.

It was a hill made of stacked books.

As if drawing the ground as a prison, form a circle around the center.

The dilapidated and huge desk was placed in the center, and a crooked figure was leaning over the desk, writing something under the dim light.

Just when Ye Da and Wang Weiwen were going to repeat the old routine, they got dizzy before talking about it.

The man spoke a word in Hisaiyan with his back to the two.

"Are there any guests again? Still someone I don't know."

Ye Da's heart shuddered, how did the other party find them?
The figure turned around slowly, and it was a male Hessein who was so old that Ye Da felt that he would die on the spot at any time.

His face was full of wrinkles and age spots, his skin was loose and thin, and the darkened blood vessels in his body could be faintly seen. There was only sparse white hair on his head. His whole body was hunched over in a black robe, and he looked less than 1.5 meters away.

Especially those eyes, old and fierce.

But when this weird old man saw Ye Da and the two, he was also stunned.

Because of the faces of Ye Da and Wang Weiwen.

After a while, this person actually spoke a Kyushu dialect with a strange accent.

"Are you people of gray fog?"

The voice was extremely unpleasant, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

This old man can actually speak Kyushu dialect!

Ye Da pinched a stone needle in his hand and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

Seeing that Ye Da did not deny it, the old man was even more surprised, but it quickly disappeared, and said calmly: "It's just a prisoner, how did you get out? The wall of gray mist has not changed for a hundred years, or are you People from District [-]?"

After finishing speaking, the old man shook his head: "No, no. The people in District [-] are not as tall as you, and their faces are different. Their Kyushu dialect is not even as good as mine." The old man seemed not to be afraid of the uninvited guests. On the contrary, Mostly curious, he asked again: "Unseen clothing materials, unseen weapons, pure Kyushu language. Is there something wrong with the gray fog? What time is it outside? What year is it?"

Ye Da didn't know Hisaiyin's reign name, and he wouldn't answer this question either.

The old man suddenly said: "Will you go back? Can you take me with you? I am an innocent scholar who studies the gray mist and Kyushu, and I am imprisoned here. Don't worry, I know the enmity between Kyushu and Xisaiyin, I just want to go Look, after all, I have been studying gray fog and Kyushu all my life, and I will not do anything to cause misunderstanding."

Ye Da pointed to the corner next to him with the Xuanshui stick: "I'm afraid you have caused some misunderstandings, what's the matter with this person?"

In the corner of Book Mountain, a corpse was lying on the ground. The dried blood stained the ground and many books.

The woman, a Hessein, was about 40 years old, and her body was already swollen, but there was no smell coming from it.

The smell of blood that Ye Da smelled was from this corpse.

The old man was standing next to the corpse just now, communicating with him excitedly.

The old man waved his hand indifferently: "She is the guard here, I don't want to escape, but she always comes to check on my situation and disturb my reading, so I kill her, but now it's different, I changed I have an idea! I want to go to Kyushu! When I want to go out, the guard dies. In your Kyushu words, isn’t this just God’s will?”

Ye Da looked at the old man who was getting more and more excited, but secretly notified Liu Xiaoqian above to come down to meet him.

This man, this skinny old man, put a lot of pressure on him.

Wang Weiwen on the side also had a serious face, feeling like he was being watched by a wild beast.

This kind of feeling is very rare, especially if the other party is crazy, if it is not good, he will violently hurt others.

While shaking people, Ye Da procrastinated.

"Why do you think we'll take you? What are you worth to us?"

The old man picked up the oil lamp from the table and held it next to his face. The terrible wrinkles made the shadows on his face layer upon layer.

"Of course I have value. You must have just left the gray mist not long ago, right? Are you curious about the outside world? After all, I have been locked in for more than 100 years. I can provide you with the most valuable information. Aren't you curious? Xisai Because what is it like here? How did this country become so disgusting? I can tell you all this."

"I can even transform your flesh and blood. You may not know what it means. That is the powerful and depraved core of Hessein. You can get all the information and knowledge, but you only need it."

Ye Da interrupted him suddenly: "Two questions."

The old man's crazy expression froze for a moment. He seemed very angry when he was interrupted. The oil lamp in his hand swung violently and could be extinguished at any time. The entire underground library became indeterminate.

Ye Da said calmly: "Your name."

The old man's eyes were a little clouded, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sean, you can call me Sean."

Sensing that Liu Xiaoqian had gone down to the secret room, Ye Da pointed to the box on the greasy table and asked the second question: "Second question, what is that?"

A stand-alone box.

The box was carved, inlaid with gold, lined with velvet, and a flat bluish-white bead was placed on it.

Anyone from Kyushu can recognize it.

It was jade, and it was a white jade abacus bead.

The old man was stunned and said: "This, this is something belonging to an old friend of mine. Hehehe, he gave it to me and I still have to look for him. He is definitely not dead. I want to look for him. I must find him." "

As he spoke, the old man lost control of his expression.

"Hmm. Your problems are a lot of trouble! It's so troublesome that I can't wait any longer! I've changed my mind. I don't need you to take me to Kyushu. I just need to kill you and I will naturally know what's in your mind."

Saying that, the whole person began to swell and twist.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a monster several meters tall.

Like a bat without wings, or a hound standing and walking.

Fill up the entire underground space.

"Kill you, I will know!"

Ye Da grinned: "Thought about going together."

It's the same for me.

(End of this chapter)

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