I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 263 What is a Mobile Fort?

Chapter 263 What is a Mobile Fort?
The tranquility of the town of Ciente was shattered.

With a loud noise, half of the only stone house in the center of the town collapsed, and a huge monster rushed out of the ground.

The monster was more than ten meters tall, covered with black hair, and with a wave of terrifying claws, the entire wall was turned into rubble.

Ye Da jumped back and opened the distance.

"Six-nine stabbing array."

Pointing forward, six stone needles shot out.

And with a low shout, the monster turned into a cloud of black mist, escaped the stone needle's stabbing, and then quickly revealed itself, rushing towards Ye Da.


Swiping down his sharp claws, Ye Da swung his Xuanshui stick to meet him.

"Dang" sound.

It was Ye Da himself who flew out.

Maybe Ye Da is stronger in terms of strength, but the difference in size and weight is too big!
The monster was still chasing after him, but Wang Weiwen appeared from the side at some point, clasped his hands together, and a turquoise blue freezing light shot out.

The monster's waist froze instantly, but compared with his huge size, it was useless at all.

Holding a long stick in Yao Ruting's hand, Yao Ruting knocked on it. The other party seemed not to care about this harmless attack, but the next moment he felt his weight suddenly doubled.

Yao Ruting was sweating coldly. The biggest flaw in her ability was her lack of physical strength, and she didn't like aerobic exercise due to her limited body. After returning to Luoyun Mountain, she remembered Ye Da's suggestion and strengthened her physical training, but the size of the monster in front of her still made her uncomfortable She was a little overwhelmed.

Knowing his position, Yao Ruting retreated with one blow.

The monster seemed to only recognize Ye Da, turned into black mist again, and flew towards Ye Da.

Yao Ruting's expression changed: "My ability has been removed! After this monster turns into a black mist, it seems that all effects will disappear!"

Sure enough, when the monster appeared in front of Ye Da again, even the ice that Wang Weiwen made just now was gone.

Under the command of two giant claws.

"Boom!" With a sound, Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian who suddenly appeared on the left and right held two sharp claws.

However, the huge gap in size puts them in a state of being suppressed.

This monster is so strong!

Li Zifeng's voice came from the headset: "I'm going! What kind of monster is this!"

Ye Da yelled as he exerted his strength: "What the hell! Shoot him!!!"

"Already shot! Let the bullet fly for a while!"

As soon as the words fell, a hole the size of a bowl was opened in the monster's huge head.

Minced meat and blood splashed, forming a bloody fan shape behind it.

Li Zifeng was shot in the head five kilometers away.

Ye Da and the others couldn't even hear the gunfire.

Li Zifeng: "It's time for me to act."

For a long time, regardless of Luoyunshan or other tasks, he didn't have much room to play as a sniper, and sometimes he even seemed like a burden. He even complained that he would never be a sniper in his next life.

At this time, this shot fully demonstrated the lethality of the sniper.

Before Ye Da and the others breathed a sigh of relief, the fan-shaped distribution of blood and minced meat actually floated up and merged into the hole in the monster's head.

The effort of one breath is already intact.

Yao Ruting took a deep breath: "Is this... super-speed regeneration?"

Ye Da said speechlessly: "This is not super-speed regeneration, this can be called super-speed 'reorganization'."

The monster shook his head, and seemed to be dizzy for a while. Obviously, the headshot just now had no effect.

Everyone didn't waste this time, the stone needles, ghost howls, Xuanshui sticks, freezing light, saturated coverage.

Let the monster who just woke up be embarrassed.

"Bang" sound.

Li Zifeng's second shot arrived, this time he chose the chest and heart, he was looking for the monster's vitals.

Special sniper rifles, special bullets, even if the monster's defense is amazing, it can't avoid the result of another hole in the body.

It's a pity that this shot was not as effective as a headshot. The monster just let out a cry of pain, but its movement was not hindered, and the scattered pieces of meat still flew back quickly.

"Kill you%¥#¥&Kill you, I will go to Kyushu!!"

The monster spoke a human language, a mixture of Hisaiyin and Kyushu.

"Boom!" Another shot, this time it landed on the head.

The huge crazy monster was silent for a few more seconds.

Ye Da saw the right moment and rushed up immediately.

He could see that this thing couldn't be killed by conventional means, but fortunately he had a lot of cards in his hole.

He jumped to the shoulder of the monster, and stabbed the big hole in the opponent's head with his left hand.

The "Rolling Incense Burner" suddenly started.Massive amounts of white smoke turned into tornadoes and were inhaled.

This number is too scary!

Ye Da has never seen a creature with such huge vitality. In contrast, those huge crayfish in Luoyun Bay.
It's really just crayfish.

This finally made the monster panic. When the flesh and blood flew back to reorganize, Ye Da's hand was directly wrapped in the monster's brain.

It feels like there is one.
Well, it does have a big stick stirring in its head.

"Damn it.&^%$How dare you, how dare you?"

Feeling the rapid loss of power, the monster finally showed fear, and with a splitting headache, it used the last bit of reason to turn into a cloud of black mist.

The black mist was invisible and matterless, and Ye Da fell directly.

And the black mist was not entangled with Ye Da and the others, but rushed into the distance.

He rushed to where Li Zifeng was.

It obviously knows where the real killing point is.


The fastest Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian took the lead.

Many people in the town heard the movement, some chose to hide in their houses, and some chose to come out to check.

"What happened? What happened?"

A Hessein opened the door and looked around in a daze. The next moment, a mass of black mist passed by, and a sharp claw was stretched out from it, and he was captured into the mist. After a scream, a person chewing flesh came from the black mist. sound.

Along the way, the black mist captured several Hessein people, and from time to time, stumps and broken arms fell from the black mist. Obviously, the fate of these Hessein people was not very good.

Li Zifeng saw the black mist rushing towards him from a distance, and he didn't panic at all.

A specially made "spirit-blocking bomb" was fired at the black mist. After a flash, the monster seemed to stop from the mist, fell on the ground and rolled around a few times, but was not injured, and turned into black mist again.

Li Zifeng was not annoyed, and calmly shot one shot after another.

Finally, when the black mist approached him, the monster reappeared, and when a pair of sharp claws were about to hit Li Zifeng's head, Li Zifeng shouted loudly: "Dump truck! Let's go!"

The chatterbox skateboard suddenly came from behind, shoveled up Li Zifeng who was lying on the ground, and quickly backed up, while Li Zifeng maintained the posture of lying on his stomach, with his hands still steady.

The monster that had just shown its original shape rushed to nothing.

Li Zifeng shot in the head again. He focused all his attention on the front, and entrusted all the movement and transfer to the chatterbox skateboard.

When a sniper can fly smoothly, Li Zifeng said that he can walk this monster to death!
Let me show you the mobile turret?
The skateboard didn't fly straight back, but circled around, leading the monster towards Ye Da and the others.

Soon, the six pangolin teams joined together and began to besiege the monster inhumanely.

Although this monster has the same ability as the immortal body, it is obviously exhausted. It is gradually exhausted, and the time required for reorganization is getting longer and longer.

It can be predicted that this monster is not far from complete death.

It finally felt the fear, and began to try to escape, turning into black mist several times, but was intercepted by Li Zifeng's spirit-blocking bullet.

Feeling that the winning ticket is in his hands, Li Zifeng said, "Do you think it's possible to catch this thing alive?"

The mission of Pangolin Team Six is ​​basically completed. Such a special monster must have extremely high intelligence value, and it is more useful to catch it alive than to drag a corpse back.

Ye Da said in the headset: "Wang Weiwen's coma-like ability doesn't work, maybe it's not enough to weaken the opponent, end the battle first and then think about other things."

In fact, for him, the personal benefit of killing monsters is the greatest, and he can obtain the soul, vitality, and memory of monsters. But also, if he can capture Kyushu alive, researchers in Kyushu can discover more things to ensure the safety of his teammates. Next, he wouldn't mind trying to capture it alive.

When the time comes, go back and collect those books, and this task will be completed, even far beyond the quota.

"Be careful! There are enemies!"

As soon as Ye Da heard Liu Xiaoqian's warning, he saw a silver horse passing by.

So fast!

There are people!And the target is not him, but Li Zifeng!


The opponent's speed was too fast, and Li Zifeng, who was all focused on the scope, didn't react at all.

In the nick of time, Huaba Skateboard turned over and blocked the fatal sword with his indestructible body.

Li Zifeng flew out, and the sniper rifle was forced to drop.

With a few "swish, swish, swish" sounds, this powerful thermal weapon was cut into three sections in the air, with a smooth fracture, and fell to the ground.

A stern-faced silver-haired man dressed in the noble attire of Hessein, holding a slender foil in his hand, looked coldly at the members of Pangolin Team Six.

The second and third figures appeared.

There are three people under the moon, three men.

They all have Xisaiin faces, silver hair, slender limbs, and are dressed in gorgeous aristocratic costumes. Their gestures are... pretentious, and are incompatible with the backwardness of the Far East Ninth District.

One of the shortest and youngest, who seemed to be the leader of the three, said:
"Who is this fourth-class group of people coming out of the gray mist?"

One of the two men behind him had short hair and the other had long hair. One of them said: "The third one is Mr. Gill. You are really busy tonight, but it's not a loss to have fresh flesh and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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