I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 264 Who Can't Transform?

Chapter 264 Who Can't Transform?
The three figures under the moon did not seem to be surprised by the sixth pangolin team. The short one said to the dying monster, "You are the imprisoned Sean, right? I didn't expect the people who founded the Sean family to become In such a state of embarrassment, he was forced into a desperate situation by several fourth-class people."

The one with long hair said: "It is said that I have been imprisoned for more than 90 years. It is very rare to be alive, but it is unseemly to be made like this by a fourth-class person."

As he spoke, he looked at the slush under his feet, showing a disgusted expression.

The battle between Pangolin Team [-] and the monster just now left the place in a mess. He seemed to be very unaccustomed to this environment.

"Master Jill, can they understand what we are talking about?"

The short Lord Gil shook his head exaggeratedly and said with a smile: "How is it possible? These fourth-class people have probably forgotten the terror of Xisayin long ago. Just like the two previous teams, they dare to attack us."

Tonight, they have met two teams formed by fourth-class people.

From their confident expressions, it is not difficult to see the ending of the previous two teams.

The three of them seemed to regard the pangolin team 6 as something in their pockets, and they were not in a hurry to make a move, just posing on the snow hill.

Traveling thousands of miles to a barren land like District 9 in the Far East has already made them extremely uncomfortable.

Don't want to make a concave shape?

The three of them looked "We are too elegant", and looked at the Pangolin Team 6 below jokingly.

The dying monster on the ground was not happy at all about the arrival of the three Hisain people. Instead, he said: "Ah, you little bedbugs of the Rania family, I can smell your stink from such a distance."

He turned his huge body over and smiled again on his completely beastly face: "I have changed my mind again, you little brats from Kyushu, run away, you are no match for these guys."

This guy is really crazy, and he will change his mind in a while.

But Ye Da noticed that he never called "fourth-class people" but "Kyushu people".

With his hands behind his back, Ye Da made tactical gestures for the others, and asked, "Are these three very powerful?"

The monster gasped and said, "Ahem, at least I'm better than me now."

"Can you also become a monster?"

This question is asked because the three of them have the same hair color as the old man.

Before, I only thought it was old gray hair, but now I compared it, and found that the old man's hair in human form was not white hair, but silver hair, which was consistent with the three young people.

Although there are not many left.

"Hehehe, it depends on your strength, whether you can force out their true form."

"So what are you guys?"

The monster chuckled: "We? We are Saiyin. That's right. There weren't many Saiin in the Manchurian Communist Party on the Eastern Front back then. Only a fool like me wanted to come and see Kyushu. It's normal for you not to know what Saiin is. .Hisain means worshiping Sain”

Obviously there's a big secret here, but it's not the time to talk about it.

Li Zifeng struggled to stand up. The fall just now was uncomfortable, but when he saw the gesture behind Ye Da's back, his eyes widened suddenly.

let them retreat
After the captain is about to stop..
Ye Da did not communicate with the team members verbally.

A captain must clearly know where the strength of the team lies.

The role of the captain is to direct, not just shouting "Follow me!"

The three new people appeared in front of him, which put a lot of pressure on him.

Coupled with a crazy, indistinguishable monster from friend or foe, as long as a calm judgment is made, it is easy to draw a conclusion.

There will be downsizing.

Li Zifeng, Yao Ruting, and even Wang Weiwen are all possible.

Wang Weiwen's strength has long been limited to "spiritual enlightenment ability". He is not immortal, nor does he have super-speed regeneration.

If Li Zifeng still has the gun, it can play a huge role in cooperating with the Talking Skateboard, and even cause more lethality than Ye Da, but now that gun has been scrapped by a sneak attack, the three of them may have observed it from afar After a while, it was confirmed that Li Zifeng was the biggest threat, so he crippled the strongest output of the sixth pangolin team as soon as he made a move.

Facing a new enemy at this time, maybe he can win by fighting hard, but there is a high probability that there will be a reduction in staff, or even more than one, which Ye Da does not want to see.

Only myself and Liu Xiaoqian can ensure survival in the face-to-face confrontation.

Besides, with Li Zifeng and the others around, some cards were hard to play.

Yao Ruting behind opened her mouth, and she was also shocked when she saw the tactical gesture, and then bit her lip tightly.

Everyone is not a rookie, so it is not difficult to guess the captain's intentions. From a tactical point of view, as a task aimed at intelligence espionage, it is a reasonable decision not to choose to fight hard at this time, and Ye Da, who is the most resistant, is the only option. .

It's just this bitterness in my heart that makes others hesitate.


Ye Da threw the "Wrath of the Fog" in his arms behind him: "Don't hesitate, take the previous gains and retreat first."

Wang Weiwen stared at Ye Da's back, and asked earnestly, "Is it done?"

Ye Da said relaxedly: "No problem, you are the vice-captain, protect the others."

At the end Ye Da added: "That's right, don't look back."

Wang Weiwen didn't talk nonsense, nodded, winked with Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting, and faded towards the dense forest behind.

The long-haired Hessein nobleman sneered: "Although I don't understand, I'm afraid you think highly of yourself and want to die?"

As he spoke, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Wang Weiwen's back.

At this speed just now, his sneak attack solved the biggest threat, that strange firearm, these fourth-class people couldn't react at all.

Regarding the crisis behind him, Wang Weiwen did not look back.

Because Ye Da said not to look back.

The next moment, the same afterimage intercepted it at a faster speed, and the Xuanshui stick was directly drawn at the opponent's body, like a long-haired nobleman's shell, flying back wherever it came from.

It was Ye Da.

He has never shown such speed, but the price is that the "shell" of his legs is full of cracks, and gray debris slowly floats away.But compared to what he was going to do after that, this injury was no longer important.

After I broke up with Liu Xiaoqian, there were three on the other side.

So, let's make a mockery first.

Ye Da took out an old-fashioned "Beautiful brand cigarette", put it in his mouth, it ignited without fire, and took a deep puff.

How do you say it in Hessein?

"You Madzefak, son of the beach."

The three silver-haired figures were stunned.

"Self-facker, white-skinned monkey"

The vocabulary is limited, but the scolding is really ugly! !
Although over and over again, just the different combinations of those words.

But it made the three silver-haired nobles want to wash their ears!

"Okay, okay, you are indeed a rude fourth-class person."

This ridicule was obviously eaten by the other side.

Under the extreme anger of the three, there were faint traces of animalization.

She was no longer as elegant as before, her figure was tall, and her facial features were ferocious like wild dogs.

As for Ye Da's decision to end the queen, he was naturally somewhat certain.

In the third memory, he faced the remnant soul of the boy in white, and at the same time obtained a new ability, but he didn't expect to use it so soon.

The boy in white asked him to stop Ye Jianguo.

He said to the boy in white: "This body of mine is all the methods and methods left by Ye Zongguo. What can I use to face a 150-year-old apocalypse?"

The boy in white said to him, just roll the sky.

Receiving and releasing are all related to vitality.

What Juan Tian can retract and unwind is never just vitality.

And the same is true of his body made by Ye Jianguo.

At this moment, only myself and Liu Xiaoqian were left on the court, so I had no scruples.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ye Da stretched out his left hand.

The censer tattoo on it has never been so clear, even with a touch of metallic color.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Da began to fade.

First the most distal right foot.

The tender white skin without a trace of scars faded away like a tide, revealing the deep dry flesh and blood beneath it.

Then came the shoulders, the heart.

And, faces.

Grim, decaying, and terrifying.

The muscles seemed to have dried out, sticking to the skull. There were dense white teeth and black and blue claws.

In the end, all the "human" parts are gathered at the "burner mouth" of the left-hand censer tattoo, like a handful of incense ashes.

The rest are all "inhuman".

Ye Da didn't like this appearance very much, and it was also the appearance when he just came out of the coffin.

At that time, in Wen County, while studying hard, he cooperated with Ye Jianguo to shape the "body". It took nearly two years to restore the appearance of his life.

Since then, this "body" has been like a mask, which he dare not, cannot, and will not take off.

Whether it's on the viaduct, in the library, or in Luoyun Bay, the youth training camp.

Once he takes off this mask, he can regain the power that should belong to him, but it will also make him lose his identity as a "human".

Wang Weiwen and the others were not allowed to look back because they did not want to be seen with this face.

But if we were to face a pure enemy in the world outside this gray mist,
When he obtained the ability to temporarily remove the "body" in the third memory, he thought he would never use it.

For the first time in three and a half years, "Flying Zombie" showed his true colors, with a cigarette in his mouth, and a puff of smoke ring.

"Who doesn't know how to transform?"

The yin, baleful, and corpse qi surged, and the yin wind howled, and the breath of death was tainted in a radius of hundreds of meters.

That is the instinctive fear of death and decay of any living being.

In contrast, the three Hesseins with ferocious faces and human bodies, like cubs who have just walked out of their lairs, can only look at the strange existence in front of them in amazement.


Feelings of crushing, despair, and fear poured into the bodies of the three Hessein inexplicably.

Liu Xiaoqian stared blankly at the terrifying Ye Da.

I thought in my mind: My benefactor is so handsome and domineering!
Not far from Ye Da, the monster who had been lying on the ground and was called "Sean the Imprisoned" transformed from an old man, suddenly wailed loudly.

No, it was crying and laughing.

"It's this aura! It's this aura! Are you a descendant of Xin Shilin? What's your relationship with Xin Shilin?!"

(End of this chapter)

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