I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 26 Chen Jiu and Ruyan

Chapter 26 Chen Jiu and Ruyan

Under Gao Peng's puzzled eyes, Ye Da calmly put away the sticky note and advanced mathematics book, and said with a smile: "Maybe someone asked me to confess, I'll go and see the situation."

Gao Peng obviously didn't believe it, and teased: "You don't need to make a draft for bragging, I wish you a three-pointer in one day."

Ye Da waved his hand and left with his schoolbag on his back.

But after turning around, his face immediately turned cold.

The smell of disinfectant is probably left on purpose to show your identity.

I went there for no reason yesterday, so I came to your door today!So efficient.

To be able to enter the school library without anyone noticing and put down this sticky note is not an invitation at all to Ye Da, but more like showing off.

Even threats.

Show off that you can find him and get close to him.

So he had to check it out.

Leaving the library, Ye Da took out the note again.

"Northward position? Playing tricks."

Ye Da tapped his arm, and said to Liu Xiaoqian: "From now on, try to sense the surroundings as much as possible, and remind me in time if there is any malicious intent against me."

"Good benefactor!"

Considering that Tunghai University might be a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, Ye Da didn't let Liu Xiaoqian float out to be on guard, but the emotional perception ability in his arm can be used. Wider and wider, it is just useful at this time.

Walking to the north gate of the school, Ye Da looked around for a while, but found no suspicious person.

"Doc? Northwest?"

Fortunately, Ye Da had read some miscellaneous books on divination and astrology in his previous life, otherwise most people would have looked confused.

Ye Da looked towards the northwest direction. It was the time when the most people were there, and the crowd was like weaving. He didn't know what was hidden there.

"Is there any malice?"

"No, benefactor, there are too many people, I'm a little messed up."

Ye Da straddled his backpack diagonally and walked forward to the left.

It is said that he is located in the northwest, who knows how far away, Ye Da wants to meet the person who left the note, but he is not prepared to keep walking foolishly.

I made up my mind that if I haven't found it outside the scope of the commercial street, I won't look for it.

However, within a hundred meters, he saw a suspicious person.

An old man wearing a retro Tang suit and a round hat, with an old face but standing straight.

It can be said that it is 50, and 60 and 70 are also similar.

The biggest feature at a glance is its gray eyebrows that are almost connected together.

Fortunately, it wasn't the image of a certain character in Ye Da's impression, otherwise he would be confused about the identity of Kyushu again.

On the commercial street where people come and go in modern clothes, the old man is extremely eye-catching.

But there was no one around to see the old man, not even a single one looked back, as if they couldn't see him at all.

In the crowd, when Ye Da looked at the old man, the old man happened to be smiling at Ye Da, took off the round hat on his head, and nodded slightly to Ye Da.

Very polite.

Ye Da didn't go over immediately, but asked Liu Xiaoqian in his arm: "Do you feel any malice, that person?"

Liu Xiaoqian: "Ah? Who is it? I didn't feel it."

Ye Da sighed, you are really useless.
Let's go overboard another day.

Ye Da no longer struggled, walked across the road calmly, and came to the old man in Tang suit.

"Living? Dead?"

The old man smiled: "Man."

"Why can't everyone see you?" "It's just the function of some small objects."

Small objects?
Ye Da handed the note to the old man and said:

"So you are the Uncle Nine that 'they' call you, right? The host of that party? I wonder what you do?"

The old man took the note, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile: "The old man's name is Chen Jiu, and he has been taking care of most of Donghai's 'spiritual bodies'. You don't know what method you used last night to come to the party without an invitation. This old man always wants to take a look, but I didn't expect such an existence as Your Excellency to come to Donghai."

What did the old man say that made Ye Da focus his eyes?
The two stood on the side of the road. It is reasonable to say that if other people can't see the old man, then Ye Da should be talking to the air in the eyes of passers-by, but for some reason, no one casts their eyes. affected him.

Chen Jiuruo looked at Ye Da's right hand meaningfully, as if he knew that there were two unusual beings in it, and turned to Ye Da with a friendly look, as if he was thanking Ye Da for something.

This Chen Jiu was really not simple.

Ye Da suddenly thought, since this mysterious old man in Tang suit is the owner of that hospital, could he ask questions about dealing with the "tenant" in his body.

"Since it's a 'spiritual body', do you know how to 'eliminate spirits'?"

The old man in Tang suit understood Ye Da's meaning, but he just stretched out his arm, motioning for Ye Da to walk and talk, Ye Da thought about it but didn't refuse.

"In today's Kyushu, it is not easy to produce a spirit body. Although it is always related to death, things related to death are not necessarily evil, and things related to living people are not necessarily good. Your Excellency should know this matter best. Besides, your problem is not Spiritual body, I can't solve it."

Ye Da was surprised.

"What is a spirit body?"

"The so-called spirit body is a special state formed by people's nostalgia for the present world after death, relying on strong unwillingness and regret, and influencing the spirit son by chance and coincidence. Not all spirit bodies are poor, but at least they must be. Sadly, if you want to dissipate your spirit body, make up for regrets, or dispel unwillingness are all useful methods, if you are interested, you can give it a try."

Ye Da was thoughtful.

"Can't you just fill up your regrets and resolve them?"

"Do you still remember Chen Ruyan?"

Ye Da shook his head.

"It seems that she didn't have time to tell her name. Ruyan is the child who wanted to infuse Yin Qi into you last night, but in the end she overestimated herself and was counterattacked by Yin Qi, causing her spiritual body to be damaged."

Ye Da said: "It's not my fault, I didn't know what she was going to do at the time."

Chen Jiu didn't care, shook his head and said: "The old man understands that Ruyan has already told me what happened afterwards. It was just a misunderstanding. I have helped her stabilize her spirit body, or because of what happened last night, She is more beneficial than that."

"Then say sorry for me."

"Why don't you tell her yourself?"

Ye Da looked around, but he didn't see the cheongsam woman from yesterday, thinking that this Chen Jiu wanted to invite him to that hospital again?

"What do you mean?"

"Chen Ruyan asked the old man afterwards that he wanted to follow you and let me introduce you. You may not understand the details, but the old man can assure you that it will not be a bad thing for you."

Ye Da stopped.

How should I put it, do you really want to play Hyakki Night Walk alone?
Are you, or the stone needle in your hand, really a golden nest in the eyes of these guys?Whether it's spirit bodies or ghosts, these gangsters are all targeting me alone.

Two is not enough, but also a third?Do you want to make another one to play mahjong?

No, didn’t I have exactly four?

No no no, none!

"Forget it. I don't want to have anything to do with you right now. It's not polite. I don't want to go to that hospital again. I'm just an ordinary college student."

Hearing Ye Da calling himself an "ordinary college student", even Chen Jiu, who had always maintained a calm appearance, couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth and showing an ugly smile.

"Ordinary college students. I'm afraid this word has little to do with you, right?"

"I passed the college entrance examination, what's the problem?"

"Your Excellency, don't rush to refuse, why don't you meet Ruyan first?"

Ye Da looked around: "Is she here?"

But Chen Jiu took out one from his pocket.
cigarette case.

(End of this chapter)

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