I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 27 Because I'm Not Interested

Chapter 27 Because I'm Not Interested

Cigarette case looks a bit old.

There are traces unique to old paper shells on it, and it looks like it has gone through a lot of things, and the corners are even a little worn out.

But it is very new, too new to be normal.

Because this is a "Republic of China style" cigarette.

The words "Beautiful Brand Cigarettes" are printed on it in an arc shape, but they are arranged from right to left, using an ancient font that Ye Da has never seen before, and it even looks a bit handwritten.

Below it is written "Huacheng Tobacco Company", which is also arranged from right to left, but the font is smaller.

This pack of cigarettes should have been produced in Kyushu similar to the "Republic of China" period, as if it had been carefully protected by the owner and kept in his pocket for several weeks, but compared to the age it should have existed, it was too well preserved.

Ye Da subconsciously said, "This is?"

"This is Chen Ruyan."

Chen Jiu turned the cigarette case upside down, and there was a beautiful woman in cheongsam printed on the back. Her enchanting figure was as beautiful as the cheongsam, holding a slender pipe. It was the woman from last night, with picturesque eyebrows and a smile in her eyes.

It was not Ye Da's illusion.

Because the woman on the cigarette pack really smiled at Ye Da and blinked.

With such a miraculous performance, Ye Da could only think of one thing.


In Kyushu, it is even rarer and more miraculous than spiritual enlighteners.

The generation of spiritual enlightenment is extremely uncontrollable and irreproducible. Almost every spiritual enlightenment is under official supervision. The management method is far stricter than the spiritual enlightenment itself. It is an absolute rarity in Kyushu.

Any spiritual enlightenment has extremely miraculous effects, and its preciousness is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. In terms of money, the most useless spiritual enlightenment starts with a few hundred W, and there is no upper limit.

Ye Da watched in shock as the woman in the cheongsam on the cigarette pack kept waving to him, without stagnation, but without sound.

"So Chen Ruyan is a spiritual enlightenment?"

Chen Jiu said with a smile: "An object is called a spirit, and a soul is called a ghost. Not all spiritual objects have a spirit body, but this is indeed Ruyan's body."

On the cigarette package, Chen Ruyan twisted her waist and took out a drawing board from behind, with small characters written on it.

"Xiao Langjun, Ruyan is very powerful, accept Ruyan. "

Chen Ruyan's eyebrows were picturesque, and her arms kept brushing under the drawing board, as if she was performing a silent movie.

Ye Da looked at the vivid cheongsam woman on the cigarette package, and felt like a different space inside?Or is this the transmission of images, and the person himself is elsewhere?
The cheongsam woman last night was not such a villain in a picture frame!
What is the power of this pack of cigarettes?What is the origin of Uncle Jiu and those spirit bodies?
Seeing Ye Da staring intently at the cigarette case, Uncle Jiu showed a satisfied smile, and his gray eyebrows, which were almost in a line, shrugged, as if he was happy because he had accomplished something.

However, when he reached out to put the cigarette case into Ye Da's hand.

Ye Da took a step back.

Uncle Jiu was stunned on the spot, casting a puzzled look.

"You don't seem to be listening to what I have to say. I said that I am not interested in you and don't want to have anything to do with you. This is not a polite word."

Chen Jiu said doubtfully: "This is a spiritual object."

"so what?"

"Not only is it priceless, but it also possesses magical abilities, covering the entire East China Sea."

Ye Da interrupted: "But I'm not interested."

Chen Jiu frowned, as if he didn't expect Ye Da's reaction.

Ye Da said calmly: "You suddenly appeared, left a note, kept it secret, and yet wanted to give me something. Do you think I should be ecstatic or like I have found a treasure?"

Chen Jiu said calmly: "Are you afraid that we will harm you?"

Ye Da shook his head: "No."

"Why is that?"

Ye Da grinned.

"Because I'm not interested. I've said it for the third time. I'm just an ordinary college student."

Chen Jiu stared at Ye Da for a while, then suddenly laughed.

If this cigarette case reveals the slightest effect, it will make the spirit enlighteners in the East China Sea scratch their heads.

Now Ruyan committed herself to him for nothing, but was rejected.The laughter was so loud that Ye Da felt a deafening feeling.

Chen Jiu's voice echoed throughout the commercial street, but Pingdi's thunderous laughter did not cause any passers-by to turn their heads.

"Good! What a disinterest! What an ordinary college student!"

Chen Jiu stopped laughing suddenly, and his gray eyebrows were almost connected into a line.

The smile disappeared instantly.

"Then, Chen Jiu is here to say goodbye!"

The next moment, the old man in a Tang suit was holding a cigarette case, and his figure gradually faded away, like watercolors that had been wiped away.

The beauty in the cheongsam on the cigarette case, her eyes full of reluctance, still held up the drawing board: "Goodbye, Mr. Xiaolang!" "

When Chen Jiu completely dissipated, the people around seemed to suddenly realize Ye Da's existence, because standing so straight in the crowd was quite conspicuous.

Ye Da turned the corner and walked towards the roast meat shop.

In the arm, Liu Xiaoqian said: "Grandpa, you are not an ordinary college student."

Ye Da didn't turn his head, and asked, "What is that?"

"Ordinary and handsome college student!"

“A little useful”

In the first life, he wanted to be a glamorous and envied person, but in the end he was severely beaten by the society and passed away early without making any achievements.

In the second life, he wanted to become an immortal cultivator who would go all over the world with his sword and slay demons, but he found no way out, so he turned around and became Wenchao Gong, but he just got better and passed away early again.

In this life, he just wants to turn back into a living person, marry a wife and have children, and live to the age of 30, 40, or even 70, which he has never reached before.

This heart is very strong.

"Boss, two roast ducks and half a roast goose."

Ye Da is also a part of the crowded commercial street.

"Okay, Xiaoye is here to patronize Auntie's shop again. Are you busy studying recently? Let me tell you, my daughter is from Tunghai University. I can introduce you to each other later."

Hundreds of meters away, Chen Jiu, an old man in Tang suit, looked at the back of the fair and clean young man in the distance, rubbing the "Beautiful brand cigarette" in his hand, and his heart moved.

There were many people coming and going around, but no one noticed this strangely dressed old man.

"I'm sorry Ruyan, but I couldn't fulfill your little wish. I'm also surprised by that person's thoughts."

On the cigarette box, the cheongsam woman held up the drawing board with some regret: "It's okay, Uncle Jiu."

The old man Chen Jiu didn't look down, but he knew what the cheongsam woman wrote, and his eyes were only on Ye Da in the distance.

"There are restrictions all over the body. You can't see any of the three souls and six souls. What a good method. What a good method! How can those spiritual enlighteners nowadays have such exquisite methods?"

The cheongsam woman raised the drawing board again: "Can Uncle Jiu recognize it?"

The old man Chen Jiu shook his head: "I don't recognize it for now. I have to go back and check, but I remember some old things."

After a long while, until Ye Da walked into the Xingfuli community with roasted duck and goose in his hands, Chen Jiu looked away.

"He doesn't want to get involved with us. This is his own idea, but Ruyan. When people live a long time, they will understand a truth, that is: thoughts are all stages."

The woman in the cheongsam seems to have gotten used to the old man Chen Jiu's sudden speech, and raised the drawing board: "You are right, then I still have a chance."

Chen Jiu reprimanded helplessly: "Being greedy for pleasure, be careful."

Chen Ruyan stuck out her tongue in the frame.

Just as he was about to leave, among the countless passers-by who turned a blind eye to the old man Chen Jiu, a figure frowning stopped and looked at Chen Jiu.

"Filming? Lovers of costumes?"

Chen Jiu turned around calmly, only to see a thin middle-aged man in a plaid shirt and rimless glasses looking at him suspiciously.

Chen Jiu didn't change his face. The dragon and the tiger are hidden in the Great Eastern Sea. It's normal for someone to see through the trick. He took off his round hat, nodded slightly, and then gradually disappeared.

Yue Jianjiang frowned for a moment and said to himself: "A spiritual enlightenment person? Recently, there seem to be more people around the school and students are uneasy. This is not conducive to teaching work."

(End of this chapter)

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