Chapter 28

Ye Da casually threw a black jade-like ice ball to Liu Xiaoqian who was in mid-air. Liu Xiaoqian held it in her mouth contentedly, and then waved away the "Dead old lady" that had just been read on the CD.

After tidying up her hair, combing it into an adult look, and carrying her backpack, Ye Da started a new day of college life.

The early morning in Happiness is relatively leisurely. Since most of the residents are elderly, the crowd rushing to work is not the mainstream. Many old men clap their hands and beat their chests, moving their bodies in the community with their hands like a big pendulum.

When walking out of the gate, Ye Da subconsciously looked at the BMW, and was a little surprised that it was still here.

It had been three days since the night when the car was lifted, and the car was still parked unclaimed, with a layer of dust on the surface, and three tickets were pasted on the windshield.

Ye Da used to look at it every day when he went in and out, but today is different.

There is one more person next to the car.

A middle-aged man who looked very haggard.

Squatting beside the car, surrounded by cigarette butts, it seems that I have been squatting here all night, my eyes are red, I don't know what I am doing.

Very easily, Ye Da thought of a word: "The Lord of Suffering".

The owner of the commissary just opened the door, and when he saw Ye Da, who was also a "car-carrying warrior", he raised his eyebrows at the man and gave him an incomprehensible look.

Then he whispered: "I heard from the security guard that he has been on guard all night. It may be a family member who wants to find the owner of the car."

Judging by his age, he should be the old lady's son.

Calculating the time, some matters related to the death of the old lady may have just been dealt with, but it is definitely not enough for burial.

Looking back, I want to ask the owner of the car for an explanation, which is reasonable.

But the owner of the car has never shown up before, maybe he already knew that he was in trouble with a dead person, so he just ignored it, even if the car was dragged away by the vehicle management when it was covered with tickets, it was better than the trouble of showing up and taking a life .

This also makes sense.

People are always lenient and self-disciplined. The car owner may not park here intentionally. The responsibility caused by such a coincidence can be blamed on the Internet from the moral high ground. If it happens to oneself, it will subconsciously avoid it.

To be extreme, it is not impossible to go to the vehicle management office to look for it a month later.

Ye Da suddenly thought of what Uncle Jiu said, to make up for regrets and dispel unwillingness, you can "eliminate spirits" or "eliminate spirits". If the old lady is released, I don't know what will happen.

But then I thought that regret might not necessarily have something to do with seeing the children. This old lady is very weird. Compared with Liu Xiaoqian, who is more and more lively, unable to communicate, has no wisdom, and talks about "death" every day, the old lady is probably closer to "evil". The concept of "spirit" may not be good to see blood relatives.

It may also turn into a human tragedy
Besides, the old lady had just been dismissed by him, and the CD hadn't been finished yet.

Ye Da said to the canteen owner: "If there is really any conflict, call the police in time. Don't cause any more lives."

This "sufferer" may have come to ask for an explanation, but he may also have come to "revenge".

The shop owner nodded: "That's the reason."

Just as he was talking, an ambulance roared past, attracting the attention of everyone including Ye Da.

The owner of the canteen was puzzled and said:
"Why do I see ambulances every day lately? It's autumn and so many old people can't bear them."

The "sufferer" had red eyes, followed the ambulance, and finally turned around dejectedly, continuing to smoke.

The students of Tunghai University gathered in an adult stream (anti-shielding), dragging their sleepy bodies towards the teaching building.

As soon as he entered the campus, Ye Da felt refreshed. Ever since he found a way to "buff" himself with Yin Qi, Ye Da fell in love with studying, because studying gave him happiness.

Most of the courses can be easily completed, even those at the level of advanced mathematics. He suddenly understood the protagonists in those academic essays he read in his previous life.

When a person can easily achieve results in a certain field that others need to work hard to achieve, he will naturally fall in love with this behavior.

There are results and positive feedback far stronger than others, which can be as addictive as playing games.

Ye Da was addicted to "Wen Chaogong" in his previous life, and he is addicted to studying in this life. It seems that he was born with the destiny of a scholar.

Cultural people! "Ye Da, have you had breakfast?"

Wang Weiwen appeared out of nowhere and patted Ye Da on the shoulder. Behind him were many boys from the same class.

With his super high emotional intelligence and friendly personality, this guy has become a central figure in the ancient literature major.

Ye Da lied: "I have eaten, how about you?"

"I'm about to go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast, and take a look at the club's recruitment."

"The club recruits new members?"

"That's right, today is recruiting day. At noon in front of the cafeteria, various clubs will set up stalls to recruit people. I'm curious about what the seniors and sisters are going to do."

Ye Da was thoughtful.

It is said that now that there is no pressure on study, I seem to have more time. It is not like before that I thought about practicing advanced math after school every day.
Want to join a club?

This should also be beneficial to the progress of the "Law of Living in the WTO", right?After coming to the East China Sea, I loosened once, and I don't know when I will become a living person.

At least it's okay to go and see.

The two classes in the morning ended easily under the blessing of "Yin Qi Buff". Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, and several boys in the class walked together towards the cafeteria that Ye Da had never been to.

Loud music was heard in the distance.

The one with the largest row is the dance club at the forefront.

Six tall, long-legged girls in hot pants sang and danced vigorously in the open space surrounded by the crowd, while the boys on the side were handing out leaflets.

The boys majoring in ancient literature stared straight at them.

"I suddenly discovered that I have a talent for dancing. My eyes can keep up with their rhythm. I must be a dance genius that is rare in a hundred years. I will meet them!"

"Go together, go together."

As expected of a major in ancient literature, he can speak so literary and obscene words.

Several people left the team directly to pursue their dancing dreams.

Good guy. Ye Da is directly good guy.
The dance club is indeed unique. Not only are there a large number of high-quality girls in the club, but they also learn a little bit, which is also an attractive point for girls outside the club.

Moreover, the dance club is also a big club, and there are rich people who have more activities, which is much more lively than many small clubs that don't have much serious business for a year.

If "accession to the WTO" is used as the standard, the dance club is probably the most able to "enter", and I am afraid that in a few years, seven people will enter and seven will leave!
Ye Da was also a little moved, but considering that facing so many long legs every day, he was afraid that it would be more difficult for him to suppress his instincts, so he held back in the end.

On the other side, there are some music clubs that are also very popular. The specific popularity depends on how loud they are. At present, the drum kit has the largest number of onlookers.

Several mainstream sports clubs are also very popular, such as basketball and football, but almost all of them are boys. Ye Da also vaguely saw Gao Peng.

The ones with the least number of people are some literary and niche ones, such as poetry clubs and calligraphy clubs, and the most unpopular ones are opera clubs. There is no one.

These literary clubs, especially the calligraphy club, are more suitable for Ye Da. After all, the calligraphy level of his "child prodigy Ye Da" was not bad. In Da's eyes, he is not as good as the childish Ye Jiameng learned back then.

But entering the calligraphy club is equivalent to retirement, it is a waste of time, and he is not going to guide these rookies.

As I was walking, I suddenly saw a small group of people making strange movements at the outermost edge.

Two pieces of adhesive tape were pasted on the ground, forming a one-square-meter-sized cross, two people on the left and right, and two people were moving on it at high frequency.

The speed is very fast, very rhythmic, and the two are highly synchronized, just like copying and pasting.

It made Ye Da feel confused.

(End of this chapter)

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