I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 29 A talent never imagined

Chapter 29 A talent never imagined
Ye Da thought it was a hip-hop club or something at first, but although the two moved rhythmically, there was no music around them, and they even chanted in a low voice.

A boy at the side saw that someone finally stopped, so he hurried up to talk to him.

"Student, are you interested in boxing?"


Looking at the cross tape on the ground, Ye Da was a little confused. Shouldn't boxing be demonstrated here with a sandbag?What are you doing cross jumping here?
"It's a footwork in boxing, called the 'L-step', that can pan and turn at high speeds, and can be used for interception, defense, and redirection of attack."

The boy who spoke to him looked a little short and stocky, with a sharp crew cut. Normally, he would be considered a very difficult type of person on campus, but at this time, he licked a simple face and introduced himself vigorously. community.

"Footwork is the soul of boxing. It is best at moving and adjusting between square inches. Would you like to experience it?"

The two boys who were dancing the cross stopped at the same time, as if preparing to give way to Ye Da.

It can be seen that they are very willing to recruit people.
Ye Da: "There are so few people here."

The boy who introduced touched his chest, and said: "After all, boxing is a niche sport, and those who are interested in fighting are all in the nearby martial arts club..."

Ye Da turned his head and looked, and there was actually a temporary platform not far away, the scale of which was not the same as that of the boxing club, and the two people on it were fighting openly and closing.

Although the strength and speed are not beyond the scope of ordinary people, they still seem to be vigorous.

Martial arts in Kyushu is not a illusory pure performance event. Although I don't know how much real kung fu is in a club at Tunghai University, the masses accept it very well, and they fight beautifully, surrounded by people.

In comparison, the boxing club only had a few strips of tape pasted on the ground, and there were only three people jumping around here, how could it be described as miserable.

Boxing in Kyushu does not seem to be as common as it is on Earth, and few people even pay attention to it.

However, the way of opening and closing, flying and jumping in martial arts is destined to be missed by Ye Da, because this body has a very poor sense of balance, with big tendons curled up, and if you run faster, you may become a rolling gourd. How can you play that kind of thing? The means of going up and down, tossing and turning.

Unless Kyushu has lying down.

On the other hand, looking at the simple small steps in boxing, Ye Da had the illusion that he could do it if he wanted to.

"Then... give it a try?"

One of the boys stepped aside, while the other older senior explained to Ye Da.

"Come to the basics first, the legs are spread apart in the basic stance, the front foot moves to the back foot position, the back foot takes a step across, and the front foot moves to the right to return to the original stance."

Ye Da did as he was told. Although his sense of balance was not good, he would not be able to trip over his left foot like this.

"In actual combat, the direction is arbitrary. It all depends on the specific opportunity. You can rush forward or pull back. Through repeated practice, you can form muscle memory. In actual combat, don't waste your brain to think, but do it subconsciously. "

Gradually, Ye Da became faster and faster, catching up with the "coach" next to him, and adding steering.

"Damn it, it's really possible!"

Ye Da has never felt so flexible before!
Switch back and forth with small steps, each step is very small, less than half a meter, even Ye Da feels comfortable.

Gradually, Ye Da's pace became smoother and smoother.

In the past, although Ye Da possessed terrifying power, he basically would actively avoid any strenuous exercise.

Without him, the more violent it is, the easier it is to reveal that his limbs are stiff and different from ordinary people, and the more he opens and closes, the easier it is to lose his balance.

But this time it feels completely different, Ye Da feels like an invincible little whirlwind on this three-acre land, making small steps smoothly!

The person next to him taught him some upper body movements, a simple arched defensive posture, and a frontal jab. Ye Da had more fun as he played.

In the action of boxing, the normal state is to defend, it is "close", not "release"

Ye Da feels that he is compact and stable, and all movements of his limbs are not too big. Even if the attack movements are sometimes large, Ye Da is technically required to return to his normal posture as soon as possible, and the flaws should be as short as possible.The small steps are highly repetitive and rhythmic, and even Ye Da's zombie arms and legs can be mastered quickly.

This is a new experience he has never had before!

Ye Da tossed and turned excitedly, and kept muttering, "I'm so flexible! Swish! Swish!"

Several people from the boxing club looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is this junior excited about?This is very ordinary, okay? Doesn’t it just have legs?

But if this is the case, is the recruitment problem solved?So there is no need to disband?

It works!

Ye Da suddenly discovered that he was unexpectedly suitable for boxing, an unpopular sport in Kyushu!

The powerful lower body strength of "Flying Zombie" makes it extremely stable and fast!

It's outrageous, but reasonable.

Seeing that Ye Da was over excited, the "coach" next to him motioned Ye Da to stop for a while, and said, "How about you, student? I think you like boxing very much. Do you want to join our boxing club?"

Ye Da thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no reason to refuse. He originally wanted to find a club, but now there is a suitable one. Should he really go to the dance club to see the long legs?

Although there are fewer people in the boxing club, they can learn something that is useful to them. These three club members seem to be of good level, at least there are obvious signs of exercise, and they should have worked hard in normal times.

Many people seem to be in sports clubs, but in fact, they pretend to be bullying newcomers by picking up girls.

"Okay, I'll fill out an application."

The older senior said sternly: "Wait a minute, although it's not easy for us, there are some things I need to clarify with you first."

Ye Da said he was all ears.

"Boxing is an unpopular sport. There are only three of us in our club, which is the minimum number of people in Tunghai University's club. I am already a senior and have to leave school for internship, so I am anxious to set up a stall to recruit new people. Our club has no funds. , there is no fixed venue, and there are no female club members or female spectators. It relies entirely on interest to generate electricity, and the training is quite tiring. All these must be mentioned up front, and you must be mentally prepared."

Ye Da nodded, these problems are not big, he is really interested in boxing.

Seeing Ye Da nodding, the senior senior smiled happily, and was about to drag Ye Da to fill out the form.

Ye Da filled in the form according to the content, including name, grade, major name, student number and so on.

But when he got to the back, he froze for a moment.

Whether it is a spiritual enlightener:
Do you still need to fill in this? Ye Da wrote "yes"

The senior student suddenly frowned, sighed and said, "Wait, are you a spiritual enlightener?"

Ye Da nodded. He was an officially registered spiritual initiate, and the school had also registered it. There should be no problem.
The senior was a little surprised, but still had more of a headache: "That's troublesome. If you join a sports club, you have to get a signature from the school. You may have to make a trip to get approval before you can join the boxing club."

Ye Da: "Who should I ask to sign?"

Senior student: "I don't know about that. There aren't many spiritual enlighteners in the school. You should have a teacher in charge of spiritual enlightenment, right? Just look for him."

Yue Jiankang pushed his rimless glasses and said expressionlessly, "I don't agree."

Ye Da: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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