Chapter 266
Hundreds of kilometers away, there is a cliff.

"Little Yin, take your things and run first! Be sure to bring the information back to Kyushu, and I'll come back!"

"team leader!!"

A bearded man, covered in blood, his fur coat had long since disappeared, leaving only his black close-fitting combat uniform!

The strong muscles trembled slightly at this time, which was caused by the loss of strength.

A female team member was also covered in scars, but she was unwilling to leave.

"Stop talking nonsense! Xiao Yin, you know what to do! I have already contacted the headquarters, and they will send someone out of the gray fog to meet you."

When she heard that there was support, the female team member was happy, but then she realized that the plane could not get out, the car could not drive into the snow forest, and the support personnel had to rely on their legs to move forward, and this place was hundreds of kilometers away from the gray mist rift.
It was unknown whether he could be rescued, but the captain definitely had no chance.
Those who can come here are all elites. Xiao Yin knows that the captain is right, but he is just unwilling and suffering.

From the moment they left school, under the bearded man's hands, the two had already established a solid friendship.

Xiao Yin wiped away his tears, and ran towards Xuelin, his figure blurred for a while, and then disappeared.

The bearded man smiled contentedly, and said to himself:
"Little Yin. It's a pity that I'm just the captain of the pangolin, not the captain of the special affairs department. I'm not strong enough. Otherwise, I really want to live with you."

A huge figure pushed to the big tree along the way and walked slowly.

"Although I don't understand it, it seems to be another boring drama after the break. Does that woman have illusion-type abilities? It's useless. I can smell her scent from a long way away. You will all die today."

This monster is very similar to Jill and others, with a slightly smaller body and a cruel and playful face.

The biggest difference is the two bulges on its chest, which seem to reveal its gender.

The bearded man spat out a mouthful of blood, and cursed in the Hessein language he didn't know much: "Fak oil!"

The ten-meter-tall monster stretched out its long tongue full of saliva and licked its lips: "Then you must do what you say."

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the distance.

The monster and the bearded man turned their heads to look at the same time.

There was a touch of white in the night sky.

"Avalanche? No, why is Xuebeng in the sky?!"

In the sky, a wave of white waves surged,
Ye Da crossed his arms and flew, wrapped in the incense ash.

Following Jill's memory, he found another Saiin.

Ye Dayuan waved his hand, the white sea of ​​incense ash suddenly surged, part of it rushed towards the monster.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

The female monster was not afraid, opened her mouth wide, and let out a battle cry: "Kosah!!"

It is far more powerful than the battle cries of those great escorts, and the content is completely different. There is a faint brilliance of spiritual seeds in the sound waves.

The huge sound wave temporarily blocked the Xianghui Sea, but it couldn't change the ending of the female monster.

Soon, more incense ash filled the gap, surrounding the female monster.

At the beginning, the monster didn't care much, but soon found that its body was rapidly weathering, and its vitality was being sucked into the sea.

She was startled suddenly, and quickly exited the state of animalization, turning into a silver-haired Hessein noble woman, her pretty face full of eagerness, hoping to reduce her size to avoid damage, while rushing outward.

It's a pity how to avoid the incense ash floating in the wind?No matter where she goes, incense ash always surrounds her.

The body is weathering, the strength is disappearing, and the regenerative ability that was once proud of has no effect.

This silver-haired noblewoman found herself as if she was really about to die.

"Don't kill me! I surrender! I do."

Ye Da didn't even bother to listen.

The main reason is that Chissein did not want to listen to the birdsong.

The white smoke tornado representing vitality reappeared, was led to Ye Da, and was stored in the juantian incense burner.

The bearded man on the ground was stunned, watching the monster that almost wiped out their team, kneeling in the white tornado and howling continuously.

He looked far away at the white sea in the sky, and shouted in Kyushu dialect: "But the brother of Kyushu?"

Ye Da was facing slightly backward, hidden in the sea of ​​white incense ash. His appearance at this time was not convenient for people to see: "Pangolin Team 6, we also encountered this kind of thing just now and came to support." There is no point in concealing his identity. Looking back, everyone knows who is in Xiang Hui Hai, as long as they are not seen like this, that's fine.

The bearded man breathed a sigh of relief and was saved.
After a while, the female Saiyin completely lost her resistance, turned into a cloud of incense ash and flew back to Ye Da, and the sea of ​​incense ash behind her grew bigger again.

To the end of her life, she didn't understand why this cruel monster still wanted to kill her after promising so many things to herself. She didn't even see the man in the sea of ​​soot.

Ye Da said to the bearded man: "I have to go to other places to support. Hessein has seven such guys here. You should go back to Kyushu first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the bearded man to respond, he manipulated the incense ash to engulf himself and flew in another direction.

The bearded man was stunned.

"Such a terrifying ability. He must be S-level, right? He's a captain? What kind of ability is this? Smoke? Is it so lethal?"

Seeing the monster's demise, the bearded man murmured: "Smoking is indeed harmful to health."

It seems that "Beautiful Cigarettes" played a role. Relying on Jill's memory, Ye Da searched for other "Sain" according to the general direction, and they all succeeded.

The bearded man's place is the second place, and the seven Saiyin have killed four so far.

The fifth Saiyin was discovered alone. The other party did not find any trace of the Kyushu team. They were wandering in the mountains and forests. Ye Da didn't have enough time to explain. Ye Da's incense ash filled his mouth.

Except for the short and crushing battle, Ye Da spent most of the time on his way. Although the flying speed was not slow, the distance between the various teams ranged from tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. , it is already dawn.

As for the last two Saiyins, Ye Da couldn't find them anywhere, so he could only find them based on the routes of other teams that he wrote down during the combat meeting.

As a result, from a distance, two behemoths were lying on the ground, surrounded by a few Kyushu people who were repairing.

This team actually solved Sai Yin by themselves, two at a time.

Seeing that Sai Yin was all dead, Ye Da fell to the ground far away, and the "body" temporarily stored in the incense burner in his left hand was covered again like flowing water.

Like a person who has soaked in the water for a long time and suddenly went ashore, Ye Da felt a heavy feeling after sealing himself into his body again after a night without restraint.

I was a little uncomfortable physically, but my heart was much more stable.

He still likes the way he looks.
Walking to the team, a middle-aged man who was resting while smoking a cigarette was vigilant, and he was relieved when he saw Ye Da's face from Jiuzhou: "Was that piece of white smoke just now you?"

Ye Da nodded, and then said: "Pangolin Sixth Team, I came to support, I didn't expect you to solve it by yourself."

He suddenly remembered that this person seemed to be one of the two captains in the Pangolin Project.

Looking at the charred marks on the bodies of the two monsters, is the ability to activate spirits directly lethal like fire or electricity?
Such a strong vitality, alive and electrocuted?Sure enough, the captain level is not easy.

The man nodded his thanks and said, "This thing popped up out of nowhere and shocked us. We still don't know much about Hessein. It's a pity that this guy ruined our harvest."

The middle-aged man pointed aside. There were a lot of broken machines scattered in the snow, with a helpless expression on his face.

As the only team with the captain rank, their task is naturally the heaviest, and their target is the suspected official research facility of Hessein.

With the cooperation of the spirit-enlightening ability, they successfully sneaked in, and successfully produced a whole set of superhuman machinery that Hessein used for flesh and blood transformation. This thing is of great value, and the captain made a decisive decision and decided to transport this big guy back as soon as possible.

As a result, after walking halfway, two monsters suddenly appeared, and after a hard fight, the nearby team also came to support.

Although the two teams worked together to kill two monsters, most of the heavy equipment was damaged, and several team members were seriously injured. Fortunately, they were rescued by healing spirit enlighteners, otherwise they would have lost their staff.

The captain looked at Ye Da twice more, and he was able to support the other teams, so he was obviously a character with a lot of strength: "Hey? You are Ye Da?"

Ye Da was surprised that the other party recognized him.

The captain immediately changed to a Liangzhou accent: "I'm from the Liangzhou Special Affairs Division, Li Zhenyun!"

Ye Da also changed his Liangzhou accent and said, "My countryman! Have we met in a meeting before?"

Li Zhenyun said: "There is a genius in the East China Sea, and he is from Liangzhou. We naturally pay attention. I heard that you are still in college and not an official editor? How about it? Do you want to go back to Liangzhou after graduation? The treatment is easy to talk about! By the way, I see After reading the information, aren’t you physically strengthened? How did you get the white smoke?”

He opens his mouth just to poach people.
Ye Da coughed dryly and said: "Ahem. That's the Xuanshui method. When water vapor comes, it's all registered. By the way, now is not the time to talk about this. Last night."

Ye Da briefly explained the situation, and Li Zhenyun was taken aback: "There were seven of these monsters last night? Sain?"

Ye Da: "To be precise, there is an eighth one, but he is not with these guys. I feel that he is not very hostile to Kyushu, so I didn't kill him."

Said and pointed to the distance.

"The imprisoned Sean" resumed his appearance as a little old man, standing far away by the woods, not knowing what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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