I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 267 The Beginning of Sayin

Chapter 267 The Beginning of Sayin
"These guys are all from Hisayin itself"

Ye Da climbed up a snow-capped mountain, the signal of the satellite phone was better at the high place, and got in touch with Captain Xie Tiannan in Kyushu.

According to what "Sean the Imprisoned" said, as well as the memories in the souls of Jill and others, the earliest meaning of Hessein was to worship Saiin.

The Hesseins like to classify everything into a hierarchy.

Regions, objects and even races.

A third-class person with chestnut hair in the Far East.

Second-class people with red hair in the eastern region.

Blonde first-class people in the native area.

But these are actually appearances. Above the first class, there is another ethnic group that is secretly hidden in the upper echelon of Hessein. This is the silver-haired "Sayne".

They are rare in number and have a long heritage. They are an extraordinary race that has difficulty in reproducing but can inherit it stably. Its origin and relationship with humans are still unknown. At least in the cognition of Gill and others, they are unwilling to admit that Saiin is an extraordinary race of humans. It is inherited from the people, but they think that Sai Yin is Sai Yin and people are people.

Since 800 years ago, when Hisain rose to prominence, Saiin has participated in the pace of its historical development. Up to this era, Hisain is still deeply influenced by the Saiin family, and has not abandoned the function of "worshiping Saiin".

The total number of Saiyin is only more than 100 people, and basically all of them live in the homeland, enjoying a luxurious and corrupt life. Although they are not weak, they never go to the battlefield.

Maybe it appeared on the battlefield back then, but the people of Kyushu didn't know what the thing that could transform into a monster was.

For example, "Sean imprisoned" back then.

Xie Tiannan's voice was a little intermittent, and the signal of the satellite phone was not stable: "I heard that you captured a living one?"

Ye Da looked at the old man Xi En who was guarded by Captain Li Zhenyun at the foot of the mountain, and said, "This is about the conflict between Saiyin."

Hessein likes to classify everything, and the source comes from Saiin.

Strict hierarchy is the background of Saiyin.

Although it is already the existence of Hessein's Tianlong people, there are also ranks and grades in it. The most powerful Saiin is the three "kings". These three are the commanders and even ancestors of all Saiins.

Due to the evolution of the system and Saiin's control over Hisain, the title of the three long-lived "Kings of Saiin" is: Regent.

At present, the three regents are playing the role of "I will appear on the stage after you sing", taking turns to control the kingdom of Hessein.

All Saiyin's power comes from the bloodline, and only with the "consent" and "blessing" of the Regent, other Saiyin can improve the purity of the bloodline, thereby increasing their strength, status, and lifespan.

With enough "favor" Sine can start a new family with their own name, but they will never surpass the Regent himself.

The three regents have held this right for hundreds of years and firmly controlled the entire Saiyin group. They care about the reproduction and inheritance of Saiyin, but they are also old-fashioned and conservative.

This reminded Ye Da of the vampire in his previous life.

No matter how talented a Saiyin is, no matter how ambitious he is, if he does not have the favor of the Regent, he will not be able to succeed, and the Regent will not allow Saiyin to threaten his own strength.

The relationship between the three regents and Hessein is not exactly that of an emperor. After all, Hessein is an extremely large country, and the backward absolute monarchy cannot drive this behemoth.

This group, which has only multiplied to more than 100 people until now, is more inclined to hide itself and control it secretly.

The rise of Hessein and the conflict between Hessein and Saiin began 300 years ago.

300 years ago, Hessein made a major breakthrough in his flesh and blood transformation technology, and then entered a stage of rapid expansion. He conquered and plundered foreign countries, and then used the plundered wealth to feed himself back, and gradually annexed the mainland.

They reluctantly accepted the chestnut-haired and red-haired people with similar faces, but they implemented a policy of extermination for other races.

In the history of Hessein's invincibility in the past, they also encountered various extraordinary inheritances in the invasion, but none of them could fight against Hessein at that time, and there were not even many references, most of them had extraordinary power All very original.

Until I met Kyushu.

In terms of war capabilities, Xisayin was naturally stronger than Kyushu at that time, but Kyushu's extraordinary system made many Xisayin people shine.The extraordinary path passed down from generation to generation in Kyushu is naturally inferior to the highly unified and mass-granted Hissain flesh-and-flesh transformation technology in terms of all-out war capabilities. However, for thousands of years, hundreds of flowers have bloomed and fruitful results have been achieved. In terms of the height that an individual can achieve, it is beyond Hissain's.

"Imprisoned Sean" was also a well-known genius in the clan 150 years ago, a young Saiyin favored by the regent, until he met the invincible Beishi in the battlefield: Xin Shilin.

It can be said that if Xin Shilin didn't know what this kind of monster that can turn into a giant beast represented to Hessein at the time, "Sean the Imprisoned" should have died at that time, and it was a face-to-face who was instantly killed .

Sean even suspected that Xin Shilin's power surpassed that of the regent.

While being surprised, he also saw a possibility.

Bypassing the authority of the three regents, it is possible to go one step further.

Originally, they would never be able to surpass the Regent, and they could not even reach the same height. Like the Regent, they are immortal and sit high in the clouds.

But Kyushu's Dharma sect inheritance gave them an opportunity.

This rumor spread on a small scale among the Sayin group.

More and more Saiyin came up with this idea, and turned their attention to Kyushu, which was struggling to support at that time.

It's a pity that before these Saiyin could do anything, a vast wall of gray fog rose up in Kyushu, completely sealing it off.

Hundreds of years have passed, and no one has been able to break through the wall of gray mist. Two factions gradually emerged between Saiyin.

Most of the Saiyin people are luxury and happy Tianlong people who are greedy for enjoyment. Open the Regents, further possibilities.

Of course, these Saiyin are very small in number and weak in power. They have not made much progress in the past hundred years, and they have made the regents displeased. The three regents regard these Dharma knowledge brought by Kyushu as taboo, and strictly prohibit any Saiyin. , any Hessein study.

To a certain extent, some of the supernatural knowledge and inspiration that Hessein obtained when he invaded Kyushu were one of Hissein's most important trophies at that time. The regent tried his best to seal it up, which became a taboo.

This kind of wariness and suspicion among high-level officials is also one of the reasons why Hessein has stagnated for 150 years.

Of course the other reason is really the main one.

As the entire continent was completely occupied by Hisain, the gray fog of Kyushu could not enter, and the deep sea prevented Hisain from continuing to expand, so Hesaiin lost the driving force of infinite aggression, and inevitably fell into a conservative , Internal friction.

This is all for later.

"Imprisoned Sean" was the most affected person back then. Since Kyushu was sealed off, he has been searching for everything related to Kyushu like a madman. He never forgets Xin Shilin, and takes the white jade abacus beads picked up on the battlefield as treasures for research.

So he was condemned by the regents and imprisoned in the Far East.

In fact, after the gray fog rose, Kyushu's impact on the country of Hessein was even greater than during the war.

Without the knowledge of the people of Kyushu, the top level of Xisaiyin has been turbulent in Kyushu many times.

150 years later, when the news of the cracks in the gray fog was reported to the mainland, those who received the news did not think about how to deal with it, or whether to invade again.

Instead, think: What would the Regents think of this?

As a result, amidst the timidity, the already corrupt and old-fashioned high-ranking Hessein's response was dozens of eight beats slower, so that the general in the Far East couldn't hold back his desire, and ordered a thousand-man team to come in privately.

Until recently, the Prince Regent sent several trustworthy and loyal Saiyins to check what was going on with the gray mist, and then bumped into the pangolin team.

Xie Tiannan's thoughts were racing. The amount of information in this phone call was too great. He forced himself to calm down and said after a while: "Then do you think these opposition members in Saiin can win over or cooperate with each other?"

Ye Da shook his head and said, "You can try to provoke and use, but it's best not to form cooperation."

"Because these guys grew up eating humans. There is only one thing in Sain's diet, and that is humans."

Xie Tiannan was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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