Chapter 268 The Return
"In addition, I have another guess. Before the Donghai Youth Training Camp was invaded, I was sent to a strange place by the seeker. It was winter in Kyushu, and it was summer there. At that time, I suspected that it was outside Kyushu. Thinking about it now, If the Dharma Seekers have already mastered the method of entering and exiting the gray fog, is it possible for them to cooperate with Hessein, especially the opponents of Saiin? The various methods they collected in Kyushu are not the opponents Saiin Want something?"

"Including this time, the seven members of the Regent Saiyin sent by Hessein's native land collided with the Pangolin Project by such a coincidence. Is it possible that they have something to do with the Dharma Seeker? And how did the Dharma Seeker know the accuracy of the Pangolin Project? What about the time and approximate area?"

Those opponents in Saiyin may not be good things. The core purpose of these guys is not to help Kyushu, but to seek the Dharma of Kyushu. It is not surprising that they get mixed up with Dharma seekers. party.

Could even the timing of the Pangolin Project be revealed by an insider?
Or, Baiying is also a foreigner, and is a blond person among Hessein, the Dharma seeker and the opponent Saiin, what is the relationship between him and others? Check it out!
Xie Tiannan heard Ye Da's voice, and said in a deep voice: "I understand, I will act cheaply. The other teammates of your sixth team have confirmed their safety, and the other pangolin teams have also ensured their safety. This time it was my negligence. If there is really a mole who is cheating inside and out, I promise you that I will definitely find out."

Although any mission has the possibility of losing manpower, the risk of normal encounters and the risk caused by traitors are completely different things, especially in this environment involving racial justice and the confrontation between the two world feuds and civilizations.

Ye Da heard the hostility in Xie Tiannan's words.

Ye Da said: "Then I will return with Captain Li. The set of equipment they got is very valuable, but it is a pity that it was damaged."

"It doesn't matter. Safety is the most important thing. If something breaks, it will be repaired. Our technicians are not just for nothing."

After finishing the communication with Kyushu, Ye Da walked down the mountain. Captain Li Zhenyun was commanding the personnel to collect the broken equipment. At the same time, the corpses of the two huge monsters had to be retrieved.

It is estimated that Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian should do this physical work, and the others are not strong enough.

Everyone made a simple sledge with branches and ropes under the huge corpse. Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian each pulled one.

Li Zhenyun looked at the "imprisoned Sean". Although he had decided to take this living Saiyin back, he still had to be prepared, so he deliberately lagged behind a little distance, and watched Gu Xien with Ye Da.

With his and Ye Da's strength, Sean's sudden attack would not be able to make any waves. At worst, he would drag three corpses back.

Sean is a little crazy, and he doesn't know what to think. He has to go to Kyushu with the pole, but it is indeed of great value, and it must be right to bring it back.

Li Zhenyun said: "Any one of these monsters named Saiin has at least S-level strength. They are also the S-level ones who are good at fighting and very difficult to deal with. There are actually more than 100 people of this kind of monster called Saiin."

Still the same sentence, Kyushu is not militaristic. There are a lot of S-level enlighteners, but they also include painters like Xin Yi. S-level enlighteners are scattered in all walks of life. The official armed forces that can fight, and There is no one hundred.

Ye Da shook his head and said: "Personal force is not an absolute advantage in a war between races. With the advanced firepower of Kyushu, as long as they can be killed, it is nothing more than the difference in the number of shells. Their vitality is not infinite. .”

Just like the alien rebellion 150 years ago, at that time Kyushu had two top divisions, the Southern Zong and the Northern Division, and was invincible on the regional battlefield, but the total number of troops, mobilization ability, and even productivity were all far behind that of Hessein at that time. Kyushu was different. Press and beat?
Ye Da can imagine, when a certain Kyushu sect master who had accomplished his studies went down the mountain to help Kyushu, he would face the tens of thousands of extraordinary troops of Hessein.

Not everyone is perfect.

The only thing that needs to be feared may be the three regents of Raoshizi. I don't know if they have the ultimate strength, and whether they will hold some messy trump cards. After all, they are things that have existed for nearly a thousand years like the boy in white.

It’s also interesting to think about it. During the entire period of alien turmoil, Kyushu did not have much influence on Hessein, but after being isolated from the world, some things were revealed, which had a great influence on Hessein, and even directly changed him. The pattern between Saiyin.

The location of Li Zhenyun's team is far deeper than that of Ye Da's team. Ye Dafei took a night to find them, so they are farther away from the fog.

At this time, dragging a large pile of scrap iron and two mountains of meat, it took three days to meet the responders from Kyushu, and another day to reach the crack in the gray fog.

Coincidentally, when I came here, I walked through the No. 2 crack in Pingdingshan, and when I went back, I needed to pass through the crack in Nianzishan, which is the crack that the first thousand-strong Hessein armed forces passed through.

During the entire journey, they did not encounter any enemies, whether it was Saiyin or conventional armed forces. It seems that the internal opinions of Sisayin's senior management regarding the changes in the Wall of Gray Fog after 150 years were really confused.

The crack in Nianzi Mountain is completely under the control of Kyushu people. I don’t know what is inside the fog wall, but there is already a temporary base outside the fog wall, and there are four NO.50 Kyushu people here.

But when it came to an end, it was difficult.

Ye Da looked at the crack more than three meters high, and then at the huge monster more than ten meters behind.

This is very difficult. Can I put it in while lying down?
Li Zhenyun touched his chin and said, "How about dismembering the body?"

Ye Da shook his head and said: "The research value will be greatly reduced if the corpses are dismembered. Sean, what can you do? Can you restore them to human appearance?" This old man has always been honest and crazy, and now he is staring at Gray Wu Chuan was in a daze and said without turning his head:
"There's nothing we can do, they're all dead"

In the end, Ye Da and Li Zhenyun decided!

Break the legs of these monsters.

The hands were also broken, and if it didn’t work, the neck was also broken.
In short, if you fold or stretch it as much as possible without dismembering it, can a living person still suffocate to death?

The result is that the two monsters look like they might as well have been dismembered before they set off.

At least it's neat, unlike now.
Ye Da himself didn't quite recognize it.

Li Zhenyun smiled and said, "The guy from the technical department is probably going to scold her, haha."

Ye Da and Li Zhenyun handed over the monster's body to the others, and turned to see the old man who held Xi'en.

"Let's go, haven't you always been going to Kyushu?"

The three fell at the end of the line and walked into the crack together.

The familiar sense of space confusion came, the familiar fog, and the stones on the ground used to mark the direction, two groups of stones.

Sean's cloudy old eyes kept wandering, looking around in the gray mist.

"You can't see anything, you have to go through it quickly to get to Kyushu, hurry up."

Sean nodded, and he could tell the guy was excited.

The width of the fog is one kilometer, and it takes less than 10 minutes for a normal person to walk.

When the three of Ye Da walked away for about four or five minutes.

Ye Da suddenly heard a strange voice.

"When, when, when."

Ye Da looked at Li Zhenyun suddenly, but found that the other party didn't notice either.

This is the case again!

If the last time sounded like footsteps, this time Ye Da sounded like he was hitting some kind of hammer.

After experiencing the third memory, Ye Da no longer regarded this sound as an auditory hallucination, but at this time Li Zhenyun was beside him, so it was hard to do anything.

Suddenly, the old man Xi En, who had always been calm, shouted like crazy: "Xin Shilin! I heard it! Xin Shilin is inside!"

Immediately rushed out.

Ye Da didn't pay attention, this guy has already run seven or eight meters, he is a living Saiyin after all, his speed is very fast!

What's weird is that the visibility inside this fog is only five meters.
The old man Sean disappeared into the mist as soon as he met him.

(End of this chapter)

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