I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 269 Going the opposite way

Chapter 269 Going the opposite way
Sean rushed into the mist, and Ye Da's subconscious reaction was to chase, and followed after being crushed by his feet.

Liu Xiaoqian also followed without hesitation, wherever her benefactor went, she would go.

Li Zhenyun shouted anxiously: "Xiaoye! Xiaoliu! Don't! It's not worth it. It's easy to lose your way in the gray fog!"

Ye Da shouted: "Don't worry! I'll be fast."

Before hearing the second half of the sentence, Li Zhenyun lost track of Ye Da.

He was stunned for a while.
"Xiaoye? Xiaoye?"


"Don't worry! I'll be back soon, don't run far!"

Ye Da was really fast, and the back of old man Sean appeared in the fog ahead.

He wasn't nervous at all, it was just that he couldn't see clearly, he just went back and forth as he came.

I can't walk in a straight line within [-] meters?

What's more, as early as a few days ago, Ye Da attached the soul of "Jill" to Sean's body. At this time, he had a clear sense of Sean's position.

But after a while, Ye Da found that no matter how fast he was, the old man Sean's back didn't get closer, and finally disappeared.

At this time, the distance from the starting point is about 100 meters.

Ye Da felt that something was wrong, and stopped suddenly. Liu Xiaoqian, who was behind, couldn't dodge in time, and bumped into Ye Da's back.

Fortunately, the cushion pad is very elastic, and no major accidents occurred.

Ye Da glanced at the fog. The sensor was still there, but he was completely invisible.
Although Sean's value is great, it is easy to get lost no matter how far away he is. He can find Sean by virtue of his sense of "Jill"'s soul, but it doesn't mean that he will be able to walk back if he goes far.

Ye Da thought over and over again, and decided to give up going deep into the fog.

He said to Liu Xiaoqian: "Stay tight, we will turn back."

Liu Xiaoqian posted another post with a confused face.

Ye Da: "This is too tight."

The two of them, one behind the other, returned in the direction they came from.

After dozens of seconds, Ye Da's face was a little numb.

Wait, I'm definitely walking in a straight line!

The last time, even if the direction deviates, it should meet the route pointed out by the stone!
You can't turn it 180° by yourself, can you?
But the fact is that after turning back 100 meters, Ye Da didn't see Li Zhenyun, or other teammates, or the stone direction marker.

There is nothing but endless fog.

No, no, no, something went wrong.
The route between the cracks on both sides of the gray mist has naturally been explored long ago, but other areas are not completely untouched. The previous navigator, the little warrior, also said that they explored both sides of the crack for a long distance.
There is no reason to change yourself, and you will get lost after 100 meters.

Ye Da thought for a while, took out six stone needles, connected them end to end, and formed a straight line floating in front of him.

A miraculous scene appeared.

In my consciousness, I let them go straight forward, but at this time the six stone needles bent to the right.

Was my sense of direction lost, or did something in the mist affect the stone needle?
Ye Da was a little unsure. The only direction he could still be sure of was the induction...
It's the direction of "Jill"'s soul inside old man Sean
This is trouble.

Ye Da frowned, and at the moment "near the suspected starting point", he carefully moved around a few times, but he still didn't see any marking stones or other traces, so he had no choice but to admit it in the end.

He's gone.

"My benefactor, what should we do now?"

It can only move towards the position of the soul of "Jill" in the induction.

After all, Ye Da was a bit special about this fog formation. If the old man Xien really sensed the Northern Master Xin Shilin who became the "Qi Ling" just now, it would be good to go and meet him.

In order to ensure that he didn't score twice, Ye Da left the soul of an alien savior in place, making sure that he could get it back, and then moved towards the "Jill" position.

About half an hour later, Ye Da couldn't help but think about whether he should go back to the Red Dead and wait for rescue.

The soul of "Jill" stopped in the induction.

And dissipating quickly!

The soul is parasitic in Sean's body, and conventional means cannot affect it at all. Is there any enemy in this gray mist?Sean is dead? !
Ye Da quickened his pace.

What did they encounter?
A few minutes later, a figure gradually became clear in the gray mist.

Not Sean
The figure was extremely majestic, and he was eating something with his back to Ye Da. The sound of chewing was clearly visible, especially in the silent gray fog.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, the figure turned around, first stunned for a while, then raised his hand to say hello.

"Yo! Xiaoye, why are you here?"


The long-lost leader of the Dawn Squad.

Ye Da didn't come any closer, but stood a few meters away, just enough to see the opponent's distance clearly.

Looking at the opponent's hand, he saw a dark brown ball the size of a billiard ball, half of which had been bitten off at this time, the texture seemed to be very soft, and even faintly wriggled, with Jiang Hou's tooth marks remaining on it.

The other party is eating this thing.

In the induction, Jill's soul was in Jiang Hou's hands.

"Should I ask this question? I participated in the pangolin project. You should have heard of this, right?"

Jiang Hou swallowed what was in his mouth, and said: "Ah, Xie Tiannan made that, I heard about it."

Ye Da withdrew his gaze from Wei Weituanzi, and said to Jiang Hou, "But I haven't heard that Team Jiang is involved, and someone even asked me about your whereabouts. Team Jiang, have you left the team without permission for a long time?"

This leaving the team does not refer to the Dawn Squad, but refers to not being under the command of the Special Affairs Section.

This guy, who had been gone for a while, acted on his own.

Jiang Hou ate the dumplings in two or three bites, and patted the residue on his hands: "I have a little personal business to do."

What private matter is more important than the mission, and what private matter needs to be in the fog?

Ye Da didn't ask, and Jiang Hou didn't mean to explain.

at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, shouldn't it be time to go?"

In the mist, there are actually other people!

Ye Da frowned vigilantly, and slowly pulled out the Xuanshui stick behind his back. The three stone needles were hidden in his sleeves, and Liu Xiaoqian behind him was also ready to fight.

After a while, several figures slowly walked out of the mist.A silver-white haired, tall and beautiful Hessein aristocratic woman.

a sain.

No, many sains.

There are four of them, male and female, all dressed in gorgeous Hessein aristocratic costumes, high boots, and foil swords around their waists, looking at Ye Da with interest.

"Is this Mr. Jiang's old acquaintance in Kyushu? Or is it a dessert specially prepared for us?"

This tall female Sai Yin spoke the Kyushu dialect with a perfect accent.

Among the four people, two of them held some kind of unknown brown ball in their hands. Unlike Jiang Hou who swallowed it in big mouthfuls, they seemed to be able to only lick and eat, bit by bit.

A word flashed through Ye Da's mind: human pills.

But even more outrageous than outrageous is reality itself.

Beside Jiang Hou, besides Sai Yin, there were people who surprised Ye Da even more.

"Isn't this the little brother from the Donghai Youth Training Camp? What a coincidence, taking his girlfriend on a date in the gray fog? But I'm afraid you broke something that shouldn't have been broken."

A girl who looked like a high school student also came out of the gray mist.

Dharma Seeker: Jingwei.

The second, the third.

Four powerful people with faces from Kyushu appeared behind Jiang Hou.

A girl who looked like a high school girl, an old woman with gray hair, a fat monk who looked like a monk, and a young man in sportswear.

Except for Jingwei, they also held a dumpling the size of a billiard ball and licked it slowly.

The four Sains, the four Dharma seekers, and Jiang Hou stood together.

Standing opposite Ye Da.

The man in sportswear looked at Ye Da with evil intentions: "How pitiful, Mr. Jiang. Although he is an old acquaintance of yours, since you bumped into him, don't let him go back."

Jiang Hou was expressionless, took a deep look at the other party, and said, "What do you mean?"

Ye Da didn't move, and didn't even look at those Saiyin and Dharma seekers.

He only looked at Jiang Hou.

The young man licked the dumplings on his hand and said, "It's better to just treat it as a snack, after all."

Before he finished speaking, a big hand pinched his head, and Jiang Hou said coldly: "What do you mean? Do you want me to make you an extra meal?!"

Feeling the whole body method being suppressed and the Tianling cover cracking, the young man panicked and showed a look of fear.

The other seven took half a step back, only Jing Wei was not surprised, and continued to look at Ye Da with a smile on his face.

Throwing the young man in his hand aside, Jiang Hou didn't care about other people's expressions, but looked at Ye Da with complicated eyes.

Ye Da and Jiang Hou looked at each other, but he didn't question Jiang Hou loudly: Why!
Instead, he said calmly, "Captain Jiang, you know I will report this matter."

Jiang Hou was silent for a moment, then nodded: "It's reasonable, there is really no reason not to report."

"Or can you give me a reason?"

".Sorry, can't say."

"Even make up one?"

Ye Da glanced at the eight people behind each other who were in different shapes and playing wildly.

Sayin seekers of dharma.
These people should have been street rats under Jiang Hou's iron fist.


Jiang Hou subconsciously shook his head, but his movements were not very firm.

After that, both of them were silent.

Among the eight people behind Jiang Hou, some were very interested, some gloated, but no one dared to speak anymore, including the young man in the sportswear just now.

Jiang Hou can be said to be Ye Da's leader in the Special Affairs Department.

Jiang Hou opened the first door to the truth of Kyushu for him.

It was he who pulled Ye Da's first teammates.

Saved him, helped him, taught him.

Ye Da took a deep breath: "Anyway, it's the person in charge of your Shuguang team. Since we met, I'll report to Team Jiang."

"Pangolin Project As of yesterday, two of the ten teams were wiped out, five were damaged, and a total of 21 people were killed. All of them were masters. The enemy is the group of monsters named Saiyin behind you. I killed five of them. "

Sai Yin, who was dressed up by the nobles, looked ferocious for an instant, and looked at Ye Da ferociously, wishing he could rush up and tear him apart in the next second.

"The Donghai Youth Training Camp was invaded, and all members of the Dawn Squad were safe, but ordinary personnel in the Youth Training Camp suffered heavy losses, with 107 casualties, and the enemy, who was the Dharma seeker behind you, captured one and ran away with this woman."

Ye Da pointed to Jingwei.

Then put away the Xuanshui stick, turned and left, disappearing in the mist.

"What should be said, what should be reported, I have done."

"Jiang team, goodbye, when we meet next time, I hope you have made up a reason that can convince me."

Ye Da left without choosing to do anything.

I'm not sure, and I don't want to.

Behind Ye Da.

Jingwei licked his lips, wondering what he was thinking:
"Mr. Jiang, just let this person go like this? We don't care. Anyway, we will be shouted and killed wherever we go, but I'm afraid you will be in trouble. Do you need us to do it for you?"

Jiang Hou looked at Ye Da's back, expressionless, and turned to leave as well.

"That's not your concern."

Ye Da, Jiang Hou.

In the gray mist, they went in the opposite direction.

Some people can only walk with you for a while.

Even if they were both teachers and friends.

(End of this chapter)

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