Chapter 270
"Jiang Hou?! In the gray mist?!"

Outside the crack, Xie Tiannan's face was gloomy like a storm.

After parting with Jiang Hou, Ye Da returned to the mark made with the soul of the great red man, and waited honestly for rescue.

An hour later, rescuers arrived.

Strange to say, Ye Da's location is only tens of meters away from the "stone road", but he can't find it no matter what.

It seems that the encounter in the gray fog is the guidance of fate.

After coming out, Ye Da immediately reported to Xie Tiannan what happened in the gray mist.

He didn't add any subjective judgment, but just told the truth.

But it is hard for anyone not to imagine Jianghou in terms of "rebellion".

"Captain Jiang Hou. What happened in Guanzhou before?"

Xie Tiannan suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "More than a month ago, when cracks just appeared in Guanzhou, he was the first person to intercept Xisaiin's small reconnaissance force. Later, Jiang Hou... disobeyed the command and asked for it without permission. He went through the gray mist to explore the world outside the gray mist. At that time, we were still teasing him because we wanted to compete for the honor of being the "No. 1 Leaving Kyushu"."

"I didn't expect to go there. I didn't come back for a month and there was no report. This is already a serious violation of discipline."

Ye Da thought for a while, but still had a glimmer of hope in his heart: "Is it possible that he is carrying out some secret mission?"

Xie Tiannan shook his head: "There is no such possibility. The higher-ups are already very dissatisfied with him. It's all up to a few of our old friends to help him withstand the pressure. I didn't expect that this guy would get involved with Dharma Seeker Saiin."

The organization has its own rules. You can't fool them by saying "I have my own meaning." Jiang Hou's behavior can be regarded as "loyalty is not absolute". He does not communicate, does not report, and acts privately. This is still the case. Sensitive times, with someone so undeserving.
Even if Xie Tiannan or others were willing to believe in Jiang Hou out of personal feelings, the organization would no longer believe it.

Including this time, what will Jiang Hou and a group of Saiyin and Dharma seekers do?Has it entered Kyushu, and what is the plan?If it is to help the Dharma seeker and Saiyin to cross the fog wall, it is not much different from betrayal.

The only person who could defend him was that Ye Da discovered his whereabouts but did not take action.

Xie Tiannan and Jiang Hou have known each other for many years, they came out of the same youth training camp, so their hearts are very complicated.

Ye Da said suddenly: "I heard that Captain Jianghou has a wife, but not many people know about it, right?"

Xie Nantian was a little surprised that Ye Da knew about this: "Yes. In order to avoid revenge from his enemies, few people know, but his wife has passed away."

Ye Da moved his mouth, wondering if he should tell about the seventh floor of the youth training camp.

Jiang Hou's wife "Wenjuan" was kept in an underground life-support device by Li Youren who took advantage of his power. If Ye Da reminded Xie Tiannan, I'm afraid Li Youren would no longer be able to use the life-support device.
In the end, recalling the scene of dealing with Jiang Hou in the past, Ye Da finally didn't say anything.

Xie Tiannan said: "The information brought back by the pangolin project is very valuable, which has greatly accelerated our understanding of Hessein, but after all, there have been omissions, and the possibility of internal rape cannot be ruled out at present, so we decided to postpone the next step Plan, first build a camp on the outside of the crack."

Forcibly softening his expression, Xie Tiannan patted Ye Da on the shoulder: "Xiaoye, you have worked hard this time, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, all the participants of the Pangolin Project will have a vacation to recuperate, and you too, go back and have a reunion dinner .”

Ye Da was taken aback, the word "reunion dinner" sounded a little strange.

At first, I wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, Wang Weiwen and the others might want to go back for a year, so I should stop being special, and it wouldn't be interesting to stay here alone.

"By the way, your performance this time is obvious to all, and your merits have been recorded. When you graduate and officially join the Special Affairs Department, these will be your valuable assets. I will report your merits to the higher authorities. In addition, your level of spiritual enlightenment, The internal files have been changed to S-level, just remember to do a test after the year."

Ye Da slaughtered 7 of the 5 Saiyins with S-level strength. This is the most solid proof that the improvement of the file level is inevitable.

In fact, Ye Da's achievements have already accumulated too much. Official affairs are generally not handled simply by sending money, but from various aspects to promote positions, military ranks, and even social status, but it is a pity that Ye Da is now The primary status is still a student.

The great achievements in these files, in theory, have to wait until he graduates to play a real role, and the officials will never forget this young genius.

Counting the spiritual enlighteners in Kyushu, few people can achieve such a high level during their school days, so that some of the original reward and incentive policies, some of which are not in the right version, cannot be honored by Ye Da, a school student.

The last person with such a shining resume was Jiang Hou.

Jiang Hou was known as the No. [-] martial arts performer in the three cities of Kyushu back then, and it was based on real comparisons. In fact, if Kyushu was not undergoing major changes unseen in a century, he might be in the mood to hold a great martial arts performance in the three cities of Kyushu, so that Ye Da would also take it. The first title of the young generation.

Of course, there will be no shortage of official commendations, additions to files, and honors, subsidies, and bonuses issued by the school.

After that, Ye Da reunited with his teammates from Pangolin Sixth Team in Weihe Town.

Li Zifeng came up directly with a bear hug.

"It's awesome! Captain! It's awesome!"

They have already heard about what happened afterwards, and they can only be described as being astonished.

Such a strong monster, the captain killed five of them!
I heard that a full-time captain on the other side only killed two of them.

Ye Da smiled, and hugged several people one by one. They don't know about Jiang Hou's affairs yet, if they tell them, they might not be excited.

In the evening, Ye Da, Liu Xiaoqian, Wang Weiwen, Yao Ruting, and Li Zifeng had dinner in an iron pot and stewed in an iron pot. Even the talkative skateboard was arranged a seat under Li Zifeng's strong request.

"Brother Dirt Truck saved my life! Don't say thank you, just tell me what you need, and give you a bottle of lubricating oil? Or go to a skateboard store to find the most popular female skateboard, I will say nothing Here you go! Two! The one with the lace trim!"

Talkative skateboard: "Go away."

"it is good!"

Everyone drank a lot that night, but unfortunately, except for Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting, the others were all cheaters.

Ye Da, Liu Xiaoqian, and Wang Weiwen were still sober after drinking for several hours, while Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting were completely dizzy.

Yao Ruting half leaned on Ye Da, and said inarticulately: "Captain, tell the truth! What is your relationship with Liu Xiaoqian?!"

Maybe the intention was to whisper something, but the words came out loudly.

Liu Xiaoqian, who had been eating honestly, immediately lowered her head.

Ye Da smiled: "Teammate, what else?"

Liu Xiaoqian's ears moved.

"Teammate? Stop lying to me. You can't see that girl treats you."

The next few sentences are mumbled, but I really can't hear them clearly.

"What a girl! I can't help but shoot!"

Ye Da looked at Yao Ruting in surprise.

Yao Ruting suddenly hugged Ye Da's hand and said loudly in a "whisper" way: "Tell you a secret. Me! It's for both men and women!"

The box suddenly became quiet.Everyone looked at Yao Ruting.

Yao Ruting didn't realize it himself, and said to everyone's eyes: "What are you looking at! I'll have a whisper with the captain!"

Everyone looked away like an electric shock.

The next day, Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting took the plane of the Special Affairs Department and returned to Huajing and Yunzhou respectively for the New Year.

Li Zifeng's hometown is in Yunzhou.

But Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, and Liu Xiaoqian chose to drive back to the East China Sea in the off-road vehicle.

The car had been parked in Weihe County for more than a week, and the corpse of the man covered with a layer of clothes had been lying there for a week. Thanks to Weihe County's small population and small size, there are not so many traffic police, otherwise it would scare people to death.

The journey was smooth and nothing happened.

Until New Year's Eve, they finally returned to the East China Sea.

From the tense and cloudy borderlands of gray mist, back to Kyushu, a scene of singing and dancing, a modern and prosperous scene, Ye Da feels a little bit like a world away.

But that's how the world works, isn't it?
One place is full of war, another place may be quiet and peaceful.

"Don't you really think about it? Wang Junshan and Lu Zhixuan should welcome you, including that kid Wang Weiwu."

Wang Weiwen once again invited Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian to meet Wang's family for a New Year's Eve dinner.

"There's no one there when you go back, how are you and Liu Xiaoqian celebrating the New Year?"

Ye Da shook his head and smiled, "What year is it? It's just an ordinary Saturday. I'll go back to wash and sleep."

"Want to watch the party?"

"Dogs don't even look!"

Back in Happiness, Ye Da noticed that "Aunt Li's Roast Meat Shop" was still open.

Thousands of miles away, Kyushu is cautiously and excitedly touching the world outside the gray mist, but in the East China Sea, the lives of ordinary people have not been affected.

For most people, this is just a slightly colder winter.

Ye Da looked at the dazzling array of colors in the window and swallowed.

Although roast pork is no longer the only food that can be eaten now, the taste of Aunt Li's house is still worth a full meal, and the taste is even better than before.

"Aunt Li, haven't you rested yet? Aren't you going home for dinner?"

Seeing the regular customers, Aunt Li smiled and said, "I live nearby. I'll close the store later and go back. There are a lot of customers today."

Ye Da noticed that it might be because of the Chinese New Year that Aunt Li's Roast Meat shop has a lot more styles, and braised vegetables such as tripe, pork tripe, and trotters are also on sale.

As usual, Ye Da took two roast ducks, half a roast goose, and a portion of pig's trotters. Now he is not the only one in the family who needs to eat, so he can have a full meal with Liu Xiaoqian.

Aunt Li's eyes kept looking at Liu Xiaoqian, she just thought that the girl doll was so pretty, so she couldn't help but gave Ye Da two taels of pork belly.

It's just that when you talk, you are a little bit hesitant.

The girl we came with last time was also very good-looking. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be this one.
It was the first time for Aunt Li to meet Liu Xiaoqian, but it was not the first time for Aunt Li to see Aunt Li, so she bowed cautiously and politely.

"This child is too polite, Xiaoye, happy new year, come here often in another day."

Ye Da took a big bag of delicious food and nodded with a smile.

On the way back, many people in Happiness were carrying big bags and small bags. Although not everyone had a smile on their faces, they could feel that everyone was looking forward to New Year's Eve.

Maybe many people are year-round, and only this time can purely look forward to finding comfort instead of worrying about pressure and the future.

Ye Da suddenly felt a little regretful. Although he said he was not a new year, he should have some wine and drink with Liu Xiaoqian.

Forget it, why should two people who are not drunk waste wine.

Ye Da took out the key and said to Liu Xiaoqian, "I hope there isn't too much dust in the house."

Liu Xiaoqian said firmly behind Ye Da: "Don't worry, Mr. Ben, I will take care of the hygiene at home!"

Open the door.

"Here comes the chicken soup~!"

Inside the house, Ye Jianguo, wearing an apron, with his face folded into a chrysanthemum, greeted him with a casserole.

Ye Da:.
When Ye Jianguo saw the door open, his smile disappeared suddenly, and he said darkly, "Oh! Boy, do you still know how to come back?"

Ye Da's hairs stood on end.

Ye Jianguo. No!Ye Zongguo!Coming to the East China Sea!Still at home!

etc!Close the bottom boss and ride on the face?I didn't have time for so many arrangements!

The person I have been wary of, the extreme 150 years ago!It suddenly appeared less than two meters away from him!

Ye Da felt that the alarm bells were ringing in his whole body!

Just when Ye Da thought he was going to start a war hastily, he saw Ye Jianguo suddenly changed his smile: "Your girlfriends came earlier than you! How impolite!"

Ye Da turned his stiff neck and saw Xin Yi, who was restless on the sofa in the room.
Ye Da: Ah~?

Following Ye Da's probe, Ye Jianguo also saw Liu Xiaoqian behind him.

Ye Jianguo turned his neck stiffly.

Ye Jianguo: Ah~?

 7000 for two chapters, so I won’t dismantle it.

  Let’s all consider it the author’s third update today.

(End of this chapter)

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