I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 272 Chapter 271: Rooftop Night Chapter

Chapter 272 Chapter 271: Night Talk on the Rooftop
At the gate of Xingfuli community, all the shops are closed at this time, the most reunion festival, but the street is also the most deserted.

Ye Da came to see Xin Yi off, and it was not easy to get a taxi, so the two waited together on the side of the road.

"A very strange meal."

Although he drank a little wine, Xin Yi has completely recovered his old style, speaking concisely but with a smile on his face.

Ye Da couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's very strange."

"But the bacon is delicious, and the chicken soup is delicious."

Ye Da recalled that when Wen County was studying hard for three years, Ye Jianguo liked the food he cooked by himself, such as smoked bacon and pickled peppers, but he didn't have the chance to eat them at that time.

"This guy seems to be really good at cooking."

Noticing Ye Da's strange address, Xin Yi's face became more curious: "So what's the relationship between that guy and you?"

Ye Da pondered for a while, and only said two words: "Clan people."

It seems that only this title is the most appropriate.

It may also be the reason for today's strange New Year's Eve dinner.

At this time, the car called finally arrived and stopped in front of the two of them.

Ye Da helped Xin Yi open the car door, Xin Yi didn't get into the car immediately, but looked at Ye Da: "So, is that Miss Liu really an employee?"

Ye Da's throat moved, and he couldn't say a suitable word to describe the relationship between Liu Xiaoqian and himself.

tool?No, definitely not.

teammate?That was just an explanation used to prevaricate Yao Ruting.

It can't be a girlfriend, can it?This is even more outrageous.

Many coincidences happened together on this wonderful New Year's Eve, and Ye Da didn't have the energy to think about those things yet.

In other words, subconsciously avoided.

Xin Yi waited for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "I understand, but you don't understand either."

Xin Yi got into the car and said before leaving: "In a sense, we are quite similar, and I can't explain many feelings."

"Happy New Year, Ye Da."

Seeing the car driving away gradually, Ye Da was also a little complicated for a while.

But now I really don't have time to clean up my mood.

There is a ticking time bomb at home.

No, it is more appropriate to say that it is a timed atomic bomb.

Walking to the door of the unit, Ye Da felt something, and looked up, and sure enough, Ye Jianguo was standing on the roof looking at him.

Ye Jianguo: "Come up for a chat?"

Without any hesitation, Ye Da jumped straight to the roof and landed lightly beside Ye Jianguo.

About 5 meters apart.

Ye Jianguo rolled his eyes: "Beware of me?"

Ye Da nodded generously.

Ever since he first met Ye Jianguo when he came back, he had been thinking about how to face him, what to ask, or what to hide.

Just like playing a game, the boss at the end of the level stays at the end of the level honestly, then the character can straighten his words at the last moment, launch a charge with dignity, and then go through hard battles, explosions, talk, and finally win.

But if halfway through, the fragmented narrative has not been fully understood, and the psychological preparation is not yet ready, the bottom boss suddenly appears in front of him, holding non-toxic chicken soup.

Any player will have a "so what should I do" confusion.

Ye Da had never seen Ye Jianguo since he left Wenxian County to come to Donghai School, and only made a few phone calls, which didn't take more than 5 minutes.

Especially in recent months, the guard against Ye Jianguo has reached its peak.

If Ye Da had been asked to think about how to face Ye Jianguo yesterday, Ye Da would have given 10 plans.

For example, unite all forces and win in one fell swoop.

For example, avoid the edge temporarily and continue leveling.

Of these ten plans, half may be defensive plans and the other half may be offensive plans.

But after experiencing a strange New Year’s Eve dinner.
Ye Da chose the No.11 plan.

"Ye Zongguo?" Ye Da called out the "Nan Zong"'s real name.

Ye Jianguo moved his lips and said, "This name has been useless for more than 100 years. Sure enough, you will never be ordinary. No matter 700 years ago or now, without any trace, you can find out the truth of the past so quickly. Contact The most core secret of Kyushu.”

Ye Jianguo looked at Donghai City on New Year's Eve from the roof of a building that was not too high, and it gave people a feeling of overlooking all living beings.

"I thought I could wait until you get married and have children."

Ye Da followed Ye Jianguo's gaze, but what he saw was the lights of thousands of families: "So marrying a wife and having children is not an excuse?"

"Of course not. If you follow the path of "Live in the World", the Ye family has descendants. How wonderful it is. Why is it an excuse?"

"Really? I thought I was just a sacrifice prepared by you."

Ye Jianguo did not answer.

After a while, it was still Ye Da who spoke first.

"Aren't you willing to be honest?"

Ye Jianguo stood with his hands behind his back in the cold wind, and looked at Ye Da: "Because I don't know yet, how much do you know?"

"I saw the white-clothed boy, went outside the Kyushu, saw the big formation, and knew that Huiwu needed sacrifices. Are these enough?"

Is it enough for you to have an open and honest talk with me?

As a tribe.

Ye Jianguo suddenly laughed, as if he was relieved.

"not enough."

Ye Da hesitated.

Originally thought it was enough to have a confession with Ye Jianguo, just like Wang Weiwen at that time, but he didn't expect to get a sentence of "not enough".

"But I can answer you three questions, and I will not lie about these three questions."

Although Ye Da is an ancestor of the Ye family, it may not be a quarter of Ye Jianguo's life span in 2.5 generations. It may be because of his extreme arrogance in the past 200 years. Ye Da is regarded as a person of the same level and experience.

This was the first time that Ye Jianguo had lost his laughing and cursing, as well as his usual urchin-like disguise.

He said he wouldn't lie to Ye Da, so he wouldn't.

Ye Da thought for a while and asked the first question:
"Do you want to re-block Kyushu?"

Ye Jianguo grinned and said frankly: "As expected of the most glorious person in my Ye family, his mind is not limited to his own mystery, yes, I want to do this."

Ye Da: "Hissein has been stagnant for a hundred years, and Kyushu returned to the mainland just at the right time. It is no longer afraid of its past opponents. On the other hand, it is difficult to cover up the fact that Kyushu has been blocked by gray fog. At this moment, maybe Kyushu has A large number of scholars, netizens, young people, or ordinary people are all having doubts about the status quo of Kyushu, and if things go on like this, it will be harmful and useless.”

Regardless of whether the boy in white is credible or not, and whether he has his own calculations, Ye Da agrees with the deduction made by the other party in that consciousness space.

As Kyushu enters the information age, this doubt will eventually turn into "shock," and "shock" will turn into resentment.

So it would be better to take that step bravely at the crossroads of the era when the Kyushu formation is unsustainable.

"I, Ye Da, may have some fate, and you may have more than me, but neither of us is qualified to make decisions for Kyushu."

Ye Da took out a "Beautiful Cigarette" and put it in his mouth.

He hopes for a good result tonight.

"But we can have our own thinking. I don't think it's the right choice to re-consolidate the fog formation. Although the official doesn't say it's perfect, the current path is not wrong."

Cautiously and vigorously re-explore the world outside the gray fog.

Ye Jianguo's tone also became serious: "I only recently heard about the 50-[-]-year encounter with Xisaiyin. To be honest, it was indeed beyond our expectations, but this does not mean that Kyushu is completely free from worries. Just like Hissein had his enemies, too."

Judging by Ye Jianguo's tone, he has not been blindly playing the role of an old farmer in Xiangxi these years, and he also has sources of information that Ye Da does not know, such as the situation of Hessein, which should only be spread among the top officials.

"Deep sea?" Ye Da said two words.

Ye Jianguo nodded: "Satellites can see Hessein, but they can't see through the sea. Official weapons go up the mountain, but they can't sink to the bottom of the sea. Hessein also suffers from the threat of the deep sea. Facing those things, whether it is Hessein or Kyushu, in fact, there is not much difference."

One of the biggest reasons why Xisaiyin has stagnated for a hundred years is because it has never been able to break through the threat of the deep sea.

In Ye Da's mind, the God of Mercy and Jiang Hou's abnormality flashed across.

"you've been to?"

Ye Jianguo's face gradually turned ugly, as if he recalled some bad things.

"Been there. Almost died in it."

(End of this chapter)

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