I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 273 Zongguo, you did a good job!

Chapter 273 Zongguo, you did a good job!

Ye Jianguo has been to the deep sea and almost died there.

The news was shocking enough.

But Ye Da didn't know that this time point was much closer than he imagined.

Just after he came to Donghai to go to school.

Only a few months ago.

The fog formation in Kyushu was unsustainable, and Ye Jianguo was the first to know.

The time was three and a half years ago.

Cracks began to appear in the formation, and Ye Jianguo was the first to know about it.

The location is at the junction of the deep sea.

Before Ye Da knew it, this nearly [-]-year-old Jue Ding had already done a lot of things.

Ye Da wondered, "Is there a peak in the deep sea?"

Ye Jianguo smiled wryly: "Jueding is a unique name for the Nine Provinces human race. It is somewhat nondescript to describe those monsters. If you have to say it, you can treat them as monsters."

They mean more than one.

"a lot of?"

"I don't know, I met three."

"But the deep sea is an ocean after all, and it hasn't posed much threat to the land for thousands of years, right?"

In a world with extraordinary power like Kyushu, spirits have never belonged only to humans, but no matter whether it is Hessein or Kyushu, they all rely on the power of the ethnic group and become the absolute master of the land.

In this environment for a long time, many people will have a feeling that "human beings are the masters of heaven and earth".

But in the ocean, which is countless times wider than the land, in those vast areas that have not been touched by human beings since ancient times, there are some unique existences, and even unique ethnic groups, which can be thought of with a little thought.

Because of technical limitations, Xisaiyin's exploration of the deep sea is very superficial, basically being blocked, eroded, and crushed.

Although Kyushu's technology is stronger, but because of the restrictions of the gray fog, the understanding of the deep sea is extremely unfamiliar, and it is not even as good as Xisaiyin.

When Ye Da wanted to ask again, Ye Jianguo pouted suddenly: "Is this also a question?"

Ye Da coughed a few times, and didn't continue to ask the bottom line, so as not to annoy this guy.

Because the next question may be more important.

"Second question, from your point of view, is the boy in white credible?"

Although it was from the boy in white that he first learned the secrets of Kyushu, Ye Da only saw a few memories between the three of them, and Ye Jianguo must know more than him.

Ye Jianguo stretched out his hand.

Ye Da was stunned for a moment before he understood what the other party meant, and handed him a "Beautiful Cigarette".

The cigarette ignited spontaneously without wind, Ye Jianguo took a puff, smiled lightly and said, "Good stuff."

Then he gave Ye Da an unexpected answer.

"Maybe believable, but not necessarily true."

Ye Jianguo trusts the boy in white!
"There are too many things in this world that are in line with your own understanding but are actually wrong. Sometimes this is more dangerous than stupidity. From the time you called me and asked me about 'Nine Yin' and 'Juan Tian', I guessed that you were probably We will meet the remnant soul of the boy in white. Back then, the three of us had backup plans, and we agreed not to interfere with these backup plans, lest the fate of Kyushu be in the hands of one family, one surname, or even one person."

"But I, a person who has lived outside for more than 100 years, can hardly say that my judgment is correct, let alone a hidden remnant soul."

This makes sense.

Ye Da turned to think about the third question. He originally wanted to ask how Ye Jianguo's son died, but looking at this gray-haired and lifeless old man, he suppressed his doubts.

Finally, I thought, just be more direct.

"Then the last question, what is your real purpose for digging me out of the ancestral grave? Stop talking about getting married and having children."

Ye Jianguo was silent for a long time, and said in a hoarse voice, "Because I'm tired."

"I don't have much time. The Ye family has become extinct, and the Xin family has only a few ambitious winners left. I want to find someone to find out the way, no matter whether that person chooses to unravel the big formation or choose to fight with me. Repairing the formation together will eventually lead to a solution, but I didn't expect your progress to be so fast, nor did I expect the formation to be broken down so quickly."

"why me?"

Ye Jianguo smiled and said: "You are the only person written in the history books of my Ye family for thousands of years, the person with the most glorious ancestors, and the person buried in the center of the ancestral grave. If I don't pull you out, why don't you just go find someone on the street?"

"I probably still have a few years. I am definitely not an immortal. I am not a monster or zombie in human skin. I will live until the end of my life." Just like a window period, in the past few years, Ye Jianguo has been able to recover. Great formation, but if you miss this period, it will be difficult to turn back.
Ye Da was thoughtful, maybe in a sense, this was Ye Jianguo's backhand, similar to that of the boy in white, except that both of them fell on the same person.

"In the past 50 years, Kyushu has developed to the point that even an old man like me can't understand it. Maybe if we give Kyushu some more time, it will be able to develop better. Those things in the sea are very disturbing. Maybe there will be no such thing in a short time. What kind of accident happened, but maybe a few years, maybe a decade or so will bring disaster, but at that time, there will be no me in the world, and there will be no chance to restore the big formation."

Ye Da exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"Do you need a new sacrifice to repair the large array?"

Ye Jianguo smiled calmly and said, "Of course! I am the biggest sacrifice, so we must hurry before I die."

"Then how do you know I'm willing?"

"I don't know. I hope or don't want to. I won't force you. After all, you are the ancestor of my Ye family."

One old and one young, or one young and one old, just stood on the roof and blew smoke rings.

Ye Da suddenly said: "That's right, you are indeed a descendant of my Ye family! You are responsible and courageous, but you are not respectful enough to your ancestors."

Ye Jianguo was suddenly choked by the smoke, and looked at Ye Da as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Da patted Ye Jianguo on the shoulder and said, "Zong Guo, you did a good job."

This momentum, grasp it.

I thought Ye Jian would jump in anger, but the expected reaction didn't happen.

Turning his head to look, Ye Jianguo's eyes felt a little relieved.

"You don't count as three questions, but it doesn't matter. Then the ancestor of my Ye family, Renjie, I don't know what to do now after talking with the old man?"

Ye Da smiled and said, "Treat the illness first."

In Donghai City, the street lights are still bright, but there is no life on the road.

Occasionally passing one or two taxis that are still working overtime, inexplicably makes people feel that life is not easy.

Xin Yi was slightly dizzy, she had only drank three times the 72° shochu, but her face had already blushed twice.

Touching her slightly hot cheeks, this was probably the most memorable New Year's Eve dinner she had ever eaten.

Probably for a lifetime.

After thinking about it, Xin Yi took out her mobile phone and dialed a number that she didn't usually use.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Even though it was New Year's Eve, the voice on the other end of the phone was not tender at all.

Xin Yi was silent for a while, and the enthusiasm that had appeared due to the wine gradually cooled down: "Father, Happy New Year."

There was only a slight hum over there, as if waiting for the next sentence.

"I met an elder of a friend today. After hearing my name, he seemed to know you."

Another voice came from the other end of the phone: "Boss Xin, this document needs your signature."

After the swishing sound of writing, the voice over there was obviously a little absent-minded: "Maybe it's someone in the business field, the president of which group? Or a young man from the official family of the East China Sea?"

Xin Yi said: "None."

Thousands of miles away in Huajing, Xin Zhenhao subconsciously frowned.

His time is precious, even if it is his own daughter, he should not waste his time.

In fact, he doesn't care much about who knows him, or whose parents and elders know him. There are many people who have met him in the business, political, and military circles, and there are even many people who use his name to talk about who they know.

It would be too ridiculous if everyone paid attention.

Xin Yi's personality has been stubborn since he was a child, and he even thought a little out of his mind. He subconsciously thought that Xin Yi's nerves were not right, so he wanted to chat with him.

This made him a little impatient.

Wait, he thought of something
Xin Yi knew what kind of character his father was, and lost interest in chatting. He said, "He is the Ye Da I mentioned to you before. His ancestor's name seems to be Ye Jianguo."

Xin Zhenhao's hands trembled.

At the end of the signature, it turned into a chaotic arc.

(End of this chapter)

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