I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 274 Father and Daughter

Chapter 274 Father and Daughter
The Xin family, a prominent family in Kyushu.

Before the Alien Rebellion, it was a rich family of aliens, who inherited profound methods and took root in Huajing for 200 years.

The Xin family is not as old as the Ye family, but the Ye family is also far inferior to the Xin family, which is a well-off and well-off family.

A hundred and fifty years ago, Xin Shilin was born in the Xin family, who was known as the Northern Master, and was on par with the Southern School.

In that era, in the world of supernatural beings, the Xin family was a big inheritance family on an equal footing with the Ye family.

But in the world of secular power, the Ye family, which is thin and single, has far less influence than the Xin family.

Even during the alien turmoil, the Xin family had a faint reputation as the hero who commanded the Kyushu rebellion.

After the gray fog rose, Xin Shilin's life and death were unknown, and the authorities began to "forbid the law". Many people thought that the Xin family would suffer heavy losses, but the fact is that the Xin family has become stronger and stronger in the next hundred and fifty years.

To this day, apart from the rare "extreme top" who has not come out in second place, the Xin family has nowhere to go.

After Xin Shilin, Xin Zhenhao, the seventh generation at the helm of the Xin family, was naturally very busy. He was so busy that he didn't have time to chat with his daughter on New Year's Eve.

Among the Kyushu, there are probably not enough people that Xin Zhenhao can treat seriously, but there is only one person who can make him fear.

Ye Zongguo.

Of course he knew that Ye Zongguo changed his name to Ye Jianguo more than a hundred years ago.

About three months ago, the jade pendant on Xin Yi's body made with the Xin family method was triggered and helped her escape the Lingzi incident. At that time, Xin Zhenhao didn't know about Ye Da.

Later, Xin Yi felt guilty, thinking that Ye Da got involved in the Lingzi incident because of himself, so he wanted to ask for a jade pendant of the same kind for Ye Da as compensation, and the name Ye Da came into Xin Zhenhao's vision.

Although the relationship with his daughter is quite delicate, but out of his habit of controlling everything, Xin Zhenhao still asked people to check this Ye Da.

He just did it casually, and he almost forgot about it afterwards.

But half a month later, when his subordinates came to report, he was surprised
His surname is Ye, and he took the college entrance examination in Wen County, western Hunan, and his name is still "Ye Da".

Although the past resume was seamless and unremarkable, and there was no evidence to show that he had any relationship with that Nanzong, but these three points alone made Xin Zhenhao cautious.

Anything that might be related to Ye Zongguo deserves caution and attention.

He thought of many things that night and made some decisions.

On the second day, he agreed to Xin Yi's request and made a jade pendant with additional ingredients.

Xin Yi, as Xin Zhenhao's legitimate daughter, is different from other Xin family members. Since she was a teenager, she refused to live according to the family's plan. She only wanted to be a pure painter, so she didn't know many things, and she didn't realize that she was carrying The gift of guilt will make Ye Da be targeted by Xin Zhenhao.

Recently, in a state where no one knew, he had used Ye Da's whereabouts to find two big formations, which was also the reason for Xin Zhenhao's shaking hands.

Has it been discovered?

Ye Zongguo didn't let the Xin family get involved in the formation, and now he suddenly appeared in the East China Sea, and Xin Yi was also involved. Could it be that he discovered something to ask the teacher for his crime?
After pondering for a while, Xin Zhenhao calmed down. According to that person's character, if he were to question his daughter, he might turn into an unconscious puppet. If he could call himself at this time, he should be fine for the time being.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was nervous because he was worried about his daughter's safety, or because he was worried that things would be revealed.

Xin Zhenhao's high status and authority for many years prevented him from fluctuating too much in his voice, and Xin Yi didn't notice it either. He didn't know that his supernatural father was nervously clenching his fists at this moment.

Xin Zhenhao pretended to be casual and said: "That friend you asked for a jade pendant? Why did you spend New Year's Eve with him?"

"It just so happened that I couldn't contact him recently, so I stopped by to have a look, and ended up bumping into his elders and having a meal together."

Of course you can't contact him, Xin Zhenhao thought.

Because the opponent was outside the gray fog before.

It's just that he didn't expect that Ye Da had already returned to the East China Sea. He had been watching Ye Da's tracks all the time, but now he heard the news from his daughter first.

Xin Zhenhao didn't know that the omission of the pangolin project made the Special Affairs Section aware of the possibility of the existence of the traitor, and the confidentiality of all relevant personnel was raised several levels, which caused his news to lag behind.

"Did that one say something? Are you angry?" Xin Zhenhao's tone was still a little nervous after all.

Xin Yi said: "Angry? Why are you angry? Although that Uncle Ye Jianguo has a bit of a weird personality, he is quite kind when eating, and the smoked bacon is also delicious."

Xin Zhenhao thought he was hallucinating.

kind?Could this word have a relationship with Ye Zongguo's cursive initials?

And bacon? !
Can you identify what meat it is? !Can people eat it?
Xin Zhenhao moved his mouth, and finally said: "That's a family friend, seniority. You have to maintain respect. Besides, didn't he stop you from getting in touch with that Ye Da?"

Xin Yi leaned on the car window with her shoulder, suddenly feeling a little depressed, and said under the influence of alcohol: "Why do you want to stop it? Because I have a good father?" After saying that, he hung up the phone.

She couldn't say why she was on the phone, maybe subconsciously, she still hoped to have more intersections with Ye Da, for example, the two elders were old friends, and she wanted to confirm.

It's just that things are not as simple as she thought.

In Huajing, Xin Zhenhao threw the phone aside and rubbed the space between his brows.

He has his own plans, whether it is for Ye Zongguo or Ye Da.

It's just that if it is mixed with children's personal relationships, it will make things much more complicated.

"In any case, the family plan is the most important thing."

If you can't get in, just pierce the sky.

The next day, New Year's Day.

Ye Da contacted someone.

Li Youren.

Then early in the morning, he took Ye Jianguo to the Donghai Youth Training Camp Building, while Liu Xiaoqian stayed behind as a housekeeper.

Just after New Year's Eve, only the security guards stood firm at their posts.

After being invaded last time, the building was repaired, and most of the area was out of use. It can be said that it is in a state of shutdown.

But it doesn't include the really important equipment underground.

As soon as we met, Li Youren immediately asked:
"Yeda! Are you sure what you said? Who is this?"

"My people."

Li Youren was a little surprised by this title. It seems that only some big families who have passed it down for a long time would say that. Of course, it is more heard in TV dramas.

He was a little nervous. He received a call from Ye Da in the morning, mentioning the survival device on the seventh floor underground. He thought Ye Da was going to report him.

During this period of time, Jiang Hou's situation became very delicate, and there were many bad rumors, and even Li Youren became a little nervous, for fear that one day someone from above would be sent to suspend his use of the life support device on the seventh floor of the underground .

After all, soaking Jiang Hou's wife Wenjuan in it and hanging her life is considered "abuse of power" by him and Jiang Hou. It is not surprising that Jiang Hou found out here and ordered it to stop.

Fortunately, Ye Da didn't mean to report and expose, but just said that there is an elder who is proficient in healing, so he can come and take a look.

Li Youren didn't know that Ye Da broke Jiang Hou's good deed in Guanzhou, so he just thought that Ye Da had this kind of intention, and he was quite relieved.

As for allowing Ye Jianguo, a non-staff member, to enter the seventh underground floor, he didn't care anymore, he was already risking suspension and dismissal, not bad.

While leading Ye Da down, Li Youren asked, "Xiao Ye, are you a healing spirit enlightener? If it is a conventional healing ability, it may not be effective. We have tried a lot."

Ye Jianguo pursed his lips, he was not a spiritual enlightener.

On the contrary, all the spiritual enlighteners in this world should be regarded as his descendants or even disciples.

After all, he is responsible for changing the rules of the world.

Ye Da made up a random reason: "My clansman is proficient in Yin-Yang and Five Elements treatment techniques, and has rich experience."

For example, 200 years is so long!

Li Youren froze for a moment, why did he sound like a liar.

"What about the enlightenment level?"

Ye Jianguo snorted coldly: "This old man is not some spiritual enlightenment."

Li Youren froze in place.

So the old military doctor is just a liar?

playing me?New Year's Day?

(End of this chapter)

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