Chapter 276
Wang Weiwen brought the two into his home, Wang Junshan and Lu Zhixuan went out, and Wang Weiwu was the only one at home.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Wang Weiwu looked down from the second floor and waved his hand politely when he saw Ye Da.

After experiencing what happened to Luo Chao, this child is much more likable and has changed a lot.

At this time, he was carrying a sports bag, and seemed to be going out.

Ye Da asked, "Go out to exercise?"

Wang Weiwu nodded and said, "I'm practicing fighting and martial arts, and I have an appointment with a teacher today."

I still have to practice on the first day of the new year, and it seems very serious.

"Or for enlightenment?"

Wang Weiwu nodded and said: "I haven't given up yet, but I won't just want to take shortcuts like before. Systematic physical training can increase the probability of enlightenment. Although it is very small, it is right to take action."

Ye Da patted Wang Weiwu on the shoulder: "Come on."

Before leaving, Wang Weiwu bowed to Ye Jianguo, whose identity was unknown, and said, "Grandpa, Happy New Year."

He has a gray beard and calls out Grandpa.

Ye Jianguo was taken aback by what he said.

The word "grandfather" obviously touched something for him.

He boasted: "This kid is not bad."

Ye Da thought to himself that you didn't see how you deserved a beating before.

At the end of the episode, Wang Weiwen took the two of them to the study on the second floor.

He is still confused.

When Ye Da explained his purpose, Wang Weiwen forgot to drink the teacup he was holding.

"Restore my strength to its peak?"

Wang Weiwen's eyes widened.

Wang Weiwen was born nearly 800 years ago.

Even if the three people in the study are all at the level of "old monster", he is also the oldest one among them.

But since he left the mountain 700 years ago, his strength has only retreated, and now, basically only the ability to enlighten the spirit remains.

There must be some cards in the hole, but the hard power is not as good as the current Ye Da.

Wang Weiwen has just been down the mountain for decades, and he has always followed that "Wang Wenwei". There is no criterion for judging his own strength. He only knew the concept of "extreme" after many years.

Although he realized it later, Wang Weiwen thought that he might not be so far away from this realm at the beginning.

After all, it is a strange existence that was born and raised, with a lifespan of 800 years, and is alive and kicking.

Last night, Ye Da said "treat the disease first", and he was one of the two patients.

This also represented Ye Da's judgment.

That is to put aside disputes first and move forward together.

Whether it is the exploration of Hessein or the fear of the deep sea, if Kyushu can have a few more peaks, it will be of great benefit.

Especially in the deep sea, not to mention going in to catch fish and turtles, the number of top combat forces has increased, coupled with advanced firepower, at least there is no problem in defending on land.

Wang Weiwen smacked his mouth, and slowly recalled: "So you, the 38th generation great-great-grandson, are a 'superior'?"

Ye Jianguo's face turned dark again, he coughed a few times and emphasized: "It's the 32nd generation, not the 38th generation!"

Why are the seniors getting younger and younger!Let me slip away for six generations in one go!

Nonsence!I am a two-hundred-year-old man, how can I be so young in this room!
Is this reasonable? !
Wang Weiwen never cared about 'seniority' or 'age' Yunyun, he didn't care, he was not as old as him anyway, when he heard that Ye Jianguo was a master, Wang Weiwen was in awe, clasped his fists solemnly and nodded slightly.

This is a common way of saluting in Kyushu more than 100 years ago.

Ye Jianguo only felt comfortable all over.

It is beneficial and harmless to be able to restore strength. Wang Weiwen didn't have much resistance. Out of his trust in Ye Da, he graciously agreed.

This time, Ye Jianguo was much more serious than before in the youth training camp building, and put a hand on Wang Weiwen's wrist.

Bursts of fluorescence emerged.

Ye Da asked curiously, "Take the pulse?"

Ye Jianguo shook his head: "If you have to say it, it's like touching the bones, but not with your hands." He was washing Wang Weiwen with spirit seeds to check the situation in his body.

"It's interesting. It actually has some similarities with "The Method of Living in the World", but it's a pity that it lacks painstaking research. The natural result may not be worth the deliberate effort."

After a while, Ye Jianguo said: "You are born and raised by nature, neither a demon nor a spirit. As long as you maintain your original form, you will naturally become stronger and stronger as you get older, and you don't even need to practice. What kind of method can make you stronger just by lying down? It’s a natural alien species."

This "different species" is not a curse word, but counts all the creatures in the whole world, and Wang Weiwen is also that "different" existence.

"It's a pity that you lost your original form and turned into a human form for decades before you reached the peak of your growth. The longer the time goes by, the farther away the benefits of the laws of heaven and earth are from you, and you may even retreat instead of advancing. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Ye Jianguo sighed, and suddenly thought of the boy in white. If Wang Weiwen hadn't experienced hundreds of years of suffering in the world, he might not be able to surpass the boy in white.

After all, it is God who feeds the food.

It's a pity that Wang Weiwen is just a spiritual enlightener with a hole card now.

Ye Jianguo couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as Ye Da said, what he fears most is that after his life is exhausted, no one will be able to control the formation anymore, but now it seems that Kyushu has outstanding people.

The successor coughs, there is someone in the predecessor!

Ye Da asked, "Is there a way?"

Ye Jianguo smiled like an old farmer in the vegetable field again: "Yes!"

Guanzhou, Nianzishan temporary base.

After the Pangolin Project was intercepted by "Sayne", both sides of the gray fog entered a period of peace.

Xi Saiyin must have known that the Kyushu people had already begun to explore. After all, the seven "Saynes" did not go back, which would inevitably cause an uproar, and Kyushu's side, due to the ongoing internal rectification, also temporarily stopped major actions.

But no action doesn't mean no idea, it's just a lot of preparation work, the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division has already prepared its troops, and Xie Tiannan, as the frontline commander, has also worked overtime for several nights.

"Xiao Liu, what's breakfast?"

With dark circles under his eyes, Xie Tiannan tidied up his moustache, and wearily asked the correspondent beside him.

"Thank you, you sticks and soy milk, but you came out late, it's cold."

Xie Tiannan lifted his spirits and said, "It's okay if it's cold, just give me a whole head of garlic."

Xie Tiannan picked up the three files in his hand, which were all sent by the research institute this morning.

The first one is a preliminary report on the monster 'Sain'.

"It's not a spirit, nor a legendary monster. It can't be defined at the moment. The only thing we know is that it can be inherited stably. Maybe more secrets will be discovered in ancestral samples."

The content is very long, and the corpse brought back by Ye Da and the others allowed the researchers in Kyushu to fully dissect this powerful creature.

The only pity is that for transportation, most of the bones were broken and folded together. When it was sent to the research base, the researchers thought it was a long-haired container.

The second is about the metal ingots brought back by Pangolin Team Six.

"It can be combined with the flesh and blood of almost all warm-blooded animals without rejection. It can even absorb the power of living organisms to repair itself. It has a good transmission of spirit seeds and is of high value! It contains and some kind of spirit The son's blood is definitely not 'Sain' at present, if it can be applied on a large scale, many technologies will make breakthroughs."

Xie Tiannan was thoughtful, this Xisaiyin's "flesh-metal transformation technology" really has some skills.

The collision of two civilizations may be a bloody process, but a new spark can eventually be born.

Every discovery can help Kyushu go further, which is an extremely precious opportunity.

The third document is about the damaged large equipment.

Xie Tiannan was just about to take a closer look when he heard the correspondent running in.

"I have bad news, Captain."

"The garlic is gone?!"

"No, the research institute in Jinmeng County was attacked!"

Xie Tiannan was nervous at first, but then realized that the Jinmeng County Research Institute is not a place to study Xisaiyin technology, but a small biological research institute under the special affairs department, and there is nothing important in normal times.

"Is the loss big? Who is the enemy?"

The correspondent said: "I don't know for the time being, I lost all contact with one face-to-face over there, and the information and space are double blocked. Corey guesses that there may be a role of spiritual enlightenment. Most of our people in Guanzhou are near Nianzishan and Pingdingshan. , The meaning above is to support from here and dispatch Wuzhi."

Xie Tiannan pondered: The Jinmeng County Research Institute is not large and has nothing important, so why was it attacked.

Wait, it seems that something has been temporarily put there recently and it is not too important. What is it? !
All his energy was devoted to exploring beyond the gray fog, and Xie Tiannan's memory was a little fuzzy for a while.

correct!The corpse of a cult member killed by Xiaoye.
(End of this chapter)

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