Chapter 277 Rules
Guanzhou, Jinmeng County Research Institute.

This is a small research institution under the Guanzhou Special Affairs Department. It is not large in scale. There are only about 20 people from the Communist Party of China working here. The research content they are responsible for on weekdays is mainly about spirits, and it is a relatively basic part, such as Sample testing, dissection, etc.

The director of the Jinmeng County Research Institute never dreamed that this place would be invaded one day, and he even used it as a nursing home.

Who is so boring!
With just one face-to-face, all the windows and doors of the entire institute turned into weird elevators, and no communication lines could reach the outside world, and this place became a dead end.

Apparently, some kind of powerful spiritual enlightenment sealed the place.

Although there are 3 spiritual enlighteners in the research institute, the highest one is only C-level, and he has no combat experience. It can be said that they have all become fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

At this time, the director took a few people and hid in the specimen room, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

The sound of "da da" high heels came.

A female researcher hid under the table, covering her mouth tightly.

A pair of straight and slender legs appeared in view, wearing a pair of unusual gorgeous boots, and then the researcher felt himself being lifted up.

She raised her head in horror, and what she saw was a silver-haired woman with a foreign face.

The researcher was a little stuck for a while, her level was not high enough to know the situation outside the gray fog, and she had never seen such a person.

The woman with a foreign face spoke Kyushu dialect, and said coldly: "Half a month ago, a human corpse was sent. There should not be many human corpses here. Where is it?"

The researcher was so frightened that the circles of his eyes immediately turned red.

"Don't move!"

A voice appeared from the side, the grey-haired director of the research institute, holding a pistol in both hands, walked out from the side.

"Put her down or I'll shoot!"

The director's voice was steady, but it was not difficult to see his nervousness from his slightly panting chest.

In his 50s, he pointed a gun at someone for the first time.

The foreign woman looked at the small pistol and smiled cruelly.

"court death!"

With a flash of cold light, the foil in her hand has already turned into silver light, and she wants to stab this Kyushu man into a pulp!

However, at the next moment, a big hand, ordinary, pinched the foil that stabbed more than ten times in a second, which shocked the face of the foreign woman.

Jiang Hou put the foil back on the woman's waist with a blank expression, and then said: "This is the director here, I can't kill him, it's most convenient to ask him."

This foreign woman was undoubtedly a powerful "Sayne", but she was suppressed by Jiang Hou.

Jiang Hou turned his palm into a knife, knocked the female researcher's neck unconscious, and then said to the director: "Half a month ago, a corpse named 'Luo Chao' was sent for temporary storage. We are here to find this. If you hand over the things, we will leave, it's that simple, and the institute will be safe."

From the expressions of the two, the director had already guessed that his small pistol might not pose any threat at all. He didn't know the man with the blindfold in front of him, but he could recognize that the man was from Kyushu.

"You are working hand in hand with aliens!"

Jiang Hou said calmly: "It has nothing to do with you. If you tell me the whereabouts of the body, you will be safe."

The director showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, and said with a smile: "People who betray their own ethnic group will never end well!"

Jiang Hou's eyes darkened, he stopped talking nonsense, and raised his hand to grab the director's head.

The director decisively fired three shots in succession, but the bullets bounced around as if hitting the steel plate, and even a stray bullet pierced his thigh.

Covering the opponent's thin-haired head with his big hands, the man in his 50s instantly lost his resistance.

After a while, Jiang Hou withdrew his hand, and the director collapsed on the ground, losing consciousness.

"Let's go, on the second basement floor."

The woman of the foreign race seemed to have just come to her senses, touched her foil in a daze, and followed Jiang Hou without saying a word.

Five minutes later, Jiang Hou came to an elevator hall with a body bag on his shoulders.

Dharma seeker Jing Wei had been waiting here for a long time, and he sat cross-legged on the ground regardless of his short skirt.

The foreign woman thought it was a rude move, and frowned unconsciously.

"So fast, it's less than 10 minutes."

Jiang Hou ignored Jingwei and walked directly past her to the elevator.

"Set off."

Jingwei grinned and said, "Why don't you kill everyone here? Captain Jiang is really kind."

Jiang Hou said expressionlessly: "If everything is solved with ruthlessness, it means that the level is not enough. This is why you Dharma seekers have been living in the stinky ditch. Let's go, don't waste time."

Jingwei gritted his teeth, but dared not say anything, got up and walked into the elevator.

The elevator door closed slowly, and there was a strong feeling of rising, but the three people inside all looked normal.When the elevator door opened again, there was already a reef outside.

The dark and damp rocks are hard and cold, and in the distance is the turbulent and turbid sea.

Obviously, they are no longer in Guanzhou.

An elevator stands alone on the reef, which looks ridiculous and abrupt.

Outside the elevator, there were already six figures, tall, short, fat, and thin, all different.

The young man in sportswear flattered: "So fast? Mr. Jiang is really amazing."

Jiang Hou ignored the flattery, but looked at the fat man who looked like a monk: "How about the things you prepared?"

The fat man was holding a brown dumpling in his hand and had already eaten most of it. He stuffed it back into his pocket without finishing it and said: "I have infected all the stones here. It is not a problem to maintain it for several months. This consumes a lot of money. Come back." I have to give me two no, three pills to make up for it."

Jiang Hou nodded when he heard the words, and walked towards the cliff not far away with the corpse on his shoulders.

However, before walking out of the two parts, he suddenly looked towards the shore.

There were two dead bodies floating on the water.

Jiang Hou frowned and said, "What's going on?"

The young man in sportswear said with a smile: "The two young lovers seem to have come to this wild beach to meet each other, and no matter how much they persuade them, they are unwilling to leave."

Jiang Hou said calmly: "Who moved the hand?"

The young man in the sportswear gloated and pouted at a male Sain nobleman.

This Saiyin looks about 40 years old, his real age is unknown, he seems to understand Kyushu language, but his accent is a bit weird: "I moved my hand, I know what you are going to say, mere pariah, if you die, you will die. Four..The place where people from Kyushu live together is already the greatest respect for Your Excellency."

He took out the pure white handkerchief on his chest, and wiped his fingers carefully, as if he touched something dirty just now.

"After all, we are not here to be good people."

The next moment, Sai Yin felt himself flying.

The whole person is transparent.

Because there was a huge hole in his stomach.

The flesh and blood were evenly distributed on the reef behind it, forming a fan shape.

At some point, Jiang Hou appeared beside him.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you want to be a good person or a bad person."

The middle-aged Sai Yin felt that his power was passing away quickly.

"But my rules are rules."

Jiang Hou's tone was unusually calm, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

The middle-aged Saiyin only realized what Jiang Hou had done at this time.

Punish yourself like this just because of two untouchables?

No, it's not over yet.

"The lives of Kyushu people are precious, you can't afford to pay them back, so let's have a good memory."

The next moment, Jiang Hou casually grabbed the middle-aged Sai Yin's arm and pulled it down.

The tough muscles and strong bones did not bring any hindrance, Jiang Hou was like tearing a rag doll.

The middle-aged Sai Yin's entire arm, including half of his shoulder, was torn off in response, and the sound of flesh and blood tearing even overwhelmed the sea breeze.


The middle-aged Saiyin knelt directly on the ground, embarrassed.

"what have you done!!"

He found that Sai Yin's proud repair ability didn't work!
It's like he hasn't had that hand since he was born!
Jiang Hou held up a whole arm and shook it vigorously. The flesh and blood in the arm surged and contracted violently. It instantly turned into a brown ball, and he threw it to the monk-like fat man just now.

"The compensation you asked for just now, eat it while it's hot."

The fat monk took it, and began to nibble on it with a smile on his face: "Just give it to you."

Jiang Hou picked up the white handkerchief on the ground and wiped his hands, as if he touched something dirty just now.

"Let's go, don't make customers wait too long."

(End of this chapter)

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