I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 279 Ancestors and Bacon

Chapter 279 Ancestors and Bacon

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it is advisable to marry and avoid traveling far.

When Jiang Hou was traveling with a group of ghosts and monsters, Ye Daze, Ye Jianguo, Wang Weiwen, and Liu Xiaoqian stayed at Wang's house.

It is temporarily occupied here.

And Wang Junshan will take Wang Weiwu and his wife back to Yuezhou, Lu Zhixuan's natal home.

This was not planned in the original plan, the original intention was just to make room, but Lu Zhixuan was moved to tears, after all, marrying into a wealthy family is not as deep as the sea, and the small family on the other side of her natal family is not comparable to the Wang family. too close.

Except when I was just married, my husband didn't go there a few times.

It is worth mentioning that the three of them just ran into Ye Da and Ye Jianguo before they left.

Ye Jianguo had a good impression of Wang Weiwu. As an elder, he gave Wang Weiwu an antique copper coin as lucky money. It was not considered a spiritual item, but it could allow the wearer to be washed away by spirit seeds on weekdays, which would help to enlighten the spirit as soon as possible.

Of course, the premise is that the wearer has this talent.

This thing can't be manufactured on a large scale, it's all done by hand, it's the only one, and Wang Weiwen has never heard of this kind of thing.

This is an extremely strange person, who can amaze people with just a casual move.

Wang Junshan didn't know Ye Jianguo's true strength, but after hearing about the efficacy of the coin, he felt that this gift was too heavy. It was something that any family would snap up and be passed on for generations. It was too much for a new year's gift.

But Wang Weiwu refused to let go, wishing he could kowtow three times to Ye Jianguo on the spot.

The biological mother Lu Zhixuan on the side was even more surprised and thanked Ye Jianguo a thousand times.

When he left, Wang Weiwu almost had the copper coins in his mouth.

Ye Jianguo laughed out loud with kind eyes.

After Wang Junshan left, several people came to the backyard of Wang's mansion.

"So what should we want to do now?"

Ye Jianguo said: "Didn't you say that you have developed a method to make human beings become your kind before, tell me about it."

Wang Weiwen's eyes dimmed, he recalled the shepherd boy, and said: "Yes. But it's very imperfect. I stopped studying it hundreds of years ago. By the way, it was stolen by the seeker for some reason."

Ye Da added: "It should be that Ding Yong got something related to you from the library underground, and then used some spiritual abilities and techniques related to words to deduce part of the content."

Wang Weiwen nodded. He didn't think it was a good thing. If he really wanted to use it, he had only tried it on the shepherd boy once.

And the result, very bad.

Ye Jianguo nodded, and said, "It's okay, you can talk to the old man, and I'll help you find out the way."

The two sat facing each other, Wang Weiwen explained the incomplete method that would make people lose control, and sometimes Ye Jianguo would ask about other details.

Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian were sitting on the reclining chair next to them, basking in the sun.

It's so uncomfortable.

"Grandpa, eat an orange!"

Liu Xiaoqian picked up a piece of orange with her scallion-like fingers, and fed it to Ye Da's mouth.

Ye Da sucked it into his mouth, and the expression on his face was short of the word "Dong Zhuo".

On New Year's Eve, the loosening of the "Law of Living in the WTO" has brought more new changes.

Ye Jianguo noticed the movement here, and his face was not very good-looking.

According to the Ye family's rules, Liu Xiaoqian should exist like a tool, just like a car, a house, or a mop stick.

After all, a ghost is an existence that is extremely susceptible to its own emotions and emotions.

This is a warning passed down from generation to generation, and it is also out of risk avoidance.

Ye Jianguo felt that it was necessary to remind him, so he coughed lightly:
"The elders of the Ye family have a family motto: when ghosts have passed, they should not be treated as human beings, nor should they be made to be human beings."

Liu Xiaoqian paused while peeling the orange.Ye Da tilted his head and said, "Oh, there are family traditions in ancient times. Just tell me which generation."

Ye Jianguo moved his mouth: "Go back 27 generations."

"That's my descendant, can I be blamed? Don't talk about the age, it's useless, or we can talk about what is called 'the law of the ancestors is immutable. Live version'."

But speaking of this, Ye Da asked suddenly.

"Can you pass on the Ye family's method to me now?"

Ye Jianguo became more serious when he heard this and said: "I can't teach you the inheritance of the Ye family. You have to go your own way, just like. I can smoke bacon, and I can smoke it very well, but I can't teach you how to smoke a piece of bacon." Own."

"Very good, this example is good, don't give it again next time."

Ye Da could tell that Ye Jianguo was not telling the truth. Although there was some tacit understanding between the two after the rooftop talk, it was just like what Ye Jianguo said.

To be completely open and honest, you don't know enough about yourself.

While Ye Da and others were working hard to treat Wang Weiwen, a plane landed at Donghai Airport.

In the VIP passageway, Xin Zhenhao came in big strides, followed by a group of elites in suits and leather shoes.

After leaving the airport, Xin Zhenhao frowned when he saw luxury cars lined up, and said, "Where's Xin Yi?"

Someone at the side immediately replied: "Miss Xin said that she has an inspiration, and she has been creating in the studio for the past two days."

Xin Zhenhao didn't say a word, but he could see that he was not very happy.

The man asked nervously, "Boss Xin, are you going to find Miss Xin?"

Xin Zhenhao shook his head and got into the car: "I'll talk about it later, where is that guy?"

The man said: "I went to the home of President Wang of the Hongyun Group."


Xin Zhenhao quickly ran through Donghai's head in his mind, and immediately locked on Wang Junshan.

He has seen.

Although it is far from Bixin's family, they can be regarded as respectable figures in the East China Sea.

The subordinate next to him was quite excited, and he took the initiative to say: "That 'Ye Da' and Wang's eldest son are classmates at Donghai University, and the two are also teammates in the youth training camp. The traces that can be found after Da' came to the East China Sea, we summarized and supplemented them last night, and have compiled them into a book, please look over them to Mr. Xin."

Xin Zhenhao was thoughtful, and Ye Da went to look for the big formation, and it was with the eldest son of the prince.
From his point of view, it was Ye Zongguo's preference or laissez-faire that this 'Ye Da' could find a foothold.

But what the Xin family is not qualified for, why is the Wang family? !

After receiving the thick documents, before flipping through them, Xin Zhenhao first asked, "Have they not been discovered?"

The man immediately said: "Don't worry, according to your request, we don't have any tracking behavior, all the tracks are collected through big data and the Internet."

Xin Zhenhao nodded and began to look through the documents.

This time I came to the East China Sea, naturally because of Ye Zongguo.

Before Xin Zhenhao went to Wen County in western Hunan to look for Ye Zongguo, just to get the support of this supreme leader, but in the end he was very embarrassed. Ye Zongguo's insistence on the rule of "Ye and Xin should not communicate with each other" was beyond Xin Zhenhao's expectations.

Fortunately, Ye Zongguo finally gave the Xin family a little noodle. The more than 20 people who were forcibly left behind by Ye Zongguo that day finally came back alive, including the spatial ability expert that the Xin family had painstakingly cultivated.

It's just that everyone has lost their memory for nearly half a month, and even two of them haven't woken up yet.

Originally, Xin Zhenhao was dead and had Ye Zongguo's support, but his daughter's phone call on New Year's Eve made him feel alive again.

It seems that through this young man named "Ye Da", his daughter Xin Yi came into contact with the Ye family, and Ye Zongguo did not object.

Xin Zhenhao's mind became active.

Could it be said that the love between children really changes the world?
(End of this chapter)

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