I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 280 The Secret of "How to Live in the World"

Chapter 280 The Secret of "How to Live in the World"

A person's trajectory, preferences, and behaviors will leave traces.

But in the current era of Kyushu, a large number of traces are recorded unconsciously.

Consumption records, traffic records, monitoring records, and even browsing records can almost completely restore a person's general behavior.

It all depends on the people who are willing to investigate, whether they have enough manpower, financial resources, and power.

As for Xin Zhenhao, it happened that he didn't lack all three.

When he first noticed Ye Da, Xin Zhenhao suspected that this was Ye Zongguo's adopted child.

He judged others by himself, he didn't think Ye Zongguo would care much about this child, maybe it was just a casual thing in his long life.

You see, the names are chosen randomly, picking a name from Ye Jiaming may represent a kind of expectation.

Later, when Ye Da found a big team, Xin Zhenhao looked at him with admiration. The child knew all these secrets, and Ye Zongguo seemed to regard him as his successor.

Ye Da's dazzling resume and exaggerated talent seem to support this view.

Out of fear of Ye Zongguo, Xin Zhenhao only dared to follow Ye Da around to find a foothold, but he didn't dare to make any contact with Ye Da.

I'm afraid that "Southern Sect" will land on the top of my head with a bang and ask them to settle accounts.

It's just that looking back today, Ye Zongguo's attitude towards Ye Da is much better than he imagined.

Good makes Xin Zhenhao feel
"This is really like being a son."

They even did not hesitate to break the rule of the Ye Xin family not to communicate with each other.

"I thought this old monster was so stern and selfless, so there is room for manipulation."

But he didn't expect that it wasn't Ye Zongguo who doted on Ye Da as if he was his own.

It's that he can't control his ancestors.

Xin Zhenhao looked through the information in his hand over and over again, and he was more serious than the company's financial report, carefully trying to figure it out.

No detail was spared!
"Since you, Ye Zongguo, are so merciless, don't blame me for playing dirty tricks. This inheritance of the Ye family, the reputation of the Ye family, and the power of the Ye family. Hehehe, it will eventually belong to my Xin family!"

The subordinates at the side were trembling, and Mr. Xin laughed terribly!
Is this the traitorous aura of the top figures in Kyushu?I don’t know what major world events are being planned.I wonder if one day I will be able to experience the feeling of being in a high and powerful position.
And Xin Zhenhao: I must facilitate this marriage! !
At night, Ye Da and the others simply lived in Wang's house, the house in Happiness was too small.

Although the four of them are masters who can live without eating, they don't reject eating, and even say that they like eating, which is a human activity, especially Ye Da, who has just opened the ring and has no freshness. During this period, I don't want to miss a meal.

The cold room of Wang's house is complete with materials, and "Nan Zong" personally cooks, and even opened a bottle of wine that is said to be worth more than a dozen W.

In the evening, Ye Da went for a walk after a meal, looked up and saw Ye Zongguo on the roof, as if he was waiting for him, and jumped up.

"What's the matter? I have something to talk about."

Ye Jianguo seems to like to chat with people on the rooftop at night.

When there were only two of them, Ye Jianguo returned to that independent, out-of-the-world look of an expert, with the sackcloth flapping in the night wind.

"These past few days of 'treating' people's diseases with you, although there is no result yet, it has made me know that there are many talented people in Kyushu. There is no need to be too pessimistic. After all, the threat of the deep sea will still last for some time. Maybe after I leave, Kyushu will also It would be nice if I can spend the last few years without any worries, as these Kyushu will eventually be handed over to your, um, ancestors."

Ye Jianguo choked back the paternal mouthful of "you young people".

"So?" "So I'm going to tell you something about yourself. Did you use the 'Celestial Incense Burner' to remove the body I reshaped?"

Ye Da hesitated, and said solemnly: "At that time, I was outside the mist, and I stepped down to save people. What's wrong?"

Ye Jianguo nodded emotionally and said:

"I have never told you in detail the whole story of your practice. At the beginning, I wanted you to follow the path of a normal person. If you were an ordinary person, you would practice the "Live in the World", marry a wife and have children, and leave blood for the Ye family." , if you are destined to be extraordinary, there will be someone in the Ye family to help me, but I didn't expect you to be so fast, and the formation was ruined so quickly, so I will explain it to you thoroughly today."

""Entering the World and Living Law" was not created by me, but left by the boy in white. But don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the method itself. Being attracted to you successively may also be related to this."

Ye Da was thoughtful. At the end of the third memory, when he was face to face with the remnant soul of the boy in white, the other party didn't call him by name.

Instead, I asked: Do you know who you are?

Riddler is annoying.

"Have you noticed that although your "How to Live in the World" is progressing continuously, your own deadly power, such as the yin, evil, and corpse qi in your body, has not been reduced."

Ye Dadao: "I have had this question before. The changes brought about by the progress of "Entering the World and Living Method" are obvious, but the things in the body that do not belong to living people have not shown any signs of decay."

"That's because all the changes in "The Way of Living in the World" will be deposited in this living body on your body, until one day, your living body replaces your life, which is dead, and this way of living in the world is regarded as cultivation. It's over, in fact, you are very close now, and the progress is much faster than I thought."

"You take off the body completely. Although it can unseal the power of the flying stiffness, it will destroy the combination of the body and the flying stiffness. Once it's okay, you may not feel it yourself. After two or three times, it may make "Joining the WTO" "Living Law" fell short and could not complete the final 'replacement' step."

Ye Da sighed: "I don't have enough strength, so I can only do extraordinary things. I will still do it after the election."

If they hadn't shed their bodies and mobilized the true power of the "Jiantian Incense Burner", facing four Saiyin at that time, I'm afraid Team Six of Pangolins would not end well.

"I'm just reminding you, it's not a big deal just once. As for the Ye family method, although I can't teach you, I can point out some ways for you, just like I am good at smoking bacon."

Ye Da quickly raised his hand: "Okay, don't say any more, it's impolite to say it again."

The corners of Ye Jianguo's mouth curled up slightly, obviously deliberately mentioning the "Bacon Hypothesis" again.

If the previous "Old Urchin" was Ye Jianguo's disguise, then the current "Old Urchin" is his true colors.

As he said, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Ye Da waved his hand and asked, "Then let me ask a question, if I fully cultivate the way of living in the world, will my strength decline?"

Ye Jianguo nodded and said: "Naturally, although you will get a living body with outstanding talent and vigorous vitality, after all, it will not be as stiff as flying at the beginning, and it will take more time to practice. By the way, you will still have Maybe the real spiritual awakening is like countless young people in Kyushu. With your fate, the spiritual enlightenment ability you get may not be weak."

"Then the second question, there should be a record in the Ye family's practice. 'Flying Zombie' is not the peak of zombies, right? If you don't consider the "How to Live in the World", what is after flying zombies? Is it possible to reach the pinnacle?"

Ye Jianguo's eyes flashed, and he stood with his hands behind his back and said leisurely:
"According to the Ye family's method, if one attains the Dao of rigidity, it can be transformed into a human form, which is called 魃, which can be transformed into an animal form, which is called 犼, and which can be transformed into a residual form, which is called non-transformable bones."

"And the word 'detao' is another way of saying it."

 It’s really hard not to have a leave application slip. Friends who are following me should know that the last leave application slip was wasted due to review issues at the beginning of the month.

  In fact, my thinking has not been smooth these past few days. In the past, I would have stopped to sort out my thoughts, but now I don’t have a leave note, and I am rushing to update every day, and I can’t stop at all.

  Update time is getting later and later.

(End of this chapter)

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