I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 281 Fire Me Hard!

Chapter 281 Fire Me Hard!

The human form is called 魃, the animal form is called 犼, and the deformed form is called unmelted bone.

A zombie who "gets the Tao" actually has three different forms.

Do you think I'm a Pokémon?

"What's the difference between the three?"

Although he was not going to give up "The Way of Living in the World", Ye Da still wanted to know more about it.

If you had to choose, who would want to take the shape of a beast?Remnant shape sounds even more unreliable.

Ye Jianguo said: "For the Ye family, there is no difference. Since the Ye family has the method of controlling corpses, for more than 600 years, I am the only one who can control the zombies. Most of the records are based on experience and speculation.”

"Then tell me about these speculations?"

"For example, a human-shaped 魃 has the heaviest evil energy in its body. Wherever it passes, there will be thousands of miles of red land, and no living creatures will be extinct. However, the animal is shaped like a jiu, with the heaviest corpse energy in its body. It looks like a dog with a dragon head. When it roars, it rots when touched. Without bones, the Yin energy in the body is the heaviest, and when it transforms into bones, it will last for ten thousand years, and if it enters the body, it will become a prison."

"The so-called 魃, 犼, and non-melting bones are all deduced from the three qi of the zombie's origin 'yin, sha, and corpse'. The description here can have six points. It's really good, and you can hear it from the effect. , the ancestors of the Ye family have always been committed to creating 'non-melting bones', implanted in the body to enhance strength, compared to the other two, the danger is less dangerous, but they have not been successful."

Although they are all conjectures, some of the statements are completely consistent and logical.

"I couldn't practice it when there was no top, but now that you are the top, I can't practice it after almost 200 years?"

Ye Jianguo smiled sheepishly: "That's hard to say, Jue is not omnipotent, besides, this kind of monster is hard to control, and its lifespan is almost infinite. My Ye family is already extinct. It is not for me to practice such things. Will Kyushu be blocked?"

Ye Da was silent for a moment and asked: "How many years do you have left?"

Ye Jianguo was silent for a longer time, and said quietly: "The shortest is three years, and the longest is five years. It's not bad."

"Is there a way to prolong life? There should be a lot of Ye family's methods."

For example, like yourself, start over with a zombie body.

Ye Jianguo is already at the top of his game. If the washing point is reopened, the starting point may be a "bad".

At the moment when the boy in white and Bei Shi died, he was the strongest existing in Kyushu.

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"Let's hear it all?"

"The lie is that the Ye family's ancestors, the Ye family's family rules, cannot be stagnated. Only when one's life span is over will one's own power be lost, and then one can return to the ancestral grave."

"And the truth is I'm tired."

Ye Jianguo's eyes looked forward.

Not everyone, like Wang Weiwen, can still maintain the mentality of a young man at the age of 800.

In his life, he has had a lot, lost even more, and worked too hard.
Donghai, "Yihua" painting studio.

This is a three-story building located in an art garden. It is one of Xin Yi's common studios in Donghai.

In the past few days, she has been inspired and has been painting here. When she heard that Xin Zhenhao had arrived in the East China Sea, she was angry and did not go to pick her up.

The studio door was pushed open without knocking, and Xin Yi, who had his back to the door, frowned, feeling a little helpless.

Xin Zhenhao strode in and wanted to say something, but when he saw the content on Xin Yi's canvas, he chose to keep quiet.

Xin Yi just carefully mixed the paint with the brush.

"Father, you didn't knock on the door."

Xin Zhenhao walked behind him slowly and said, "Is this the scene from that night?"

Xin Zhenhao didn't care about his daughter's complaints, but just carefully looked at the painting in front of him.

He doesn't care about art, he only cares about the content of it.

On the canvas is an indoor scene, a living room that he thinks is narrow and cramped, a folding dining table occupies most of the space, and some food is placed on it, including chicken soup, bacon, fried pork with chili and so on.

The painting is vivid, as if it can make people smell the fragrance.

There were four people at the table, and they seemed to be eating happily, while the noisy party was broadcast on the TV behind them.

Apparently this was the scene of New Year's Eve that night.

What Xin Zhenhao paid most attention to was Ye Zongguo's expression. He knew that his daughter's paintings would definitely reflect reality, but when he saw Ye Zongguo sipping a small wine on the picture, with a smile on his face and a glossy mouth, he still couldn't hold back.

Is this the Ye Family Jueding who played with death and controlled life?Is the way I opened it wrong, or the way my daughter opened it is wrong.

Glancing at the bacon on the table with fear, Xin Zhenhao turned his attention to another important person.
This Ye Da is indeed a bit handsome, no wonder.
But when he saw a woman he didn't know at the corner of the table, Xin Zhenhao frowned. Where did this woman come from?
"Who is this?" Xin Yi glanced at him and said, "Ye Da's friend."

Xin Zhenhao's complexion was not very good, not because his daughter might have a competitor, but because this woman might disrupt his plan.

"Father came to Donghai this time, what's the matter?"

Xin Yi put away his paintbrush, and someone was watching from behind, feeling that he couldn't continue painting.

It can be said that my own father does not get up early, at least it is impossible to come to Donghai to see her.

Xin Zhenhao said: "It's some business matters, you can continue painting."

After leaving Xin Yi's studio, Xin Zhenhao drove to the Xin family's branch building in Donghai. At this time, the conference room was already full of people, all of whom were called by him for the meeting.

What?You say it's the holiday season?Or big night?

Xin Zhenhao obviously didn't care, and the people who were called didn't dare to care.

Some of the people in the conference room were from Xin Zhenhao's own staff, and some were from Xin Yi's management team.

As a well-known painter and a public figure, Xin Yi naturally needs someone to handle some trivial matters. Even if she doesn't need to endorse to make money, public relations, event docking, and art exhibition management also need people to handle.

This team has been with Xin Yi for several years, and Xin Yi can support it by himself, but if you say that Xin Zhenhao didn't insert his own people into it, you are too underestimating the desire to control the helm of the Xin family.

It doesn't matter to Xin Yi, she doesn't care who these people are loyal to, as long as they have enough work ability.

Besides, although the relationship is not very close, Xin Zhenhao is her father after all, isn't he?So just turn a blind eye.

"Boss Xin!"

When everyone saw Xin Zhenhao coming in, the impatience they had waited for for two hours was suppressed to the bottom of their hearts. For many of them, they were just wage earners at the bottom of the Xin family, so they had no chance to meet Xin Zhenhao.

I don't know why Xin Zhenhao called them here.

How could Xin Zhenhao have the time to ask Xin Yi's management team about such trivial matters, these people are not qualified to meet him at all.

The hearts of a few people are so hot that they might have a chance to be appreciated by Mr. Xin, that would be a step up to the sky.

Xin Zhenhao nodded expressionlessly, showing the demeanor of a superior, sitting at the head of the meeting room, and said directly: "I won't talk nonsense, you are all members of Xin Yi's team, I just want to ask one thing, Do you know that Xin Yi came into contact with a man named Ye Da?"

Several members of the management team looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking it was an opportunity to climb up, so it turns out that Mr. Xin is here to Xingshi to ask a crime!
Come to think of it.

A high-ranking father has a daughter who is famous all over the world. As a result, the gold-encrusted cabbage is not touched by the pig, but it is not enough. Who wouldn't be angry?
One member of the team swallowed, and said anxiously: "Mr. Xin, there is indeed such a thing, but don't worry, our public relations team has settled this matter. Before, a paparazzi secretly photographed Miss Xin and that kid in the same frame. , We bought all the photos and negatives, and there was no news from outside.”

Xin Zhenhao's eyes lit up, and he said, "There are still photos?! Show me!"

The frightened man pulled out the photo from his laptop. It was indeed a candid photo taken by a paparazzi, who was looking for a studio to ask for a price. Xin Yi's team didn't lack money and didn't need hype, so they bought it naturally.

And more than once.

There are those at the gate of Donghai University, and there are also art exhibitions. The most recent one was a few days ago on New Year's Eve, when Ye Da sent Xin Yi a photo of leaving Happiness.

This group of photos on New Year's Eve is the most expensive. After all, they came out of residential areas, and there are big things to do in them. They are more dangerous than those in art exhibitions and school gates. The management team bought them immediately.

Xin Zhenhao flipped through them one by one, and the manager became more and more panicked, thinking that this Ye Da might be in trouble.

Never underestimate the crazy things a father is willing to do for his daughter.

Especially this father is very powerful!

Unexpectedly, Xin Zhenhao became more and more excited the more he looked at it. He zoomed in on the photo and watched it repeatedly. Everyone is talking about it!"

Agent: "Huh?!"

I'm hallucinating?

Xin Zhenhao: "You know this kind of thing better than me. Remember to control the direction of public opinion. What I want is positive public opinion. How many people do you have now?"

The agent hadn't recovered yet: "There are 16 people in our team."

Xin Zhenhao shook his head and said, "What can 16 people do?! Hiring! Poaching! A professional team of 100 people! Specialize in this matter! Be professional!"

The agent said blankly: "Shouldn't Miss Xin know about this? Miss Xin will definitely not cooperate, and the cost of the hype cannot be paid by the studio."

Xin Zhenhao stroked his chin and said, "You are right."

He pointed at that person sharply, and said, "You resign from Xin Yi's management team tomorrow, and form a new team. As for the cost, I will approve [-] million for you first."

Agent: "Huh?!"

Am I hallucinating again?
(End of this chapter)

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