I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 283 Keeping the Covenant

Chapter 283 Keeping the Covenant
the next day.

"Fear Gummies? Well, yes, they do exist, but Marquis Jiang is not here, so the application process is very troublesome."

"Don't, you should have a way."

"Let me try it for you."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Da made an OK gesture to Wang Weiwen.

"Li Youren will think of a way, and there should be a response in the next few days."

Wang Weiwen narrowed his eyes: "How do I feel, you look like you are gloating."

Ye Da gave a thumbs up: "Illusion! Illusion! Don't worry about it."

"Then what are you going to do today?"

Ye Da said: "It's a private matter, let's borrow a car."

Without Wang Weiwen or Ye Jianguo, Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian drove to the cemetery on the south side of the East China Sea.

During the festival, there are more people here, and most families have the habit of sweeping their family's graves at this time, and the cemetery, which used to be deserted, has also become lively.

Because the Donghai Cemetery cannot burn paper, especially when there are many people, everyone carries flowers.

Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian joined the crowd, they were no different from the others except that they were younger.

Even if they attracted the attention of one or two people because of their appearance, in this scene, they were quickly blown away by the wind without causing any waves.

Arriving at the northwest corner of the cemetery, the two stopped in front of a tombstone.

Liu Xiaoqian's mother's tombstone.

This was proposed by Ye Da. Since it was the New Year's Eve, since he had promised to bring Liu Xiaoqian to visit often, he had to keep the promise.

Same as last time, Ye Da picked up a small piece of dead branch on the ground, condensed a black ice flower, inserted it on the side of the tombstone, clasped his hands together and bowed eleven times, then stepped back a few steps, leaving the time to the mother and daughter. people.

Liu Xiaoqian put the flowers prepared in advance in front of the tombstone, her eyes were flushed, and she knelt down slowly.

"Mom, I'm here to see you again"

Xiaoqing also popped up and surrounded Liu Xiaoqian, seeming to comfort him.

Liu Xiaoqian started rambling, talking about her body now, and how happy she was recently, Ye Da stood not far away, but her thoughts were a little far away.

If it is said that ordinary people visit graves, they put their thoughts on the "soul" or "ghost", hoping to communicate with their deceased relatives.

So where do you place your thoughts on existences like him and Liu Xiaoqian?

They know best what things exist and what things don’t exist.
Death is not the end for people like Ye Da and the others.

But dissipating is really the end.

Do people have an afterlife?I'm afraid Ye Jianguo can't even explain clearly.
His thoughts drifted away, Ye Da smiled, man, it seems that he likes to think wildly in the cemetery.

At this time, Ye Da noticed that on the path next to him, a person seemed to be stopping and looking over, and he had been looking at it for a while.

The man hesitated, seemed unable to confirm, and finally came over: "Mr. Engong, is that you?!"

Ye Da was taken aback, Liu Xiaoqian was the only one who would call him that.

Looking at the middle-aged man in his 50s, Ye Da remembered who it was.

Fan Zhiqiang, the son of Li Xiulan, the former "dead old lady".

"Are you here to visit the grave too? Is Mrs. Li Xiulan here too?"

Fan Zhiqiang's eyes were also red, obviously he had also experienced a period of intense emotion just now, he squeezed out a little smile and said, "Yes benefactor, mother is in the garden over there."

"What a coincidence. How are you now?"

Fan Zhiqiang sniffed, "I'm pretty settled now." He instinctively wanted to take out a cigarette, glanced at Ye Da and put it back.

It seemed impolite.

"Thanks to you, I started to work on something again. I opened a restaurant. It's not a big business, but at least it can no longer be as decadent as before. Before my mother left, she told me to live strong, by the way. I also adopted a child, but it’s a pity that the mother can’t see her anymore.” Ye Da nodded, Mrs. Li Xiulan is indeed a strong mother.

"Since we met, let's pay homage to the old lady later."

The two waited for another ten minutes, and Liu Xiaoqian also bid farewell to her mother. Hearing that the tomb of the old lady Li Xiulan was nearby, she also wanted to pay her respects.

Fan Zhiqiang had never met Liu Xiaoqian, so he only thought it was Ye Da's girlfriend or wife.

In front of Li Xiulan's tomb, Ye Da also condensed a black ice flower, and he and Liu Xiaoqian clasped their hands together and bowed.

The old lady disappeared in front of him.

So, it doesn't matter whether it exists or not, the one who can entrust his thoughts is actually himself.

When leaving the cemetery, Fan Zhiqiang said: "My lord, although I don't have much ability now, if you have any trouble, please come to me."

As he said that, Fan Zhiqiang himself was a little embarrassed, and he said that he wanted to repay his kindness with this little ability. Others might suspect that he was soliciting customers for his restaurant.

Ye Da didn't take it seriously, accepted the business card handed over by the other party, and said, "I'll take someone to try it some other day, what kind of dishes?"

"Liangzhou cuisine, I hired a chef, the taste is absolutely authentic!"

Seeing Ye Da accept the business card, Fan Zhiqiang's eyes lit up.

"Then I have to look forward to it."

The three walked towards the outside of the cemetery.

Suddenly, Ye saw something scrolling on a huge electronic screen on a building in the distance.

Generally, this kind of thing will not attract people's attention. It is like an advertisement at a bus station. You can't remember what it says when you read it every day.

But the one on the building in the distance is really eye-catching.

Because it's too rustic, it's like a PPT made by an old leader in the company, with only a blue background and bold characters.

So much so that it caught the eyes of pedestrians, big and small, on the road in an instant.

After a burst of ancient special effects of fade-in + fade-out + fan-shaped blinds.

"I wish Xin Yi and Ye Da a happy marriage for a hundred years and a long time!"

Ye Da: I have hallucinations?
What the fuck is this? !

While Ye Da was shocked, he hadn't realized the "scale" of the incident, which was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

At a bus station somewhere in Donghai, a team of workers is changing the advertisements on the bus platform.

An old lady waiting for the bus asked curiously, "Young man, what are you posting? Advertisement?"

The worker said while posting: "It's not considered an advertisement, the young man made it, sending blessings to stars or something."

The old lady frowned and stared at it for a long time: "Now that you are in a relationship, you have to post an advertisement?!"

"Fans have money! It's not uncommon to raise money for stars to expand their influence."

"What kind of star is this? Why don't I know him?"

"He seems to be a painter."

On the platform, Ye Da's real-life cutout image, and Xin Yi are located on both sides of the bus station, sandwiching the "waiting area" in the middle, it's hard not to see it.

Xin Yi on the left is dressed in a dress, and seems to be an image of participating in an event. She raises a hand and stretches to the right.

The pixels of Ye Da's cutout image on the right are much lower, and I don't know where it was cut out. With a sound of white shirt and jeans, he raised a hand and stretched to the left.

The old lady stood in the middle, her temples were pointed to her left and right, and she felt her forehead bulging.

"Youth of today"

(End of this chapter)

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