I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 284 Don't Damn It!

Chapter 284 Don't Damn It!

Ye Da drove the car.He frowned all the way.

He had seen his face five times since just now.

Twice at the bus station.

Once in the newspaper.

Twice the giant screen outside the mall.

Originally, he thought that the turmoil this time was only limited to the Internet, but now he realized that it was the Internet that reflected reality.

My face has also appeared on the mobile phone pop-up window before, but when these contents appear on various brands in the real world.

Well, two completely different feelings.

red light.

A bus slowly stopped on the side.

On the huge car, Ye Da's face and Xin Yi's face were pasted side by side.

And Ye Da's nostrils were just attached to the small hole for refueling, making him look like there was a deep black hole in his nostrils.

On the bus, a middle-aged woman was looking at him curiously, as if she recognized something.

Ye Damu raised his hand with a sullen face, slowly covering half of his face.

He thought this was the limit.

Until he saw the dome lights of the taxi in front of him, the scrolling subtitles read: "Ye Da and Xin Yi wish you all together!"

Everyone is numb.

Close your eyes, out of sight, out of mind.

Listen to the radio for a while
"After a blessing that spread all over the Internet, someone set up a CP fan group of 'Ye Da & Xin Yi', and soon more than [-] people participated. It is said that several of them have spent their own money to fight against The blessings of the two people were posted on various offline screens in the East China Sea. They expressed their love for this golden couple in this way. I wonder if you have seen it today."

Change channel!

"Everyone knows that Miss Xin Yi is a well-known painter in Kyushu. She has won numerous awards and is also one of the top ten outstanding young women. But many people may not know that her boyfriend, Mr. Ye, is not a simple person."

Change channel! ! !

"We interviewed Mr. Lu, an emotional expert, and let us listen to his comments."

"Hello everyone, I'm Lu Shoujie. I think this is a good social atmosphere, which can encourage young people to establish a correct concept of mate selection, and let the impetuous society know that only excellent people can find excellent partners. If you don’t occupy the high ground, it will be occupied by others. This is something worth writing about and letting more young people do it.”

"Thank you, Teacher Lu, for your speech. Next, let's reveal how this mysterious Mr. Ye is so good that he can impress Miss Xin Yi."

Ye Da turned off the radio.

There was a deathly silence in the car.

The world is so crazy!
"Headquarters! This is the traffic team. They found Ye Da at the intersection of Wanhu Road and Tianwu Road."

"The general control received it, let me take a look. Miss Xin Yi is on her way to the studio, about five kilometers away from there. I will try to find a way for them to meet."

"How to do it? It's not on the way, is it? And Ye Da is going to the elevated road soon."

"I'll send a text message to Ms. Xin's driver and ask him to take a detour. For Ye Da, I will contact the drivers around me through the taxi company and bribe them. Don't take his car!"

At another intersection, the red light ended, and Ye Da was about to move forward.

Suddenly, a taxi next to him suddenly cut in.

Ye Da could only brake suddenly.

"Master, changing lanes with a solid line? Isn't it appropriate?"

The taxi driver didn't even look at him, he straightened the front of the car slowly, and then walked forward slowly.

Ye Da was stuck at a complete red light.Ye Da: This taxi is so arrogant! !Can I go down and dismantle his car? !

The key roof lights are still rolling their names!It's like a mockery!
At the next red light, Ye Da focused a lot, kicked the accelerator and rushed out. Although the car driven from Wang's house was not a sports car, it was not bad in power.

The other taxi that was about to repeat the same trick later didn't react, and could only miss the opportunity to earn extra money.

Don't stop at 1000 yuan, don't stop and double it!Don't make a full red light super double!
What kind of customers are you pulling, just stare at this car and fuck hard!
In the next few intersections, Ye Da always felt that the driving was not very comfortable, but he couldn't tell, as if the drivers around him were suffering from road rage.

It was dangerous several times, and the continuous sudden braking made him feel like driving a "Shaker".

Since some of the cars are online car-hailing cars, they can't be seen as commercial vehicles from the outside, and Ye Da didn't find any clues.

But the mood inevitably became irritable.

In just a few kilometers, it took more than ten minutes to drive.

The steering wheel is almost crushed by him, he doesn't know if others are road rage, he only knows that he is getting road rage!

It was another traffic light, and Ye Da waited abruptly for another traffic light because the vehicle in front of him turned off.

Just as the steering wheel was moaning miserably, a black car next to it just happened to park next to Ye Da.

Subconsciously turning around to look, the one sitting was actually Xin Yi.

And this kind of coincidence?Is it a coincidence?
It's unreasonable not to say hello, Ye Da calmed down, lowered the car window and said, "I can meet you all, where are you going?"

Xin Yi also lowered the window, with a little suspicion in his eyes, and said, "I'm going to the studio."

Is this the right way?

Ye Da forced himself to ignore his big nostrils on the bus beside him, and said with a wry smile, "We don't want to meet each other these days, it's a bit loud."

Xin Yi thought that she had also seen those big movements, and said helplessly: "I'm sorry."


Ye Da slid forward suddenly and was rear-ended! !

Ye Da: I have a showdown!I'm broken!

Tigers don't show off their power!You think of me as Jianghou!
"Can you drive?"

An honest middle-aged woman got out of the car, with a panicked expression: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this car is very expensive, oops, what should I do?!"

Seeing that it was a female driver or an aunt, Ye Da could only suppress his anger and freeze his face.

Seeing Ye Da being rear-ended, Xin Yi instinctively got out of the car to help, although she didn't know what she could do to help.

The corner of the middle-aged woman's mouth curled up, and she suddenly changed from panic to aggressive: "It's obvious that you reversed the car! You are fully responsible! You can't go!"

As soon as he fell down and sat on the ground, he wanted to hug Ye Da's thigh.

Where is my Xuanshui Stick?Where is my Xuanshui Stick?Let me beat this guy to death with a stick!

At this time, Xin Yi's driver came up and stopped Ye Da: "You are Miss Xin's friend, let me deal with it. Don't get entangled with this kind of person. Give me the car keys, and I'll talk to her." Go through the insurance procedure and call the police, but please send Miss Xin off."

Ye Da noticed that the eyes of the people around him had converged. He looked at the photo of the big nostrils on the bus for a while, and then looked at Ye Da himself. Obviously, he was about to discover something.

He could only take the car keys and nodded with an ugly face.

"Report to the headquarters, Ye Da and Miss Xin are successfully traveling together! They are about to board the same car."

"Well done! I'll give you a bonus today! As long as you do well and be brave, the boss will never hesitate to reward you!"

"Wait! There was an accident! Report an emergency to the headquarters!! There is a woman in Ye Da's car! Repeat! There is a woman in Ye Da's car!"

When Liu Xiaoqian got off the back seat, both Xin Yi's driver and the woman on the ground were stunned.

This doesn't seem to be how the script was written.
(End of this chapter)

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