I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 285 Painting and Harmony

Chapter 285 Painting and Harmony
"What should the headquarters do now? There is a woman in Yeda's car."

"Headquarters wants to call quietly. I'll contact Miss Xin's driver and ask him to find a way to stop her."

Since Liu Xiaoqian had been sitting in the back row and was in a low mood after sweeping the tomb, she hadn't moved much.

So when she got out of the car, Xin Yi was surprised.

Xin Yi's eyes dimmed a bit.

But his expression didn't change, he smiled and said, "Hi, so you're here too."

Liu Xiaoqian said, "Hi, Miss Xin, I'm sorry to trouble you." Then she resumed her lowered head, the "service consciousness" surged in her mind, and she even opened the car door for Xin Yi.

Xin Yi was taken aback, and said, "Thank you."

But when Liu Xiaoqian was about to get in the car, the driver suddenly stopped her: "Madam, it may be inconvenient for you to get in the car."

Liu Xiaoqian raised her head, somewhat puzzled: "Why?"

The butler's brain was running at high speed: "Because... well... this car is not powerful enough and can only seat two people."

"Slap!" In the headquarters dozens of kilometers away, the person in charge slapped himself on the forehead.

Could there be a worse reason?

Not only Liu Xiaoqian was stunned, but Ye Da, Xin Yi, and even the middle-aged woman who was rolling on the ground were also stunned.

The driver is also very helpless, I am just a driver!I'm not a Duan Shui master!
Then he looked at the middle-aged woman lying on the ground as if asking for help.

The middle-aged woman had an idea, and said: "We can't all go! This woman has to stay, who knows if you are in the same group, at least one of the two people in this car must stay!"

The driver wanted to give him a thumbs up, he must be a fool for being so messy!
Ye Da already clearly felt that someone was taking pictures around him, and obviously recognized him or Xin Yi, after all, the photo of the big nostrils on the bus was very conspicuous, so he sighed and said, "Xiaoqian, go with Miss Xin first, I'll stay and deal with it."

Liu Xiaoqian nodded, what benefactor said.

Now the headquarters, the driver, and the middle-aged woman are all arrested.


It was Xin Yi who spoke: "Master Li, you stay and deal with it, Xiaoqian, you and I get in the car!"

After speaking, he took Liu Xiaoqian's hand and went to the car.

The driver wanted to stop him again, but Xin Yi gave him a stare back.

Rarely, he saw anger in Xin Yi's eyes.

Xin Yi, who was indifferent and leisurely in the past, became even more intimidating when she got angry.

The lady won't find anything, will she?

Ye Da was about to say something, but Xin Yi gave him the same look: "Don't talk! Drive!"

Ye Da:.
You have big eyes, and you are right.

"Ye Da from the headquarters drove the two of them away."

".I'll try to think of a way to see if I can get people around me to delete the photos. The more control I can have, the better."

"Then the next plan is still implemented?"

"Execute the fart!"

The scenery on both sides of the road quickly passed by. The air conditioner was obviously working normally, but the air in the car was abnormally frozen.

Ye Da sat in the driver's seat, while Xin Yi and Liu Xiaoqian sat in the back seat.

Out of masculine intuition, Ye Da realized that the next journey might not be very pleasant.

But the development of the matter was not as bloody as he expected.

Xin Yi spoke first, "Sweeping the grave?"

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "Can you guess all this?"

Xin Yi shook her head, pointed to Liu Xiaoqian and said, "Her thoughts are too intense, and they all escape. Have you forgotten that I am a spiritual enlightener?"

So that's the case, not to mention that Ye Da really forgot Xin Yi's identity as an S-level spiritual enlightener.

From the first time we met, I guessed that her abilities were related to painting and thinking, but apart from painting, Xin Yi seldom used the spiritual enlightenment ability, or the spiritual enlightener was not the main identity for her.

Liu Xiaoqian didn't know why, so she subconsciously said, "I'm sorry."

It may be that your emotions are affecting others.

Xin Yi sighed slightly and gently grabbed Liu Xiaoqian's hand, feeling it was cold: "Sorry, I don't mean to check your thoughts, but when people's thoughts are too strong, I will feel it a little bit."

Liu Xiaoqian clenched her hands tightly, and her eyes were a little red. Since the cemetery, she has been immersed in the memory of her mother.

Although Ye Da was aware of this delicate thought, he felt that it would be good for Liu Xiaoqian to be quiet and take it easy.

Time will take the place of straight men comforting women, won't it?
Xin Yi is much more delicate than him.

Xin Yi patted Liu Xiaoqian's back and used actions instead of words to comfort her. She rarely felt such strong thoughts of remembrance from others. It was a girl's infinite longing for her mother.This must be a very sad story.

Ye Da saw the appearance of the two through the rearview mirror, then looked away and concentrated on driving.

At times like this, silence is the biggest help.

Along the way, the three of them did not discuss the farce of the car accident just now, only Liu Xiaoqian sobbed slightly.

The car followed the navigation and came to Xin Yi's studio. Ye Da got out of the car and stretched.

Looking at the three-story building in front of him, Ye Da felt that the scenery here is really good, especially the balcony on the roof. It would be a good mood to paint here.

Xin Yi smiled and said, "Do you want to sit up?"

Ye Da hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, next time."

Xin Yi nodded and didn't mention it again.

"Go back to the car, I'll let other people pick me up."

Ye Da is not hypocritical.

In the end, Xin Yi and Liu Xiaoqian hugged gently, and said, "See you next time, remember to be happy."

Liu Xiaoqian nodded, this was the first time she felt warmth from a place other than her benefactor.

Then Xin Yi turned around and walked into the studio.

The studio is a general term. In fact, among the three floors, only the third floor is a place for painting. The second floor is a leisure area with sofas and a bar, while the first floor is the front desk and reception.

When the two girls at the front desk saw Xin Yi coming in, they hurriedly got up to say hello, their expressions were hesitant to speak, obviously they had surfed the Internet.

Xin Yi went directly to the third floor without any special actions. As usual, she changed her clothes, mixed the paints, faced the balcony, and prepared to finish the unfinished work yesterday.

However, the brush is hanging on it, but I don't know how to write it.

After thinking for a while, Xin Yi took out a new canvas and placed it flat on the easel, his thoughts became smoother.

First there is a touch of chilly green, outlining the shade of trees in winter.

The cement-colored path divides the picture into "far and near" compositions.

The tombstones, lined up row upon row, look solemn, but not gloomy at all.

A girl knelt in front of the tombstone, seeming to be confiding.

On the side of the tombstone, there is a black flower.

And a young man, standing not far from the tombstone, seemed to be waiting.

When Xin Yi looked up again, it was getting late.

Looking at the painting in front of me, I have mixed feelings.

Looking at the two people in the picture, there is a sense of harmony called "depending on each other".

Unconsciously, there was a trace of helplessness in my mind.

Obviously I met him first, but so what? I have been ignorant of this aspect since I was a child, and I don't even care.
God gave her a chance to "be excited", but didn't give her enough time to turn this "heartbeat" into "action".

When she approached clumsily, she found that someone might already be there.

She could sense from Liu Xiaoqian's thoughts that Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian were not lovers, and even Liu Xiaoqian's mind was extremely clear.

But that kind of "dependence", to be precise, Liu Xiaoqian's "attachment", is a real obstacle.

Xin Yi was a little angry when she didn't apply makeup on her face.

"I have to add someone in."

She picked up the paintbrush, wanting to add a figure beside the young man.

own figure.

But her intuition for painting let her know that no matter what, adding another person would destroy the harmony of the picture.

Xin Yi's face was a little sad, and the paintbrush was hanging in the air.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration.

Not out of emotion, not out of ego, but purely out of the composition of the painting.

She moved the brush over to the girl kneeling in front of the tombstone.

Beside him, he drew his own figure, standing with the girl, comforting her softly.

The corner of Xin Yi's mouth curled up.

This creates harmony.

(End of this chapter)

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