Chapter 286 New team?
The next day, Ye Da and his team came to the youth training camp building. Li Youren contacted him last night and said that the application for Fear Gummy Candy has been submitted, but it must be used in the youth training camp building.

Ye Jianguo's reformation of Wang Weiwen's dilapidated practice has also come to an end, and he followed up when he has nothing to do. By the way, he can also see Wang Weiwen's changes.

Compared with the last time, this time the youth training camp has returned to work one after another, and it has become much more lively.

It's just that everyone looked at Ye Da with unusual eyes.

Familiar ones smiled strangely, and unfamiliar ones looked sideways, presumably it was also caused by online news.

Ye Jianguo said: "Why do I feel that other people look at you strangely, what bad things have you done here?"

Ye Da thought to himself that this guy probably didn't know that there was a landslide and tsunami on the Internet. After all, you can let him smoke bacon, and let him keep up with hot spots on the Internet. I'm afraid it will be difficult for a 200-year-old man.

But Ye Da didn't bother to explain.

The place where the "Fear Jelly" is used this time is still the training ground on the second basement floor.

However, the moment Ye Da opened the door, he saw an unfamiliar figure running over eagerly.

"Are you guys here? What's going on?"

what do you say that is?

Big back!
Ye Daqi asked, "Why are you here?"

Ren Shilin: "Why can't I be here?! You are my captain! Do you know how I spent this month?!"

Ren Shilin felt that he was too miserable.

Originally, he stayed well in Yuezhou, but was stalked by Jiang Hou and beat him up.

Thinking of being able to team up with the best young people in Kyushu, and Captain Ye Da insisted on inviting him (not).

Even the captain said bluntly: Without Ren Shilin, the Shuguang team would be meaningless, because there is no light! (more no).

As soon as his head got hot, he agreed.

At the beginning, it was fine. Ren Shilin also yearned for the big city of Donghai, but it turned out that he was almost incontinent (this actually happened) outrageous training method. Hacked!
After a hard fight, the victory was finally ushered in. The result was so fast that he didn't notice it.

Jiang Hou ran away.

The captain also ran away.

Teammates also ran away!
When Ye Da and Wang Weiwen explored the big battle, Ren Shilin was eating instant noodles in the dormitory.

When Ye Da and Li Zifeng were wandering outside the gray fog, Ren Shilin was eating instant noodles in the dormitory.

When Ye Da's love scandal spread all over the Internet, attracting countless eyes, when he was envied and envied.

Ren Shilin!He is still eating instant noodles in the dormitory!

It's not because of being poor, but because of unfamiliarity with the place. The wild dogs downstairs are more familiar with Donghai than he is. This guy soon became an otaku.

Even the establishment of the Dawn Squad seems to have received a cold treatment from the East China Sea Special Affairs Division, and it looks like it is about to be disbanded.

He didn't realize it at first, thinking that the building of the youth training camp needed to be repaired, but it turned out that the building was repaired and he hadn't come back yet.

He is like a child who has been forgotten by everyone!
"Then what, the back of the head, something happened. Something happened to Jiang Hou. The matter of the Shuguang team may have to be slowed down."

Although he is the captain of the team, he has no intention of organizing peer training by himself. The process is weird, and he has been working hard recently.

Although Ren Shilin is a bit miserable.
After listening to Ye Da's words, Ren Shilin felt as if he was petrified.Ye Da: "What? Spending so much time is not an option. Why don't you go back to Yuezhou first?"

Ren Shilin shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, do you know how many times I had troubles with my boss just to come to Donghai? Do you know how much wine I drank at the farewell meal and how much I boasted? I ran away in such a dejected manner. If I go back, I won’t be able to survive!”

"Captain, save me!"

Ye Da was about to persuade him again, when Wang Weiwen stepped in and said:
"In fact, it's easy to solve. No matter what the opinion of the Shuguang team is, Ren Shilin is a youth training member of the youth training camp. This status will not change. It is just that there is a lack of official members who are connected with him. When we were pangolins, we You already have the status of a full member, and you can apply to the higher-ups later, hang Ren Shilin's under you or me, and then apply for a training plan. "

Ren Shilin's eyes lit up, and now he doesn't expect anything extravagantly, and he will be overjoyed if someone accepts him.

Ye Da was hesitant for a moment. Ren Shilin was very capable and not a bad person, but the things he was busy with recently involved many secrets. Except for men like Wang Weiwen who trusted each other, others were in trouble.
Wang Weiwen added: "In fact, as long as there are official members who take the lead and the youth trainers agree, you can form a training team like the 'Dawn Squad', but the treatment and support are different. Your current 'official member' status is Guanzhou Special It happened to be given by the department, and it happens to be in a state where no one can take care of it, and as long as you take the lead, Zhou Meirong and Wu Fei will definitely be willing to join."

"At that time, you can set up a new team and apply for training resources for everyone in the name of the new team. Everyone's high-speed growth period is only a few years, so it's not good to waste it."

Having said all of this, Ye Da had no choice but to agree, the big deal is the training, and it's fine if he doesn't actually participate.

Ren Shilin saw that he had a hundred catties of meat, and felt relieved: "Captain, what are you here for?"

"Help Wang Weiwen do some training."

Anyway, it's just to get back the wildness, and it doesn't involve transforming on the spot, so it doesn't hurt to let Ren Shilin know.

Just as he was talking, Li Youren pushed the door open and entered.

"These are three 'fear candies'. I don't know if I don't apply. You are already a full member of the special affairs department? But why is it related to the special affairs department in Guanzhou, and Donghai is only seconded here?"

Ye Da thought that it should be Captain Xie Tiannan who left the back door, so he can look for him later, but now he can avoid a lot of troubles. Because of Jiang Hou, the East China Sea Special Affairs Division is indeed treating the Shuguang team coldly.

Li Youren: "By the way, I've applied a lot for enlightened objects recently. This time, I'm going to use your own application quota. The holographic projection is temporarily unavailable, and it's much more complicated to get things. It hasn't been installed yet after rebuilding."

Ye Da nodded and took the fudge.

Before leaving, Li Youren glanced at Ye Jianguo, nodded and said hello.

Afterwards, Ye Da and Wang Weiwen came to the field, and Ye Jianguo didn't put on airs, and sat on the sidelines with Ren Shilin. Ren Shilin didn't know him, but he was very polite to this unpretentious elder.

"Master, are you a relative of Ye Da?"

Ye Jianguo originally wanted to say "I am Ye Da's father", but in the end he suppressed this idea: "I am from his tribe."

Ren Shilin was surprised: "Clan? Is Ye Da from a big family?"

Ye Jianguo stroked his beard with a smile, and said complacently: "It's not too big, but the inheritance has a long history, and it has a history of 1000 years."

Ren Shilin's eyes widened: "1000 years, my God! That must be a very powerful family, no wonder Ye Da can find a girlfriend like Xin Yi."

Ye Jianguo was taken aback: "What girlfriend? Xin Yi?"

"Master, don't you know? It's been exposed on the Internet! That's Xin Yi! The goddess in the hearts of countless people!"

With that said, Ren Shilin took out his mobile phone gossipingly, ready to show Ye Jianguo the latest news.

"I heard that Xin Yi's background is also very strong. You have big families on both sides. This is a strong alliance. Congratulations!"

Ye Jianguo's face darkened.

He said with a smile on his face, "Tell me about it in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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