I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 288 Disaster Code: Sea Dragon

Chapter 288 Disaster Code: Sea Dragon

In the end, Ye Da didn't have another fight with Wang Weiwen, ah no, it was one more time, Wang Weiwen was completely exhausted, and it would be tomorrow at the earliest.

According to Wang Weiwen, the last "destructive death light" was used 700 years ago. Although it is not his iconic ability before, it is still a major breakthrough.

Of course, the price is that he is now as muddy as mud, and it takes a lot of effort to speak.

I also feel a sore throat, as if I swallowed something that shouldn't be swallowed.

Taking advantage of Wang Weiwen's break, Ye Da went to find Li Youren, first asked if he had any news about Jiang Hou, and after getting a negative answer, he mentioned the previous matter about recruiting a new team.

"It makes sense in terms of the process. The official members and the youth training members can submit the training group plan with two-way agreement. If there are too many people, it will be a 'squad', and if there are fewer people, it will be closer to a 'master-apprentice'. The Special Affairs Department encourages this kind of training. In the old way with the new."

"However, you have to know that different training groups must have different treatment. The reason why the Dawn Squad supports so much is that there are two-sided mirrors, Xuanshui sticks, fear gummies, holographic projections, and even more potential privileges. It's all because of Jiang Hou's status, if you pull the team yourself, this aspect will definitely shrink."

Of course Ye Da guessed it, and said: "Since I am related to the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division and I am only seconded in Donghai, the team formed should also be subordinate to the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division in theory, right?"

Li Youren thought for a while and nodded: "That should be the case. This kind of situation is quite rare. Seconded personnel usually have no intention of doing this."

"Theoretically, members of the youth training camp are all free agents. They just participate in official training. There is no mandatory order. As long as they are free to stay or leave, it's not wrong."

"of course."

This is why Ren Shilin can come to Donghai as long as he strongly expresses his will, and Zhou Meirong also came from Jiangzhou in this way.

After all, the youth training camp is not a military camp, otherwise there would not be so many talents willing to participate.

The official also intends to set the rules of the youth training camp more freely, so as to increase the contact with social talents.

"That's easy, you apply for me, and say that if the Donghai Special Affairs Department is unwilling to provide training support, I will pull everyone to transfer the relationship to Guanzhou. I believe that the people from the Guanzhou Special Affairs Department will be very willing." Accept it, even if we find ways to train ourselves in Donghai, we can have nothing to do with Donghai Special Affairs Department."

Li Youren was taken aback for a moment, as if it made sense.

Now the above is treating the Shuguang team coldly. There is no support, no teacher, and even a daily training plan. The Donghai Youth Training Camp provides nothing more than a field.

From Ye Da's point of view, what's the difference between hanging in the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division and finding a place for training?

Besides, Guanzhou must not give support?I'm afraid the back molars are going to laugh out.

"I understand. I'm going to help you find out. The higher-ups don't really have any objections to you, it's just Jiang Hou. Forget it, I won't say anything anymore."

During this period of time, he also gradually heard some rumors about Jiang Hou, and knew that Jiang Hou might have caused a catastrophe, but it seemed that even his rank was not qualified enough to know what it was.

"By the way, do you want to change your name? It's still called 'Dawn Squad'. I suggest you change your name to avoid being rejected."

Ye Da thought for a while, and decided to use the antonym of "Dawn".

"How about calling it 'Doom Squad'? Isn't it domineering?"

Li Youren smiled awkwardly: "It's quite young."

Thousands of miles away, beyond the gray fog.

A team of elite personnel wearing Kyushu combat uniforms are sorting out the recently collected data and mapping the map in the dilapidated thatched hut.

"There is a natural deep-water port. It is very important for us to mark it emphatically."

"Good Captain Hu."

They are the only pangolin team that is still outside the gray mist at this time, that is, the "Ten Team".

Different from the missions of the other nine teams, their mission is not to spy on Hessein, but to go to the farther Dongfu Islands to learn about the situation here.

The Dongfu Archipelago is composed of large and small islands, long and narrow from north to south, and short from east to west. If viewed as a whole, it happens to form an island chain on the east side of Kyushu. The government attaches great importance to this.

Facing the threat of the deep sea, if a war is fought in the ocean, it is purely courting death. If a war is fought on the mainland, it will suffer heavy losses, so the strategic value of the Dongfu Islands is reflected.

However, the power of Xisaiyin has already been involved in this place, and for hundreds of years, the people of Dongfu Islands and Xisaiyin have formed an extremely complicated state of stalemate and confrontation. They want to take advantage of the geographical location of Dongfu Islands. There is still a lot of work to be done.

Especially in recent years, the situation of the Dongfu Islands is quite different from the previous hundreds of years, and it has also entered a changing situation.

Xisaiyin seems to have suddenly become interested in the [-]th District of the Far East. He changed his previous attitude of using it as a prison and exile place, and dispatched a lot of forces to exterminate the people of Dongfu Islands, leaving them behind than Xisaiyin The Dongfu Islanders suffered heavy losses.

It may be difficult to have an idea just to say that it is backward. Using the situation that the pangolin tenth team has learned, the houses here are basically made of wood and straw, the staple food is radish and rice, the clothes are rough hemp, and the level of smelting is so low that it is difficult to make farm tools. , industry is completely absent.

If Hessein is 100 years behind Kyushu, then Dongbu Islands can be said to be 500 years behind Hessein.

Yes, they feel that the level of the Dongfu Islands may not be as good as the ancient Kyushu dynasty like the Dabin Dynasty.

But the Tofu Islands have their own unique features. They can learn quickly anything related to the confrontation with Xisaiin. For example, Xisaiin's firearms are used by thieves, and they have even seen repairs and modifications. Hessain is a gunsmith who can sail a pretty good boat.
In addition, the Dongfu Archipelago also has some extraordinary powers, which are the Dharma Gates that came from Kyushu hundreds of years ago. The number is very small, and they are extremely secretive. It seems that several families control the Dharma Gate inheritance.

These families are also willing to contribute in the process of fighting against Hessein, but they will not leak any of the methods they have inherited.

It is said that Famen's ability is related to the soul, and it is called Onmyoji or something. They are all called by the locals. They are not very sure. They have only heard about it so far, and have not seen it yet.

When the tenth team set out, in addition to the six Kyushu elites, they also brought the Dongfu Islander who was captured by Wang Weiwen on Nianzi Mountain. ongoing.

"Captain Hu, the village chief sent a few more girls over."

Hu Hang, the captain of the 1.6th pangolin team and the full-time captain of the special affairs department, couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows. Due to long-term malnutrition, the average height of men here is less than 1.5 meters, and that of women is less than [-] meters. The Saiyin people are of a different race, but the tall Kyushu people are excellent fellows of the same race.

The village chief has often sent women to their residence these days. He has never heard of the big girls and widows in the village. He even has his own daughter, hoping to be selected by the adults of Kyushu and leave blood.

The moral concept here is obviously different from that of Kyushu. It is said that when there was no wall of fog hundreds of years ago, the aborigines here had this custom. They sent women to Kyushu to conceive children, and when they came back, some people rushed to raise them.

It's a pity, not to mention that there are two women in Team [-]. Even if they were all men, he wouldn't be able to do such a shameless thing. "Drive it away, drive it away, I can't finish the drawing every day, how can I have this skill!"

This is already the sixth island they have landed on, and it is also the largest one. There are thousands of aborigines on it, which is considered a large settlement, so they stay longer.

In two days, the situation here is almost understood, and they can go to the next island.

It was getting late, Captain Hu stretched his waist, and finally finished drawing the picture.

Compared with those colleagues who spied on Hessein, they did not engage in any decent battles. Apart from the fact that it was more energy-intensive to walk around a large circle at the beginning, they were more concerned with sorting out information, and the paperwork was exhausting.

"Captain! The village head hurried over again, jijiwawaah, I don't know what he was talking about?"

"Where's Taro? Let him translate it. Don't send the girl off again."

Taro is a prisoner of Nianzishan. There are not many people who can speak Kyushu here. Taro's crappy accent is considered high-level, and he can also read Kyushu characters. He usually translates by him.

After a while, Taro ran over while wearing his belt, obviously he was doing something bad just now, his face changed after hearing what the village chief said, and he said to several adults in Kyushu: "The village chief said, the fisherman who went out to fish came back , Said that they saw Hai Long turn around! He came towards the island."

Hu Hang frowned: "Hailong? What do you mean? Whale?"

Taro hesitated, he didn't know what Hai Long was.

Hu Hang sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll go and have a look."

As he spoke, he pulled Taro up, and a cloud of black mist appeared behind him, turning into a pair of wings, flapping gently, soaring into the sky.

S-level spiritual enlightenment ability: Phantom Wing.

He was also sent to lead a team to investigate Dongfu Islands because of his strong flying ability.

Of course, because of this reason, the workload of drawing is mostly on his head, and he keeps drawing, drawing, and drawing every day.

When the village chief saw Hu Hang soaring into the sky, he was so shocked that he knelt down on the ground and said a lot.

In mid-air, Hu Hang asked Taro, "What did he say again?"

Taro: "He said he has three daughters, all of which will be given to you!"


"I tried it for the adults, and it's really good."

"., shut up! Give me directions."

Hu Hang dragged Taro and flew towards the east coastline.

Not long after flying out, Hu Hang felt that the sky in the distance was covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was about to usher.

Seeing this scene, he didn't need to guide the way anymore, he put the burdensome Taro on the shore, and he soared into the sky again, the speed was several times faster.

Soon, he came to that strange sea area, with dark clouds of lightning and thunder above his head, and turbulent sea water below.

But not a single drop of rain fell.

"What's down there?! What on earth is a sea dragon?"

At this moment, the sea surface split.

Time seems to slow down.

In Hu Hang's frightened eyes.

A terrifyingly huge, hill-like head broke through the sea.

It was a terrifying existence that magnified the snake hundreds of thousands of times, as if it could surround the entire island.

And on its body, the same huge transparent tentacles were entangled, tightly entangled.

After the monster rushed out of the sea, it didn't care about Hu Hang at all. With a deep roar, countless thunder and lightning fell directly from the sky, hitting him.

It is controlling the lightning and wants to get rid of the transparent tentacles on its body.

"Sea Dragon" fell back to the surface of the sea again, as if pulled back by the transparent tentacles, its huge body directly set off monstrous waves.

Hu Hang froze in mid-air, unable to move, as if he had forgotten to think.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Hu Hang looked intently.

In the mouth of that mountain-like head, there is actually a person biting and struggling.

He actually knew it!
Jianghou! ! !

Before he could take a closer look, the terrifying "Hai Long" secretly returned to the deep sea with his tentacles all over his body and Jiang Hou in his mouth.

And the terrifying thundercloud above his head also moved with "Sea Dragon", like a natural disaster.

Hu Hang suddenly reacted: "Wait a minute. That direction is not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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