I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 289 Doing What I Can Do (2 in 14800)

Chapter 289 To the best of my ability (two-in-one 4800)

Hu Hang was able to recognize Jiang Hou at a glance because he had worked with Jiang Hou before, and he was the captain of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Department.

"Headquarters, this is Pangolin Team [-], there is an emergency report!"

Hu Hang flew into the sky and took out the satellite phone he carried with him.

An intermittent voice came from the satellite phone: "Got it. Please speak"

"On the east side of No. [-] Island in the Dongfu Islands, a giant marine creature was observed. Two giant creatures were fighting and heading southwest at a very fast speed."

"A huge sea creature?"

"The body length is visually estimated to be about 200-300 meters, and the shape is similar to some kind of sea snake or eel. It is fighting a tentacle-like creature of the same size that has not emerged from the water. It is also observed that 'Jiang Hou' seems to be involved."

The correspondent almost thought he had heard wrong.

"The most important thing is that they are moving in the direction of Kyushu gray fog."

The correspondent froze, then reacted and said: "The gray fog will stop them..."

At this time, the correspondent couldn't help but feel that the gray fog is indeed a miracle to protect Kyushu, although he has also complained that the wall of gray fog is like a cage on weekdays.

"But in that direction, under the sea surface where the gray fog is, there is the largest crack to date. And there are also warships stationed to monitor the huge crack."

That's the place where the God of Mercy was once expelled
The liaison took a breath.

"I'll report it immediately!"

Yuezhou, Puyang City.

A major city in Yuezhou, it ranks among the top three cities in Yuezhou, with coastal tourism as its highlight.

Wang Weiwu stood on the sunny beach, gesticulating with his fists and feet in a strict manner, and occasionally let out a low shout, which was scattered by the sea breeze. He was out of tune with the surrounding leisure tourists who were family units.

"Cousin, are you good at boxing?"

An eight or nine-year-old girl beside her asked curiously while digging in the sand.

Wang Weiwu continued to punch: "Not very strong."

He has been practicing martial arts and fighting for nearly a month. Because he is serious enough and has found a good teacher, he can barely get into the door. Of course, his original intention is not to become able to fight, but to increase his strength through systematic physical training. A little chance for enlightenment and awakening.

Compared with a few months ago, Wang Weiwu's heart is much calmer, and he is not so eager for quick success, but his desire for enlightenment and awakening has not diminished.

The little girl in front of her was the child of Lu Zhixuan's younger brother, his cousin, because Wang's family and Lu Zhixuan's family did not communicate frequently, Wang Weiwu only met her once when she was one or two years old.

Lu Zhixuan was born in an ordinary family in Yuezhou. Because of her good looks, she became an actress of Xiaohuo, and she was even more lucky to marry into a rich family. It's just that the relationship between the two families is not as familiar as that of ordinary people. Lu Zhixuan did not dare to expect Wang Junshan to be so close to her natal family.

Due to Lu Zhixuan's personality, she didn't fight for anything, but Wang Junshan also took care of the Lu family a few times, making their life better and better, and also entered the category of a wealthy family.

This time, Wang Junshan, Lu Zhixuan, and Wang Weiwu's family suddenly returned to their natal family, and they have been in Puyang City for a week. Lu Zhixuan's family naturally welcomed Wang Junshan, the "sister-in-law who rides the dragon quickly", and basically the whole family stayed with the Wang family for a week.

Wang Weiwu felt that those relatives who were not familiar with him cared too much about him and couldn't stand it, so even during the "holiday" period, he still insisted on practicing boxing outside every day, and his skin color immediately turned two shades darker due to the wind and sun. Let Lu Zhixuan complain.

However, compared to the previous appearance of the white and clean young master, he was a little more masculine.

Cousin Lu Yueyue has also become Wang Weiwu's little tail. He has always been the youngest in the family, and it feels good to have a younger sister than himself.

"Can this punch beat a spirit enlightener?" Lu Yueyue asked curiously.

Wang Weiwu could only patiently explain: "Below B-level, punch fast."

"What about B-level and above?"

"B and above, it is recommended to run faster. After all, it is not in vain."

This is what his fighting master said.

After finishing a set of basic training, a layer of sweat broke out on Wang Weiwu's neck. He resisted the idea of ​​washing himself in the sea, and sat down on the beach.

"Cousin, why doesn't big cousin come to Puyang to play?" Lu Yueyue took the sand bucket over, but it broke into a ball because of the moisture content.

"My brother has something to do. We should go back after a while."

Wang Weiwu pulled out an ancient copper coin from under his neck, and made it into a pendant by wearing a rope. This copper coin, which is said to speed up spiritual awakening, was his most precious thing. He never took it off, and played with it day and night. Gone on the road with patina and never returned.

If I really have a chance to awaken, I don't know what kind of ability it will be. It would be great if I could be as elegant and handsome as my brother, or maybe the energy system is good and cool enough.

As long as it is not a meat system, it will be fine.

Wang Weiwu was in a daze, and gradually realized that the sky in the distance was getting dark, completely different from the sunny one above his head.

He wasn't familiar with the weather by the sea, didn't know what it meant, and thought it might be raining there.

A large number of tourists around also noticed the changes in the distance, and many people stopped to watch.

Wait, are the dark clouds moving this way?

When Wang Weiwu had this doubt, the dark cloud was getting faster and faster, and at the junction of the sea and the sky, a black line was also rapidly approaching.

Suddenly, the loudspeaker on the edge of the beach began to broadcast at maximum power: "Visitors, please evacuate immediately, detected."

Before Wang Weiwu heard it clearly, the mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated crazily.

It's Dad Wang Junshan's call.

"Wei Wu! Where are you?!" Wang Junshan's tone was very urgent.

Wang Weiwu said in confusion: "Yueyue and I were at the beach."

"Run! Run towards your grandma's house! Hurry up!!!"


Just as he was stunned, someone around him screamed.

Someone pointed to the fast approaching black line:
"It's a tsunami! Run! It's a tsunami!!"

Wang Weiwu felt that the whole world was quiet for a moment.

The next moment, he hugged Lu Yueyue who was on the ground, and ran towards the direction away from the sea.

The large number of tourists around them also changed from dazed to exclaimed, and one of them started to run, driving everyone to run away crazily.

"Run! The tsunami is coming!"

Panting heavily, Wang Weiwu stepped on the solid concrete high platform, he calmed down a little, and turned his head to take a look.

However, this glance made him die.

Although the incoming tsunami hadn't landed yet, its height surpassed him unexpectedly.

Before the mobile phone was hung up, Wang Junshan's roar came: "Run to your grandma's house, I sent someone to find you, we have to leave Puyang and Yuezhou immediately! Weiwu, you must protect yourself !Don’t hang up the phone!”

Wang Junshan obviously knew the news in advance.

As a wealthy businessman in the East China Sea, even if he came to Puyang for vacation, he brought a few people with him. Except for one person who stayed by his side to prepare for the evacuation, the others were sent out by him to pick up Wang Weiwu.

He is such a son.

Wang Weiwu didn't need to urge him, he knew what to do when he saw the huge waves, put his phone back in his pocket, and set off again immediately.

But although Lu Yueyue was a six-year-old thin girl, she still weighed nearly 30 kilograms. Wang Weiwu soon ran out of energy and ran so far just now.

"Yueyue, you have to get down and walk by yourself, let's run quickly!"

Countless people were screaming and running wildly, and there were several car accidents in the panic. Sirens, sirens, and screams were mixed together. Although Wang Weiwu hadn't suffered any injuries, he already felt a sense of fear .

Fear of unknown disasters.

Fear that touches the soul.

"Boom!", Wang Weiwu turned his head suddenly, it was the sound of the tsunami colliding with the cement embankment.

The huge kinetic energy pushed the already terrifying tsunami to an outrageous height, like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Almost at the same time, the dark clouds above the head flashed and thundered, raindrops the size of soybeans fell, and several lightning bolts struck down, smashing several lightning rods.

Natural disaster, Wang Weiwu can only think of this word.

Looking at the scene like the end of the world, Wang Weiwu's soul was blown away.

"Cousin! I can't run anymore!"

"If you can't run, you have to run!"

However, it is impossible for a person to run over the waves. The muddy water behind him is getting closer and closer, and someone behind him has been completely swallowed!
It can't go on like this!

Wang Weiwu's brain was running at high speed, and he rushed towards a small three-story building next to him, and quickly rushed to the roof.

The sea water surged relentlessly, and the whole small building trembled.

The water level was getting higher and higher, and he could only pray that the water level would not exceed the roof of the building here.Finally, when the three floors were almost submerged by the sea water, the water level finally stopped rising, but continued to surge forward.

"Cousin, I'm so tired." Lu Yueyue sat down on the roof.

Wang Weiwu wiped his face, but he couldn't tell whether it was rain or sweat: "Sit quietly and don't run around."

He can only wait now, waiting for someone to save him and leave.

Lu Yueyue nodded obediently, even holding a plastic sand shovel in her hand.

Wang Weiwu looked at the turbid seawater like a mudslide, showing no intention of retreating, and continued to spread towards the city.

In the face of this kind of disaster, human beings are so insignificant.
However, the disaster has only just begun.

"Help me! Help me! My seat belt is stuck!"

A car floated on the turbid water and rushed past Wang Weiwu. The female driver in it called for help to Wang Weiwu in despair.

Wang Weiwu opened his mouth, but couldn't do anything.

"Help me! I don't want to die! Please!" The plea for help turned into a panicked cry, and finally the car slowly sank into the turbid sea water, and the female driver could no longer make any sound.

He bit his lip and turned his head away.

This tragedy is just an embellishment of the disaster. At this moment, I don't know how many people have lost their names.

"Don't go to see Wang Weiwu, don't be impulsive, you can't do anything, you are just an ordinary person, you are no different from these people, you will die if you go down."

There was a voice from the bottom of his heart, he was comforting himself.

Lu Yueyue shook Wang Weiwu's hand and asked, "Cousin, what's wrong with you? Is it cold?"

Wang Weiwu took a deep breath, shook his head and did not speak.

But the disaster will not slow down because of the youth's confusion.

Seven or eight people floated past, whether they were unconscious or dead, they were all slow runners, including old people, children and women.

The nearest one was only four or five meters away from Wang Weiwu. He wanted to pull it, but he was afraid of the cold and turbid sea water.

Wang Weiwu's nails were deeply embedded in the flesh.

"Yes, that's it. Even if there is a first aid class, the teacher will tell you to wait for rescue at this time. Even if there is a judge, he will acquit you. You are just an ordinary person. Ordinary people have no obligation to save others. Look. Just keep watching and it will be fine. If you feel uncomfortable, just turn away."

A medical helicopter was struck by lightning and fell from the sky in a circle, hitting a tall building not far away, and a huge fireball shot into the sky.

A hospital bed fell out of it, as if it was rescuing a transferred patient. The bed disappeared in the sea in an instant, and a life didn't even splash any water.

"Think about your mother, your father, your brother, the wealthy life you may have in the future, you can have a hundred reasons to only care about yourself, no one will say anything about you, no one can say anything about you, you just Just a normal person”

A drifting man, holding a child in his hand, floated past Wang Weiwu's eyes.

He tried his best, but he could only lift the child out of the water, but he was already gulping down the sea water, dying.

He looked at Wang Weiwu on the rooftop five or six meters away, a last light flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to swim over, but he was surrounded by the ruthless sea water and couldn't get close.

He looked at Wang Weiwu with hopeful eyes, hoping to let the child go ashore at least, but he couldn't say a word because he was choking on the water.

"That's right. By the way, don't be reckless, think like an adult. You see, the other survivors over there didn't save anyone, why should it be you? So many people have died, why should it be you."

"I'm very ordinary."


Wang Weiwu seemed to be talking to himself.

"I am poor at studies, have a bad temperament, and love to get into trouble. But I am the son of Wang Junshan and Lu Zhixuan, I am the younger brother of Wang Weiwen, and I am a man from Jiuzhou. I am very bad."

But I'm not bad at this! !

"Why can't it be me!!"

Wang Weiwu jumped, plunged into the icy sea water, swam forward desperately, and took over the baby who was being lifted.

The father sank to the bottom of the water with a smile, unable to even say a word of entrustment, he had already reached his limit.

With sore eyes, Wang Weiwen immediately turned his head and swam back with all his courage.

Clumsy, but warm!

Lu Yueyue didn't panic on the rooftop, instead she bouncingly clapped her hands: "Cousin is amazing! Cousin is amazing!"

At this moment, Wang Weiwu, who was about to lose his strength and drown, suddenly felt a force gushing out of his body.

Is this an illusion?

Relying on the sudden extra strength, Wang Weiwu struggled forward, and finally returned to the roof, and put the baby on the ground.

"Cousin is amazing! Cousin is a great hero!!"

Lu Yueyue didn't know what it was like to be sad, and even the heavy rain couldn't stop her innocent smile.

Wang Weiwu didn't have time to take care of the changes in his body. Looking back, the father had already disappeared.

Wang Weiwu felt depressed.
After all, my abilities are limited. After all, I am still too bad. If it were my brother, he would be here.
"Young man! Well done!!!"

A voice came from above.

Wang Weiwu looked up and saw a man in a surfing suit who could walk on the rough waves with only a pair of bare feet.

He seemed to be enjoying surfing just now.

That's the enlightener!
The surfer saw Wang Weiwu's actions from a distance, and after a compliment, he plunged into the water immediately.

A moment later, the father was caught and thrown on the roof.

The surfer man didn't talk nonsense and said: "Young man, I have to save other people, you protect yourself. If anything, do something within your power!"

At least at this time, no keyboard warrior will jump out and say that he should not encourage ordinary people to rescue.

Wang Weiwu's actions seemed to have a chain reaction.

Just as he was talking, another strange figure floated over.

An obese uncle stood awkwardly on top of a bus, while the bus under his feet was actually floating above the water.

His glasses were already crooked, his breasts were exposed, and his wig hanging on the back of his head was ridiculous, but he shouted: "My ability is to control buoyancy! Swim to me! Come to me!!"

Not far away, on the roof of another building, a woman shouted: "I am a doctor! There is also a first aid kit here! There is a balcony on the third floor where you can go to the roof! Anyone who needs help, come here!"

"And me! There is a safe place here too!!"

"I have a lifeboat here! Who needs help!"

"Everyone looks for clothes, twists them into ropes, and pulls up the ones that float by! Don't give up! Don't give up!"

"Me too! I have sheets here!"

"Count me in!"

"Me too!"

It seems that Wang Weiwu's reckless behavior woke them up.

More and more people are waking up.

This young man is willing to sacrifice his life to save others, why do they stand by and watch?
They all have their own "capable" things.

Whether they are enlighteners or not!
Ordinary or not!
Wang Weiwu stared blankly at these enthusiastic survivors, and lost his mind for a moment.

The surfer had a sore nose, but he knew that this was not the time for emotion, so he patted Wang Weiwu's shoulder hard.

"Young man! You are excellent! Take care to protect yourself! Live!"

After speaking, the surfing man stepped into the water and left.

As the surfer left, Wang Weiwu gradually came to his senses.

Because when the surfer patted him on the shoulder, another force surged out.

Wang Weiwu clenched his fist. That was not an illusion just now!
Is this my spiritual awakening?
Wang Weiwu took out the copper coins on his chest dully.

"But what kind of ability is this?"

Lu Yueyue was still excited, her little hands were clapping.

"Cousin is amazing! Cousin is the best!!"

(End of this chapter)

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