I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 290 The Cloud Moves!

Chapter 290 The Cloud Moves!

Wang Weiwu clenched his fists. The strength that surged out was not false, but real. It not only restored some of his physical strength, but also made him stronger. Even his soaked body was no longer so cold.

But where does this power come from?What ability did I awaken.

Years of suffering, years of longing, finally ushered in the awakening of spiritual enlightenment, but Wang Weiwu did not appear to be ecstatic as imagined, he was just glad that he was able to awaken at a critical moment, so that he could do more, Help more people.

He wiped the rainwater off his face, and felt that the water level was still slowly rising, and it would no longer be safe here soon.

The most urgent task is to wake up the comatose father first and move to a higher place.

The floating bus got stuck at the intersection just now. It was a good choice. At this time, two survivors had already climbed up.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten that he still had a phone in his pocket.

When he was saving someone else's father, his own father could only be in fear.

"Wang Weiwu! Speak! Wang Weiwu!"

Wang Junshan's roar was completely blocked by the wet clothes, and Wang Weiwu couldn't hear it at all. He was giving artificial respiration to the drowned and unconscious father.

But he didn't notice that there were a few dark shadows faintly swimming past in the sea beside him.

Apparently it wasn't just sea water that came ashore with the waves.

Soon, the erosion of the turbid sea water caused a short circuit in this waterproof mobile phone. There was a crisp crackling sound, and the screen went dark.

A few kilometers away, the place where Wang Junshan is located has not been disturbed by the sea, but lightning, thunder, and violent wind and rain have enveloped the place.

Wang Junshan stood by the window with an ugly expression, and Lu Zhixuan, who was on the side, saw her husband lost contact with her son, collapsed on the ground, and cried.

"Husband Weiwu doesn't know how to do it."

"Crying is useless!"

He has already seen through TV that the coastal part of Puyang has turned into a swamp country, and the subordinates he sent to look for Wang Weiwu may not be able to do anything.

In the worst case scenario, it is possible that those people were also killed.

He pinched the phone tightly, and finally made a call without hesitation.

East China Sea.

At this time, the Wang family only had Ye Jianguo and Wang Weiwen.

The side effects of "Fear Gummy" are too great, Wang Weiwen needs to recuperate for two days, and finally he will not be beaten today, but he still needs to learn the modified method from Ye Jianguo.

And Ye Da went out.

go for a date.

The two of them sat cross-legged opposite each other, and Ye Jianguo suddenly said: "You said... Ye Da will not really be with Na Xin Yi."

Wang Weiwen obviously knew what the other party meant: "I don't look like it, but did you say that Xin Yi asked him to go to the movies today?"

Ye Jianguo muttered: "That means we are basically settled."

Wang Weiwen: "Who knew? It's very strange. It's a three-person movie date. Even Liu Xiaoqian was invited. I can't understand it."

It's a real flower.

Just as Ye Jianguo was about to say something, his phone vibrated suddenly. He took out his first-generation smartphone and put it to his ear.

"Hello? Who?"

An anxious voice came from the other side: "Is this Mr. Ye Jianguo? This is the Huajing General Palace."

Ye Jianguo was taken aback for a moment, then frowned. It should have been almost 40 years since he had been contacted there.

On the other side, Wang Weiwen's cell phone vibrated, and the caller was Wang Junshan.

"Junshan, what's the matter?"

"Sir! There was a tsunami in Puyang, and Weiwu lost contact with him!"


Wang Weiwen's face suddenly turned ugly: "Tsunami? Is it an earthquake?"

"I don't know. I only received the news a few minutes earlier than others. Now one-third of the entire Puyang City is submerged in the sea. Weiwu happened to be on the beach before the incident. Now he can't be contacted at all. Sir! I know You are far away in the East China Sea. But I really don’t know who can save Weiwu."

Wang Weiwen immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense! Send me the address!"

Wang Weiwen hung up the phone, and just as he was about to say something, he felt that the air in the whole space became cold.

An invisible aura enveloped Ye Jianguo, making this originally kind old man as depressing as a mountain.

The two looked at each other and said together: "Yuezhou? Tsunami?"

After confirming that it was the same thing, Wang Weiwen said directly: "I'm going to find Ye Da!"


"With the cooperation of the two of us, we can quickly reach Yuezhou!"

"Based on who you are now? How much strength do you still have when you are a fool?!"

Ye Jianguo pondered slightly, and said, "Forget it, since that guy said he wants to fight against the deep sea, let him see it with his own eyes!"

"Deep sea? The tsunami in Yuezhou is related to the deep sea?" "You'll know if you go there!"

Wang Weiwen's eyes blurred, and he had already appeared in the open space outside.


At this time, Ye Jianguo was no longer the old farmer's appearance. He was dressed in sackcloth, his beard and hair were blown automatically, and he stood with his hands behind his back.

There was a faint murderous look in his eyes.

This is the top of Kyushu!

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees all trembled.

"Grit your teeth!"

When Ye Jianguo waved his hand, Wang Weiwen felt himself captured and bound by some kind of force.


"Boom!" Ye Jianguo took Wang Weiwen up from the ground and disappeared into the clouds in an instant.

In front of the shopping mall, Xin Yi wore a mask and hid in a place with fewer crowds.

Holding three movie tickets in his hand, his heart was in a mess.

Why did he make a phone call and make an appointment for such a strange movie?

Even though she usually has a laid-back temper, she couldn't help being annoyed by her impulsiveness at this time.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that many coincidences prompted her to ask Ye Da.

And of course Liu Xiaoqian.

Seeing Ye Da and the two approaching from a distance, Xin Yi actually had the feeling of turning around and running away.

Ye Da also wore a mask to avoid being recognized, making it look like an underground organization on the street.

When he came to Xin Yi, Ye Da said, "Sorry, I'm late."

Xin Yi shook her head: "I was too early."

Ye Da was about to say something when he suddenly heard roars from the sky.

airplane?It does not seem.

He heard the reputation and looked, but only saw the winter clouds.

This voice is actually a bit familiar!
That figure was like a drum of war, and it was getting closer and closer!

I remembered!It's in those three memories.
"Boom"! , In the dark clouds, a figure fell like a cannonball!It fell beside Ye Da, the masonry on the ground was shattered, and the surrounding cars all sounded alarms due to the shock.

It was Ye Jianguo.

Ye Da covered his face to avoid being affected by the gravel: "What the hell!"

Ye Jianguo snorted coldly: "Something from the deep sea has come in from Yuezhou. I'll take you to see what kind of existence exists beyond the gray fog."

Wang Weiwen also said: "Weiwu and the others are also trapped in Puyang City!"

Ye Da's heart shivered, and he understood the urgency of the matter, looked at Xin Yi and said, "Sorry, it seems that the movie can't be watched anymore."

At this time, any movie is a trivial matter.

Then he looked at Ye Jianguo: "I don't have any weapons."

Ye Jianguo: "I thought about it a long time ago! Although it is useless to deal with things in the deep sea." He waved his hand violently.


The Xuanshui stick fell from the sky and stuck at Ye Da's feet.

Ye Da didn't hesitate, picked up the Xuanshui stick, and stood beside Ye Jianguo.

This guy can fly, and this is the only way to get to Yuezhou in a short time.

Liu Xiaoqian also hurriedly flew behind Ye Jianguo, fearing that she would be left behind.

Ye Jianguo looked at Xin Yi coldly, and before she could say anything, he disappeared with a few people into the sea of ​​clouds with a "boom".

The pedestrians around were stunned.

How strong a spiritual enlightener must this be? !

Xin Yi saved up the movie tickets and stayed there.

"Headquarters! Report to the headquarters, the plan has failed."

"Failed again? Miss Xin and the others didn't go to the cinema? Or did Ye Da not come?"

"It's not because Ye Da ascended to heaven."

"If you are sick, let's go and have a look at your brain."

(End of this chapter)

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