Chapter 291
Yuezhou, dozens of kilometers east of the coastline.

The violent wind and rain made the world pale.

On the pitch-black sea, a terrifying behemoth was churning constantly, its huge body was like a mountain.

And on its body, transparent tentacles tens of meters long entangled it in all directions, and the giant sea snake-like beast kept rolling and biting.

The countless thunderclouds above the giant beast's head were controlled by it, and lightning rained down, hitting him.

In the battle between the two behemoths, there is still a third party involved.

A figure that was extremely small in comparison broke through the sea and rushed towards the head of the giant beast. With a bang, the exaggerated head was lifted high into the air.

Obviously, although the size gap is huge, the figure is not without threat to the giant beast.

Jiang Hou was extremely embarrassed at this time, his clothes had already been torn and torn off, revealing his strong upper body, covered with bruises and scars all over his body, his invincible defense seemed to have a limit.

"What a vitality this is. What a power this is."

In the face of this kind of life, it is inevitable for anyone to feel "insignificant".

The giant beast flicked its tail, and its exaggerated body hit with waves tens of meters high. Jiang Hou flew directly on the surface of the sea like a float, flying a thousand meters away.

They have been fighting like this for a day and a night!
From the deep sea to Kyushu.

A thin young man floated over and said to Jiang Hou: "You are still too weak. If you want to kill an existence of the same level as mine, you must have at least two or three of me working together, and my body is already damaged. Light, you can consider retreating."

Jiang Hou spit out a mouthful of blood: "It must be killed, the Kyushu government will send people soon, they, plus us, are enough."

The young man shook his head and said, "If you're talking about ships like humans, you've already seen what happened when you entered the wall of gray mist just now. Facing our existence, those clumsy steel structures are no threat."

"The last time you and I reached a cooperation agreement, we took the initiative to leave the Wall of Gray Fog. It seems to have given you the illusion that you can expel us by relying on human ships?"

Jiang Hou remembered the fate of those warships under the gray fog, his face was gloomy.

The giant beast continued to struggle, raised its head to the sky and howled, the huge sound wave set off endless waves, and the lightning above its head became thicker and denser.

"What is it doing?"

"He is calling for his people."

Jiang Hou was surprised: "Didn't you say it is a solitary species?"

"Although it is a solitary species, this kind of existence can command all the beasts in the sea. Although the ones in the wall of gray mist are much weaker, they are not without sea beasts."

Soon, following the roar of the giant beast, fluctuations gradually came from the bottom of the sea, and strangely shaped deep-sea monsters accepted the king's call and gathered towards this side.

Not far from the sea area of ​​the main battlefield, tens of thousands of pebbles floated on the sea, forming an "enclave" for people to settle on. This stone seemed to be picked up by the shore, and several people were sitting on it.

It was Sai Yin and the Dharma seeker who followed Jiang Hou.

But at this time, they were five labors and seven injuries. There were originally eight people, but now there are only six people left. Saiyin lost the one whose arm was removed by Jiang Hou, and the seeker lost the old woman.

The remaining few were all wounded, and many of them couldn't even stand up.

The monk-like fat man gnawed on the "pill" in his hand to replenish his strength, while manipulating the refined pebbles, complaining: "No way, how can there be a day and night of fighting, that monster is still alive and well!"

Saiyin, who looked like a female nobleman, was also in a panic, with her silver hair sticking to her cheeks, and she said tiredly, "That is the king of the sea. Being able to force it to flee is something that Sisayin has not done for hundreds of years."

She looked at Jiang Hou who was fighting the giant beast on the sea, and she couldn't hide her fascination in her eyes.

If in the past, someone told her that the King of the Deep Sea was being chased and fled, she would definitely think that person was crazy.

However, Jiang Hou's plan turned this delusion into reality.

It's just that now, the tenacity of this deep sea king far exceeds everyone's expectations.

The few of them were gathered together, and they didn't come here for dinner. They fought against the giant beast, and they did it as soon as they appeared on the stage.

It's a pity that even though they have high self-esteem in their respective fields, they are as weak as children when facing the king of the deep sea. The aftermath of the battle alone has caused them heavy losses.

Only Jiang Hou can really participate in it, fighting against the king of the deep sea for a day and a night.

Although the main force is still the "God of Mercy", Jiang Hou has also accomplished what she thinks is impossible for humans.It’s just that this location has already entered Kyushu.
While bandaging the wound, Jingwei said sullenly: "Hehehe, Captain Jiang is really ruthless. Seeing that he couldn't kill the giant beast, he took the initiative to lead it into the gray mist. I don't even know where it is. There is such a big crack."

She looked at the coastline in the far distance, and said quietly: "The places along the coast are about to suffer disasters. These monsters are naturally able to mobilize the power of 'hydrology'. I'm afraid there may be a tsunami on the land, and I don't know how tens of thousands of people will die. Is Captain Jiang Hou distressed enough?"

The female Saiyin turned her head abruptly, and said fiercely: "It's not because you are useless."

These Kyushu people had obvious reservations before, and they had their own ghosts, so they didn't show their full strength.

The young man in sportswear blocked the tense gazes of the two, and said, "Stop arguing, we're all resting, if Jianghou dies here, we'll have no benefit at all, and all our hard work will be in vain."

At this time, a flying figure appeared above their heads, with a pair of huge black wings on the back, making it look different from ordinary people. It was Hu Hang who found the trace of the sea dragon in the Dongfu Islands!
After he finished his report, he followed Hai Long's trail all the way and leaped for an unknown number of kilometers, just to report Hai Long's location to the headquarters. Unfortunately, Hai Long was not always above the water, and he could only judge through the thunder clouds above it.

After that, because he couldn't dive into the deep sea, he was blocked by the gray fog, and he went around a big circle, and found another small crack marked by the official before entering.

He looked at the floating enclave of warm stones below and the figures on it, and was shocked: "Dharma seekers! There are also Xisayin people! Why are these guys here? This sea dragon is related to them?!"

He had crossed thousands of miles. At this time, his physical strength was already exhausted. Instead of provoking him, he raised his height to avoid being attacked suddenly.

A few people below saw him, and the young man in sportswear said, "He's from the special affairs department? Or is he a captain? He came quite quickly."

The monk-like fat man said: "Hu Hang, the captain of the third Yuezhou team, is capable of phantom wings, and his strength is not weak."

The female Sai Yin glanced at it and said, "It's meaningless. For the King of the Deep Sea, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of them to have an impact on the King of the Deep Sea."

The youth in the sportswear suddenly laughed, pointed at the female Saiyin and laughed.

"Hahaha! You guys are so ridiculous!"

The female Saiyin had a fierce look in her eyes, but she really couldn't figure out what the young man in the sportswear was laughing at.

"You guy, you still think that Kyushu is your backward Hessein?! You acted as Jianghou and led this monster into the gray mist, just to let the captain take his life?"

"What do you mean?"

The youth in sportswear pointed to the sky.

A faint roar came.

"This is what he needs!"


The cloud was suddenly shattered, and a ray of sunshine finally shone down.

Several fighter jets pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and swooped down from the heads of the crowd with a huge sound wave.

Heading towards the giant beast.

Several Saiyin had never seen such a thing.

"That's??? Kyushu's man-made thing! It can fly!!!"

The female Sein opened her eyes wide, looking at the steel monster in front of her!

The youth in the sportswear was trembling all over: "Hahaha! The world of great controversy! The world of great controversy! Is the firepower of Kyushu king? Or the monster of the deep sea is king! I'm so excited! I'm so happy! Jiang Hou! Let me see!"

Under the surface of the sea, countless huge figures gradually floated up, dozens, hundreds, thousands!
That is the King of the Deep Sea, the "Subjects" who have called!
Jingwei looked stern: "Sorry, the ants will bite the elephant to death."

High above the sky, within the fighter plane.

"This is the Sharp Tooth Squad, and the 'Sea Dragon' has been discovered."

"Permission to fire, unlimited firepower."

"Roger that!"

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(End of this chapter)

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