Chapter 292 Arrival
Wang Weiwu stared angrily, holding a thick rope made of sheets with both hands, leaning against the eaves to wrestle with the sea water.

At the other end of the sheet rope is a family of four. They are helpless in the water, and the rope in their hands is their only life-saving straw.

At this time, Lu Yueyue, the father, and the baby were all moved to a safe place, while Wang Weiwu returned to the hardest-hit place to participate in the rescue.

"Give me up!!!"

However, although his strength has increased a lot, it is still not enough.

Seeing that the family of four was about to lose strength, he had an idea and remembered his previous guess about his ability: "Quickly praise me! Hurry up?!"


Among the four, the male lead reacted the fastest, no matter why he said: "You are awesome! You are so strong!"

no response.
Wang Weiwu felt cold, did he guess wrong?Doesn't receiving praise increase strength?

The male host swallowed the bitter turbid water in his mouth and said, "You are the best! You saved us!"

Drifting with the crowd for a long time has made his mind a little confused.

"You are the best."

"thank you"

"You can't save all of us. It's too heavy."

"Save my wife, save them."

Saying that, the hostess wanted to let go in a daze.

Wang Weiwu burst into tears: "No! I can! Believe me! I can! Persevere!"

The male host smiled miserably and let go of the rope in his hand.

"thanks, thanks"

"Husband! Don't!"

The hostess was unwilling to give up, so she freed up a hand to grab her husband who was about to drift away.

At this moment, Wang Weiwu felt that his exhausted physical strength suddenly surged up again, and he shouted: "Hold on! I can!"


"I can!"

"I can save you!"

Three steps!

"Believe me!"

Panting like an old cow, Wang Weiwu took one step at a time, pulling the thick rope to the edge of the roof little by little.

I did it!

Wang Weiwu sat down on the ground, completely exhausted.

Spiritual Ability: Hero (not yet properly named)
Rule system: Level unknown.

When it is believed, when it is recognized, when it is hoped for.

Power will flow from the body.

This is the power of hope, but it will eventually lead the capable person into the abyss.

"Don't panic, don't despair, because I'm here, trust me!"

On the turbulent sea, the giant beast code-named Sea Dragon is still driving the turbulent sea.

Every king of the deep sea is by no means a monster made of pure flesh. In addition to possessing almost infinite physical strength and strength, sea dragons also have the power of hydrology. They can manipulate storms, command thousands of sea beasts, and even cause damage to spirits. The impact has a natural defense.

They themselves are miracles of nature and the culmination of individual life.

In a sense, it is not wrong to call them "extreme".

Jiang Hou's beard and hair were all stretched out, his majestic muscles were trembling slightly under the washing of the rain. He was gnawing on a brown ball in his hand. It was the result of the refinement of the sea beast that wanted to attack him just now. Can he support for a moment.

Suddenly, he looked up.


Two groups of four fighters headed towards Hailong.

"Locked, launch." "Wingmen fire in coordination."

Four air-to-ground missiles were launched from the missile compartment under the wing. After a brief power disturbance in the air, they quickly straightened their direction and headed towards Hailong.


With the sound of piercing through the air, the four missiles detonated on Hai Long's body, which was too big to miss.

Sea Dragon roared, the flames and shock waves of the explosion destroyed its proud scales.

But not enough.

When the flames dissipated, two scales the size of a truck shattered on Hai Long's horrified body, and blood flowed out of them faintly, staining the sea red.

But compared to its size, it was so insignificant that the wounds visible to the naked eye were healing.

On the fighter plane, the pilot couldn't help but said: "It must not be a pure life form, how could a flesh and blood body be so hard."

"At least it proves that thermal weapons are still useful. After emptying the magazine and going back to resupply, there will be a steady stream of formations to keep up."

"Don't forget, there is another one under the sea. And we have support."

More formations pierced the sky, and a group of fighter planes appeared in the sky.

"Conventional missiles are not powerful enough and may require stronger ammunition."

"Don't worry, brothers, the missile site on the ground is already on the way, that's the big guy, you take a step back first."

The order given above was to kill Hai Long.

Now that he has entered the wall of gray mist, there is no reason to let him go.

Dozens of fighter planes completely disrupted the battlefield. They swooped in, left behind flames and explosions, emptied their ammunition, and then left gracefully.

Numerous missiles exploded on Hai Long's body, Hai Long howled in pain, and Sai Yin in the distance stared blankly.

That kind of steel creation, so many?

Is this still the Kyushu that was once bullied by Hessein and almost wiped out? !

Is the current Xisaiyin still the opponent of Kyushu?
But Hai Long was not a live target to be attacked. With a roar, he mobilized the thunder cloud above his head, and hundreds of lightning bolts fell from the cloud in an instant.

Several fighter planes were on the verge of falling in the thunderstorm, and this lightning could even burn the "discharge brush", obviously it was not an ordinary lightning.

A fighter plane even directly turned into a falling fireball, crashing in mid-air.

"The discharge brush fails, the system fails, and it is about to eject."

"Be careful brother, swim back first, let's continue!"

The fall of his teammates could not extinguish their fighting spirit, Hai Long responded with more roars of flames.

In an instant, Hai Long's body turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all kinds of ammunition exploded on him one after another. However, amidst Hai Long's roar, fighter planes were constantly damaged and fell.

Outside the main battlefield, a large number of various sea beast spirits with a size of about 10-30 meters are rushing here. They cannot affect the fighters in the sky, but they can harass the God of Mercy on the bottom of the sea. These sea beasts are like crazy. Attack gigantic jellyfish far stronger than they are, then get crushed by those terrifying tentacles.

The Dharma seekers and Saiyin were also blocked by countless sea beasts. The sea surface around the cobblestone enclave had been completely dyed red. They didn't know how many sea beasts they had killed.

Jiang Hou inserted his claws into the body of a seven-eight meter fish spirit. The thick scales were like paper to Jiang Hou, and then activated the ability, and the fish spirit quickly turned into a pool of flowing mucus, and finally Gather into a pill.

He watched Hai Long being suppressed by the firepower of the fighter plane. Although he roared again and again, he was still far away from being fatal, and a trace of worry flashed unconsciously in his eyes.

Suddenly, he discerned more things from the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Like drums of war, they approached one after another.

He seemed to hear something, stuffed the pills into his mouth indiscriminately, and said to the human body of the merciful god: "Be careful, there are powerful people coming, don't make misleading actions, we are now It's on one side with Kyushu, kill Hai Long first, then talk about other things."

"The God of Mercy" asked curiously, "Who is here?"

Jiang Hou seemed to be no stranger to that person, and said quietly:
"The pinnacle of humanity, Ye Zongguo!"

The "God of Mercy" is a little puzzled, even though it has parasitized a large number of humans and read their memories, it has never heard of this name.

"Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!"

Ye Jianguo, carrying Ye Da and the others with him, came on the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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