Chapter 293
Ye Da experienced a supersonic flight just now.

The physical kind.

At the same time, he also figured out why Ye Jianguo flew so fast and made so much noise!
The same is true in those three memories, every time Xin Shilin from the Northern Division arrived, it was an understatement of space shifting, but Ye Jianguo always made a lot of noise, "dong dong dong" sounded loudly, and even fell from the sky.

This TM is purely powerful!
Through a certain method, Ye Jianguo suddenly increased his speed and could break through the sound barrier in an instant, but this guy probably doesn't know any serious escape methods at all, and his speed will soon slow down due to resistance and other reasons.


Then continue to force the bricks to fly.

The reason why the sound of "dong dong dong" like a war drum is made is because Ye Jianguo is constantly breaking through the sound barrier, slowing down, and breaking through the sound barrier again.

Although being protected by it, even Wang Weiwen was not injured, but the huge impact and vibration made the few people except Ye Jianguo quickly become dizzy.

After accelerating again, Ye Da finally changed the scene in front of him. It was no longer an endless sea of ​​clouds, but a rough sea.

Ye Jianguo put them down, and Ye Da turned over and stood firmly on the sea. Since they knew their destination, they had already added a "buff" in the sky.

On the fighter jet, the pilot immediately reported upwards: "I found an unknown human coming, well, it's flying, and I can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy for the time being."

After a while, the voice of the control tower came from the intercom: "That's a friendly army, repeat, that's a friendly army, don't interfere with the other party."

Ye Da couldn't help but marvel at the exaggerated monster in front of him.

The monsters in the deep sea were really exaggerated, he could vaguely feel that the sea dragon just "existed" there, and the spirits around it became active.

At the same time, Ye Da also caught Jiang Hou's figure, his expression froze, and his heart was mixed.

Wang Weiwen exchanged glances with him, then looked at the coastline behind him: "Ye Da, I'm going to find Weiwu."

Ye Da nodded and said, "Give me some buffs before leaving!"

While turning around, Wang Weiwen did not forget to put his palms together, and the radiance of Yingying Lingzi emerged.



Quick reaction.

tread water.

Useful and useless, they were all written on the way here, and Wang Weiwen handed them over in one go.

He didn't speed up to leave until most of his strength was exhausted. He knew that this was the most dangerous place, and Puyang City might be safer.

He has locked Wang Weiwu's position through his ability.

Ye Da felt full power emerging from his body.Came below Ye Jianguo: "Is this something in the deep sea? Extreme?"

In Ye Jianguo's eyes, there seemed to be no turbulent sea, no fighter planes roaring in the sky, no Jiang Hou, and Dharma seekers.

Only the mountain-like sea dragon, and the merciful god hidden in the bottom of the water.

"Let's call it that."

"How strong?"

"So strong that you'd better stay away."

Ye Jianguo flew up suddenly, touched his cuff, and a simple bronze rattle appeared in his hand.

Holding the bell with one hand, he shook it vigorously, but the palm-length rattle made a loud noise like a yellow bell.


A series of invisible fluctuations dissipated, the entire sea surface became gloomy, and a breath of death suppressed the raging waves.

This is Ye Jianguo's unique method: controlling the divine bell.

Below the surface of the sea, the God of Mercy immediately sensed the change in breath, and gradually withdrew his tentacles.

It needs to see how capable this Jiang Hou called the peak of humanity.

If it wanted to give up before, but it didn't actually feel any sense of crisis, human weapons are just like that, and they can leave whenever they want.

But if this human being can reach the same level as Hailong, then the situation will become complicated.Hai Long broke free of most of his tentacles and turned his huge head to look at Ye Jianguo.


Ye Jianguo didn't move at all, and the rattle in his hand continued to shake.


Hai Long's roar changed from anger to panic, his soul was shaken, and he shook his head in pain.


Not only Hai Long, but even Jiang Hou, who was farther away, and those Dharma seekers and Saiyin who were watching, felt like there was an extra rattle in their minds, and every impact shattered their souls.


Only Ye Da felt different.

He felt that the ringtone was quite clear and refreshing.

Just like my usual "yin qi concentration".

As soon as Ye Jianguo made a move, he knew if there was one.

That Hai Long crazily aroused the lightning above his head, and struck at Ye Jianguo, but Ye Jianguo seemed to have an invisible cover all over his body, blocking all the lightning.

A trace of fear flashed through Hai Long's house-sized yellow eyes. The reason why it struggled on the sea was to avoid the "God of Mercy" in the water. Hit the tentacles on the body.

But at this time, it found that the surface of the sea was even more difficult than the bottom of the sea. Forget about those fighter planes. The arrival of Ye Jianguo made it feel bad. It began to give up attacking Ye Jianguo and wanted to hide in the sea again.

Suddenly, Ye Da felt the phone vibrate in his pocket.

"Is Ye Da right?! Tell Lord Ye Zongguo to try to control Hailong for 3 minutes and not let it return to the bottom of the water. Our ground-to-surface high-yield missiles are already on their way!"

Ye Da asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"This is Huajing General Mansion, it's too late to explain."

"Master Ye's mobile phone model is too old. There is no signal and we can't contact you. We can only contact you! Remember! Once Hailong dives into the water in 3 minutes, our weapons will be greatly reduced!"

Ye Da yelled at the sky: "Someone said that there will be a large-yield missile soon, and let you trap it for 3 minutes!"

Ye Jianguo kept moving his hands, but he blew his beard and stared at him and said, "You think I've pinched a loach?! Three minutes?"

Sure enough, as Hai Long tried his best to break free, the bronze rattle in Ye Jianguo's hand gradually became disordered, with faint cracks appearing on it.

Ye Da thought to himself, let's go together!The tattoo on the right hand appeared, and he wanted to liberate his "flying stiff" body, and manipulated the incense ash to help Ye Jianguo.

However, I heard Ye Jianguo say: "Don't! Just one or two more times, and your "How to Live in the World" will be messed up!"

Ye Jianguo threw the rattle in his hand, and the rattle swayed in the air, but he made a magic spell with both hands.

Circles of purple ripples appeared in the space above Hai Long's head.

The purple ripples were like some kind of mysterious substance, dripping on the boundary of the space, dizzying out a group of cavities with a diameter of more than one meter.

A series of quaint sarcophagi sank slowly from the purple hollow and came to the present world.

At a glance, there are actually hundreds of them.

These ancient sarcophagi fell like dumplings, or hung in the air, or floated on the sea surface, or sank into the bottom of the sea.

With a sound of "Boom!", the lid of a sarcophagus was lifted off, and a beautiful corpse with white hair like snow floated out of it, and said hoarsely:

"Baizhi. Got the order!"

Following the words of the beautiful corpse, hundreds of sarcophagi were opened one after another.

An imposing zombie walked out with icy pupils.

 It’s rare that I actually had trouble writing a battle scene.

  Ye Jianguo is basically the strength of the T1 echelon in this world. His performance determines whether the combat effectiveness of this game will collapse. He must be strong, but he must not be written like he is a cultivator.
(End of this chapter)

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