I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 294 Arrival of Firepower

Chapter 294 Arrival of Firepower
Zombies of various shapes came out of hundreds of sarcophagi one after another.

There are magnificent beauties, military generals wearing golden armor, Taoist priests with high buns, and burly butchers.

There are even some figures dressed in similar eras, including a smiling old man in Tang suit and a man in western clothes with melancholy eyes.

These more than one hundred zombies are the accumulation of the Ye family for hundreds of years. Like the history of Kyushu itself, they have passed through the long river of time and come to this world.

And under the order of the leader, the beautiful corpse, attacked Hai Long from all directions.

A zombie with the appearance of a military commander leaped forward, and the Yanyue Broadsword in his hand slashed Huashan Mountain, causing Hai Long's car-sized scales to shatter.

Another farmer-like zombie is holding a big gun, swimming in shape, and the gun shoots out like a dragon.

Almost instantly, Hai Long, which was nearly 300 meters long, was besieged by hundreds of zombies from all directions and positions.

Compared with its ant-like existence, these are indeed extremely destructive. The scales that are stronger than gold and iron began to be damaged frequently, and the pressure on the God-controlling bell above the head was much lower, and the shaking frequency became more stable.

Some zombies are also dealing with sea beasts in the sea at the same time. When facing these opponents, the zombies showed absolute lethality, blood flowed into rivers for a while, and countless corpses floated on the sea.

Ye Da stood on the sidelines watching the battle, and felt that although every zombie here was not as good as his liberated self, they seemed to be much stronger than the zombies he found from the ground.

If you look at it this way, why do you feel that the top of the sea is just average?
He shouted to Ye Jianguo: "Is it stable? I don't think this guy is very good?"

Ye Jianguo glanced at him: "Not good? Why don't I stop and let you fight one-on-one?"

"Then there is no need"

Ye Jianguo squinted his eyes and said: "I have never seen this guy, but compared to the others I encountered in the deep sea before, this thing is far inferior. It may only be at the bottom among them, but even if So, if this guy goes crazy, I won't be sure to keep him."

The monsters in the sea are not strong in changing methods or mysterious spells, but in their terrifying vitality and huge strength.

Although Hai Long seems to be screaming in pain, in fact, the scars left by the previous fighter jets on his body are gradually recovering.

Why the God of Mercy + Jiang Hou + a team of Dharma seekers Sai Yin chased Hai Long all day and night, it was because this guy had too much vitality.

So the God of Mercy said that two to three existences of the same level are needed to ensure a safe killing of the opponent.

It will take a lot of time and a lot of losses to kill Hai Long purely by "Hundred Zombies", and the premise is that Hai Long can't escape or enter the water.

Ye Da is acutely aware of why the "extreme" in the sea is so difficult to deal with.

With Hailong's ability to manipulate hydrology and tsunamis, Kyushu's ships are like plastic ducks in a bathtub to it. A wake may cause Kyushu's ships to be in chaos for a while.

A large number of fighter planes can affect Sea Dragon, and special naval guns may also be able to, and surface-to-surface missiles may even be able to make a final decision.

But the premise of all this is that Hai Long must be on the water.

If there is no God of Mercy to restrain him underwater this time, preventing him from going deep into the bottom of the sea, then humans in Kyushu will face a completely different enemy.

Ye Da imagined that if Hai Long took the initiative to attack instead of fleeing here, then as long as it hid in the sea, most of the human weapons would not be fatal to him, and would even scratch it.

Then Hailong only needs to keep creating tsunamis and then change places, then all coastal cities in Kyushu will suffer.

Humans obviously can't afford this kind of loss, so they can only risk entering the water to fight. Ye Da believes that this is definitely the stupidest and most tragic choice.

In addition, there are countless sea beasts to help out.
And Ye Jianguo said that this Hailong is still the weaker one among them.
Well, I have to say it is still difficult to deal with.

However, in terms of racial survival, in fact, after the loss of the coastal areas, it seems that the inland areas are still safe.

I just don’t know how many such existences there are
In addition, what roles did Jiang Hou and the others play?
Ye Da glanced at the phone, and two minutes had passed. He raised his head and reminded: "There is one minute left, and there will be a large-equivalent missile coming, pay attention to the timing, and don't be affected by it!"

Ye Jianguo: "The old man is free to care about!"

Ye Jianguo stretched out his hand to hold the "God Control Bell" in his hand, and shook it quickly, the sound of the ring changed from calm to rapid.

Just when Ye Da was puzzled, he saw grotesque sea beast spirits floating out of the sea beast carcasses floating on the sea surface. They were attracted by the god-controlling bell, separated from their bodies, and burned their souls.

There are a lot of sea beast souls, some were killed by zombies, and some were killed by the merciful god. In an instant, thousands of spirits, large and small, appeared on the sea surface. The power of these sea beast souls that just died is not too much Strong, but under the command of "Controlling God Bell", they all started to burn themselves and rushed towards Hai Long.

Although these spirit bodies may only exist for a few minutes or even tens of seconds, it is enough.

Some of the spirit bodies attached to Hai Long's body to bite, and some directly submerged into its huge body, affecting Hai Long from the inside.Correspondingly, in the "Hundred Rigidness", some people have gradually returned to their sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus has also floated back to those purple hollows.

At this moment, Hai Long no longer struggled, but raised his whole body high. The spinous fins on his back were gradually brightened from the tail, and quickly spread to the head.

The terrifying giant mouth opened, and the power of azure thunder and lightning spewed out, and the terrifying beam with a diameter of more than ten meters swept across the whole body.


Wherever the light beam passes, no matter whether it is a sea beast, a zombie, or even a spirit body, it is instantly annihilated.

The sea was divided, and the terrifying waves lifted everything around him.


Ye Da was pushed several hundred meters by the waves, and wiped the sea water on his face: "This guy can breathe atoms!"

No, it hasn't reached that point yet, it seems to be pure lightning power, but it is already very terrifying, just one click, Bai Zong lost more than a dozen of them.

You know, this is equivalent to more than a dozen S grades!
On the cobblestone enclave in the distance, the Dharma Seeker and Saiyin had just gotten closer, but they were frightened by the thunderbolt and turned around and ran away, paddling like crazy, wishing that it was an assault boat.

Ye Jianguo lost more than a dozen Ye family inheritances, his face was ugly, but his hands kept moving, constantly arousing the spirits of sea beasts, and at the same time restraining Hailong with the control bell.

Ye Da hesitated for a moment, but still shouted at Jiang Hou in the distance: "There are large-yield missiles coming."

Jiang Hou was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and took a deep look at Ye Da, but instead of running to look, he dived into the sea water, not knowing where he went.

At this moment, Ye Da heard a roar from behind.

In the very far horizon, a shiny white missile flew towards this side.

If the missiles dropped by the fighter planes were like chopsticks, then this missile is like a pillar!

No, from Ye Da's judgment, it might be more appropriate to call it a rocket.

Without further ado, he pulled Liu Xiaoqian and continued to retreat, and at the same time shouted at Ye Jianguo: "The big guy is here!"

Ye Jianguo watched the last sarcophagus return to the purple hollow, and then picked up a magic weapon, covering his whole body with some kind of protective measures.

He didn't choose to back away.

The "rocket" is extremely fast, and it takes less than ten seconds from entering the line of sight to reaching the battlefield.

Then with tail flames, it precisely landed on the top of Hai Long's head.

Ye Da looked intently. This so-called heavyweight missile actually exploded a second time.

First there was a loud noise, and the missile detonated above Hai Long's head. The terrifying flame instantly engulfed Hai Long, and at the same time, a turbid gas was released. Then something inside the flame exploded again, detonating the gas mass with a radius of one kilometer.

What Ye Da didn't know was that this was a kind of cloud bomb. In addition to the powerful impact and the explosion itself, it could also instantly create a high temperature of 2500° and devour all the oxygen around it.

In contrast, ultrasonic waves and poisonous gases are only incidental, and ordinary enemies have no chance to distinguish in detail what they died from.

But for the existence of Hailong, it is definitely impossible for Kyushu officials to launch only one.

The flames and thick smoke from the first shot have not yet dissipated, the second and third shots have arrived one after another, with slightly different landing points, but they are all around Hai Long's body, after all, he is too big.

The huge missiles were like steel balls, one after another, and finally stopped after six roars.

A series of explosions forced Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian to retreat again and again, turning their heads to look at Ye Jianguo's original position.

This guy may have been trying to pretend just now, and he didn't retreat too far, but now he is completely shrouded in thick smoke.

So, don't pretend to be forceful, pretend to be a missile strike!

 Please ignore such things as nuclear bombs, there are no such things in Kyushu.

  In addition, the technology tree is similar but cannot be copied. After all, it is an extraordinary world, or a closed extraordinary world. I hope no military fans will ask why xxx is not used, or why xxx is not so powerful.

  Now, everyone can understand this one as something stronger than the conventional bomb ceiling such as the "Mother of Bombs" and "Father of Bombs".
(End of this chapter)

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