I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 295 The Curtain Ends!aboard!

Chapter 295 The Curtain Ends!aboard!
Thick black smoke enveloped the entire sea, the originally humid air became hot and hard to breathe, and even the dark clouds in the sky were twisted away.

On the cobblestone enclave, the youth in sportswear half-covered his eyes and let out a hearty laugh: "Hahaha, let this monster taste what science is!"

The female Saiyin has repeatedly refreshed the three views, and has been completely confused.

Although she has always admired Jianghou, she still thinks that Xisaiyin is far better than Kyushu in her heart, and Xisaiyin is a better race than Kyushu.

After all, 150 years is not considered a generation gap for Saiyin. The Xisaiyin people used to almost wipe out Kyushu.

However, seeing such a devastating scene, her mind was so confused that she couldn't think of a single thought.

Although Xisaiyin's reaction to the gradual disintegration of the gray fog wall was much slower, she was not unaware. When she left the mainland, there were already some careerists and military personnel in the country who were trumpeting the re-invasion of Kyushu. Restore the glory of Hessein.

Now think about it, how stupid this is. If the white bomb flying from an unknown distance falls into the military formation, even Sain like her may not be spared. And they don't even know where the enemy is. ?
Not to mention those flying steel creations, who can stop them?How to stop it?By rifle?

A seed of fear was quietly buried in her heart. Although she always wanted to circumvent the three Saiyin regents to improve herself, she still recognized the identity of the Xisaiyin people in her heart.

She panicked.

From this moment on, she became a staunch appeaser, and the other two Saiyin around her were similar.

In the core area, Ye Jianguo was also shrouded in thick smoke and flames from the explosion. He hadn’t cared about the development of Kyushu’s weapons for decades. To be honest, he didn’t choose to stay away just now but added a cover, which was a bit pretentious. .

Now I'm a bit disgraced, too close, too big.

Has Kyushu already mastered such a powerful weapon?

The surface of the sea was already boiling, and a large amount of water vapor continued to rise under the black smoke, forming a mushroom cloud.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it burns mountains and boils seas.

However, Ye Jianguo, who was in the thick smoke, did not relax his vigilance. Although Hai Long's breath of life had dropped several levels in his perception, it had not disappeared yet.

Sure enough, in the black smoke, a little blue light emerged.

The terrifying thunder light with a diameter of more than ten meters pierced through the fog and rushed towards Ye Jianguo.

Ye Jianguo secretly thought it was bad, and he didn't dare to resist such an attack!

The figure activated instantly, flying up and down, and the terrifying thunder light followed Ye Jianguo's continuous sweep.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the sea dragon, covered in blood and flesh, appeared in everyone's field of vision. Large areas of scales on its body were peeled off, and some of its spinous fins had been burnt black. The flesh and blood were mixed with the black carbonized shell. One eye even Already exploded.

It was already on the verge of death, and fell into complete madness. It just followed its instinct and attacked everything around it.

While Ye Jianguo was flying, he pulled out the "God Controlling Bell" again to suppress Hai Long.

"The victory is set!"

With such injuries, Hai Long couldn't fly with his wings.

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the problem was solved. With the cooperation of Nanzong Jueding and the powerful firepower of the officials, this monster also ushered in its own end.

No, it's not over yet!
Just when Ye Da had this idea, a huge transparent tentacle suddenly pierced out from under the sea.

The target was Ye Jianguo!

With Hai Long's doomed death, some guys who had been faintly standing aside also started to act.

The God of Mercy made a bold move, but it was aimed at Ye Jianguo.

Ye Jianguo said viciously: "I know these beasts have evil intentions!" Holding a bell in one hand, he took out a piece of talisman paper with the other hand, and with a flick of his wrist, the talisman paper became several meters long in an instant, using the talisman as a sword , chopped towards the tentacles.

The transparent tentacles were exceptionally tough, but the top of Ye Jianguo's talisman paper sword was cut off, but more tentacles climbed up the dying Hai Long's body, trying to pull it into the deep sea.

Although Ye Jianguo didn't know what the "God of Mercy" was going to do, he didn't want to fulfill his wish and summon Bai Zang again.

One after another sarcophagi reappeared, stirring black smoke and turning it into tail flames, which fell like rain.

Ye Da pressed the Xuanshui stick and rushed towards Hai Long.

On the cobblestone enclave, those Dharma Seekers and Sein seemed to realize that this was the last moment, driving the enclave to attack quickly.

Hu Hang, with wings on his back, stepped forward to block it, and the wings on his back transformed into a large number of feathers, shooting towards the cobblestone enclave.

Hai Long began to accumulate the last strength, and the spinous fins lit up one by one again.

Seeing that the sea is about to usher in another chaotic battle.

A figure jumped up from the sea, turned into a long rainbow, and flew towards Hai Long's huge head.

It was Jiang Hou who had been hiding for a long time!
Ye Jianguo seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and snorted coldly: "You bastard!"

With a wave of both hands, the sarcophagus around Jiang Hou quickly gathered towards him, and arms stretched out from it to grab Jiang Hou's body.Jiang Hou gritted his teeth, squeezed out the last bit of strength, and knocked away the incoming sarcophagus.

Like a conditioned reflex, Ye Da threw the Xuanshui stick in his hand and flew towards Jiang Hou.

The phantom's feathers turned around, trying to block Jiang Hou's path.

It seems that Jiang Hou only has Hai Long in his eyes. He has already been exhausted, and even the absolute defense that he usually maintains on weekdays is difficult to sustain.

Finally, all obstacles were slowed down a step.

All the sarcophagi were blown away.

The Xuanshui stick pierced through Jiang Hou's shoulder, but he pulled it out.

Countless feathers split his body, but he ignored it.

When Hai Long's final roar of thunder and lightning condensed in his throat and was about to burst out in the next moment.

The Changhong transformed by Jiang Hou rushed directly into Hai Long's mouth!
This scene shocked everyone.

Jiang Hou is committing suicide? !
However, the imaginary picture of Jiang Hou being wiped out did not appear. After Jiang Hou rushed into Hai Long's mouth, Hai Long seemed to be severely injured, and the thunder and lightning in his mouth suddenly dissipated into the air, and then let out the last roar of his life.

Unwilling and perplexed, this monster who has roamed the sea for so many years was plotted and hunted down by Jiang Hou and the God of Mercy, suppressed by Ye Jianguo, and severely injured by humans from Kyushu. Finally, it dropped its huge head and fell to the ground. on the sea.

The scene fell into silence for a while, Ye Jianguo didn't understand what Jiang Hou was going to do, he didn't even know Jiang Hou, and he didn't know Jiang Hou's ability, he could only feel Hai Long's sun-like vitality dissipating rapidly.

Only Ye Da suddenly reacted
Jiang Hou is going to refine Hai Long from within?
Can this be done?
Soon he had an answer.

Hai Long's terrifying body floated on the surface of the sea, and after a while, his flesh and blood began to surge rapidly.


The original indestructible scales, exposed wounds, and scorched marks all quickly turned into an indescribable paste and began to shrink inward.

It seems that there is a black hole inside, devouring all matter.

Above the enclave, several Saiyin and Dharma seekers held their breath.

Jingwei: "Really. He did it."

Ye Jianguo was furious. He didn't know Jiang Hou's ability, but he could tell that this guy was definitely not one of his own.

With the sound of rubbing stones, hundreds of sarcophagi circled and reorganized like building blocks, condensing into one body, as if magnified a hundred times.

Under the control of Ye Jianguo, the meteorite-like sarcophagus aggregate rushed towards Hai Long's corpse with the three auras of the terrifying "Yin Evil Corpse".

He wanted to crush Jiang Hou to death in it.

Countless tentacles rose from the sea to stop the "giant coffin", as if they were buying time for Jiang Hou.

When the two sides are at odds.
Hai Long's huge body was broken.

It was almost divided into two from the middle, the lower body remained intact, while the upper body was liquefied at an accelerated rate, gathered towards the head, and finally turned into a mass of flesh, like a giant blood-colored cocoon.

And the meatball is shrinking rapidly.

The struggle between the tentacles and the "giant coffin" is still going on, and someone who is planning has already taken his last step.


The meatball seemed to have only a layer of crispy shell left, which was peeled off layer by layer like an egg.

An arm stretched out.

It was an extremely strong hand with blue scales.

With the appearance of this hand, the atmosphere on the entire sea has changed.

The thunderclouds that had been expelled by the explosion gathered in the sky again, and the lightning above them swam like spirit snakes.

The waves on the sea surface are higher than the waves, which means that the power of hydrology is being mobilized again.

Ye Jianguo looked at the celestial phenomenon in shock:
"Unexpectedly, a brilliant person appeared. What did he do?!"


At the age of 17, he became famous in Kyushu, with countless dazzling achievements in his life, the first in the three cities of Kyushu, and the first genius of the previous generation.

Finally, on the surface of the sea at this moment, he took a crucial step.

36 years old, reached the top!
(End of this chapter)

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