Chapter 296
The hand covered with azure blue scales smashed the crisp shell of flesh and blood around it, revealing the figure inside.

Jiang Hou's height soared to [-] meters, and his muscles developed in an inhuman direction. His limbs were covered with delicate blue scales, and his black hair grew a lot, scattered randomly on his back.

He first looked at his hand and was disgusted by the scales on it. He squeezed his fist hard, and the scales fell off one after another, and he completely recovered his human appearance. With a bang, the exaggerated muscles shrunk a lot and returned to their previous proportions.

Only the height remains at two and a half meters.

This made him look extremely oppressive.

Ye Jianguo floated in the air with his hands behind his back, and said quietly, "Is this your purpose?"

Jiang Hou raised his head and looked at Ye Jianguo. He could vaguely feel that there was still a big gap between him and Ye Jianguo, but it was not as different as before.

Jiang Hou said: "I will not be an enemy of Kyushu."

Ye Jianguo narrowed his eyes and said: "Collude with deep sea monsters, hunt sea dragons, and devour sea dragons to reach a decision. It's a good calculation. Do you know how many people died in the tsunami? So selfish, just say 'will not be an enemy' and it's over?"

Jiang Hou's eyes darkened, he inserted his fingers into his hair, and combed it to the back of his head. There was no movement, and his black hair turned into a ponytail.

Ye Jianguo was also a little hesitant. After 150 years, Kyushu finally had another peak, and Jiang Hou was the first person to reach the peak as a spiritual enlightener after the wall of gray mist rose.

It's a pity that he is a selfish person.

Ye Jianguo finally gritted his molar teeth and said: "You are from Kyushu after all. I just talked so much nonsense with you. You come back with me."

Ye Jianguo thought that he had given in a lot, but he didn't expect Jiang Hou shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, senior, it's not the time yet. I will definitely atone for my sins in the future."

As he spoke, a fierce son plunged into the sea.

Ye Jianguo was furious: "Shame on you!"

The "giant coffin" slammed into the sea, but at the same time, countless tentacles appeared to block it again.

On the cobblestone enclave in the distance, a group of Saiyin and the Dharma-seekers saw that the event had been accomplished, and immediately drifted away. The fat monk-like man manipulated the cobblestone into a hollow sphere, and carried them to the bottom of the sea.

The wrestling between Ye Jianguo and the God of Mercy was still going on, and the effect of the God of Controlling Bell on the "God of Mercy" who was underwater at an unknown number of meters was greatly reduced.

Ye Da's cell phone rang again: "This is Huajing General Mansion, Ye Da, please tell Mr. Ye, please stop for now."

Ye Da asked, "What's the reason?"

"The tsunami in Puyang City is fading."

Ye Da was taken aback, looking at the sea below his feet.

I don't know when, the direction of the waves changed, from surging towards the coastline at the beginning, it turned to the opposite direction, but Ye Da was not familiar with the sea and had no feeling.

This is especially true of the currents that come to the bottom of the sea.

Is it the God of Mercy?No, it should be Jianghou.

He is controlling the power of hydrology
Ye Da sighed and said, "Tell him yourself, this guy is getting angry."

Ye Da asked Liu Xiaoqian to fly up with him, and handed the mobile phone to Ye Jianguo. Ye Jianguo frowned and listened for a while, then snorted coldly, and took away the "God Controlling Bell" and the "Giant Coffin".

With the departure of Jiang Hou and the God of Mercy, this sudden disaster finally came to an end.

There are a large number of corpses floating on the sea surface, the largest of which is the back half of Hailong's body, and there are countless other sea beasts.

Ye Jianguo suddenly said to Ye Da: "Use the incense burner and stone needles to see if you can extract something."

Ye Da came to the huge corpse suspiciously. The closer he got, the more he marveled at the hugeness of the sea dragon.There was no incision in the section of this half of the corpse, but the mushy flesh sealed the wound, so there was no large amount of blood gushing out.

The tattoos on Ye Da's hands emerged, and they were placed on the corpse together.

He could vaguely feel that the stone needles and the incense burner were extremely strenuous.

This is the first time that the two have shown this kind of performance. In the past, no such change has occurred either against Sai Yin or against spirit monsters.

It's like trying to catch a basketball with a straw.

This "difficult" feeling lasted for a long time, and when Ye Da almost gave up, finally two strands of something completely different from before were pulled out from Hai Long's body.

In Ye Da's perception, what Jiuyin absorbs is some kind of remnant soul fragments. Hai Long's most important soul should have been devoured by Jiang Hou. After all, the head is gone, and the rest of the lower body.

But even the fragments of the remnant soul still have a feeling of weight. This is the feedback given to him by Jiu Yin, as if telling him that this is completely different from the soul of ordinary creatures.

As for the incense burner, a kind of light blue smoke was drawn out, shining brightly and shining with some kind of inexplicable light.

Seeing the blue smoke, Ye Jianguo hurriedly asked, "This is the origin of that beast, how much can you absorb?"

"Absorption? I feel like I can't smoke much if I stand all day, and doesn't this smoke only affect the body?"

The essence of the blue smoke is still some kind of vitality, but it has been contaminated with certain rules, and it has reached a new height, which Ye Jianguo calls the origin.

Ye Jianguo said: "The body is also fine! Sooner or later, the body will replace your real body. Since that guy can devour Hai Long to reach its peak, maybe you can too."

Ye Da said helplessly: "That's far worse, his speed is much faster than mine."

Jiang Hou devoured half of the sea dragon in just a few breaths. The "integration of soul and flesh" is more terrifying than anyone imagined. I don't know how long he has been preparing for it.

But Ye Da suddenly recalled that Jiang Hou had said to him many times: "You are very similar to me."

I used to think that they were both powerful spiritual enlighteners. Now it seems that this may not be the case.

Ye Jianguo didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't matter, this half of the body won't rot after a year or so. It's a little if you can smoke a little."

Although the shape of this sea dragon is different, its life level is on the same level as Ye Jianguo and Xin Shilin, and its flesh and blood strength is even higher than that of human beings. After death, its body will not rot as quickly as ordinary corpses.

But thinking of the scales on Jiang Hou's body, Ye Da was a little worried about whether they would mutate.

"Or did you train it into a zombie?"

Ye Jianguo rolled his eyes: "With such a big body, I won't be able to finish even one-tenth of it even if I train to death. Moreover, my mind is incomplete and my body is mutilated. After training, I will just be a big cock. It's thankless!"

In short, Hai Long's lower body became the most important spoils of war.

In fact, Ye Da didn't think they had the right to deal with Hai Long's lower body at will. After all, the authorities would definitely take it back, but Ye Jianguo didn't seem to be worried about this. This reminded Ye Da of two consecutive phone calls from Huajing General Mansion.

After a while, official sea ships came gradually, obviously for Hai Long's corpse, but unfortunately, when they got closer, they found that the hull was far inferior to the half of Hai Long left.

I'm afraid it will take seven or eight ships of the same type to handle it.

It will take a lot of effort to drag this thing back to shore.

A helicopter flew over, and a woman in formal attire on it shouted with a loudspeaker: "Master Ye! Please go to the Huajing Headquarters for a briefing. We have prepared a special plane for you."

Ye Jianguo heard the voice of the little girl on the helicopter, sighed, and said, "What kind of plane is it? Why do I need to fly in this life?"

(End of this chapter)

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