I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 297 Chapter 296: First arrival in Huajing

Chapter 297 Chapter 296: First arrival in Huajing

In Puyang City, when Wang Weiwen found Wang Weiwu, he hardly recognized him as his younger brother.

There was only one big underpants left on the whole body, and the whole body was covered with traces left by the evaporated muddy water. His hands were covered with cracks, and there was a foot-long wound on his forehead, which was mixed with muddy water and bleeding continuously.

However, such Wang Weiwu makes people feel full of vigor.

He was squatting on a roof, holding four or five sheets in his hands, and was trying to connect them into a string, as if he wanted to make a rope.

Wang Weiwen jumped onto the roof and said softly, "Wei Wu?"

Wang Weiwu was taken aback for a moment, turned his head abruptly, and said pleasantly, "Brother? Aren't you in Donghai? How did you come here?"

Looking at Wang Weiwu who looked like a mud monkey, Wang Weiwen couldn't figure out what he had experienced.

It's not like going through a tsunami, it's like dancing on a mudflat for two hours.

"Are you seriously hurt? What are you doing?"

Wang Weiwu touched his forehead and said: "This, this was accidentally hit. I was making ropes. Everything is not easy to use without ropes. Not only is it long enough, but it can also float on the water."

Wang Weiwu talked to his brother about how to save lives most efficiently and which tools were useful. He didn't stop working. After a while, a bed sheet rope six to seven meters long and thick as an arm was finished.

Skillfully wrapping the sheet rope around his body, Wang Weiwu said, "Brother, how is Dad's side? Grandma's house is quite far from the seaside, so it should be fine."

Wang Weiwen looked at Wang Weiwu's appearance and said in a strange tone: "Jun's father is fine, mainly because of you. He has been out of contact for a while."

"It's fine, I formed a temporary rescue team with a few other people, and the official forces have also started to join in. It would be even better to have my brother here, and our efficiency will definitely be greatly improved."

Suddenly, Wang Weiwen keenly noticed that the sea water below seemed to be receding.

The direction of the turbid seawater fluctuations has changed, and it is gradually returning to the sea, just like the tide.

Wang Weiwen turned his head to look far away, but he couldn't see anything. The battlefield was tens of kilometers away, but he guessed that it should have ended there.

I hope Ye Da and the others are safe.

However, as the sea water receded, the miserable scene below gradually surfaced. Many floating corpses that had been stuck somewhere floated out. The number was extremely large, which made the two brothers of the Wang family look dark.

These used to be fresh lives, with their own careers, families, and lives. They might just come to travel, go to work, or date their loved ones.

Now it is swollen and drifts with the flow.

I imagine that when the sea water completely recedes, there will be more inside.

Wang Weiwu murmured: "Brother, life is really fragile"

Wang Weiwen rubbed Wang Weiwu's muddy hair: "So cherish it, Weiwu, you did a good job."

Wang Weiwu was taken aback for a moment, feeling a force coming out of his body.

"By the way, brother, I really want Qi Ling to awaken."

Wang Weiwen was taken aback, and congratulated sincerely: "Congratulations, what ability is it?"

Wang Weiwu hesitated and said: "It seems that being praised by others will increase your strength. But sometimes it works well and sometimes it doesn't work."

Wang Weiwen raised his eyebrows: What kind of nonsense ability is this!

Forget it, let’s focus on what’s in front of us first.

Wang Weiwen noticed that there was a sea beast under the water, which seemed to come in with the tsunami. It was about five meters in size, which was not very powerful, but it was already a huge threat to ordinary people.

At the same time, as the water receded, more ruins were exposed, and the rescue mission was still arduous. Official forces began to enter, but time never waited for anyone. For any survivors, it would be good to be one minute earlier.

"Go, let's rescue together."

Wang Weiwen pointed to the roof not far away and said, "Can I go up?"

Wang Weiwu nodded heavily.

After practical training, he has adapted a lot to the changes in his body and knows what is within his power and what is beyond his ability.The two jumped up from the rooftop and went to another rooftop.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Weiwu's mouth unconsciously.

For the first time, I no longer could only watch my brother advance from afar.

But to be able to follow behind and move forward together!
"Have you found it? That's good. It's quite complicated that it's over here. I'll talk to you later."

Ye Da hung up Wang Weiwen's call, and Ye Jianguo wanted to take him to the Huajing General Mansion. Ye Da was also a little curious about this hidden relationship, and Wang Weiwen would stay with the Wang family, and the two groups parted temporarily.

Ye Jianguo rejected the so-called special plane, but he didn't leave immediately, mainly because he was worried that the "God of Mercy" would kill him again. After all, the body of such an existence is too precious. Say less.

If his life was not approaching, he would probably be tempted to find a way to refine this big meat stick.

Who said that corpse hunters are not curious?
After waiting for about an hour, confirming that the God of Mercy and the others would not be coming back, Ye Jianguo waved his hand, and an invisible force engulfed Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian, rushing towards the sky.

As for how to bring the corpse back, leave it to the authorities.

Ye Da once again experienced a supersonic speed of the flesh.

The sound of "dong dong dong" like a war drum, all the way to Huajing.

Ye Da was in a state of being pulled and flying in the air, slightly behind Ye Jianguo by half a body, he leaned forward, and said in Ye Jianguo's ear: "You, what is going on with you and the Huajing General Mansion? ?”

Ye Jianguo didn't even look back and said, "You'll know when we get there! Old man, I have lived to be 200 years old. Aren't some of my friends normal? I just don't know how many of them are still alive."

He sighed leisurely and said: "There are some things and some relationships that I don't want you to know for fear of making you proud."

This face is full of fatherly flavor.

Ye Da sneered, and patted Ye Jianguo on the shoulder: "It's okay, I will always be proud of you, after all, you are a descendant of my Ye family, aren't you?"

Ye Jianguo rolled his eyes, okay, I can only accept this seniority issue.
After flying for about an hour, twice as long as coming from the East China Sea, Ye Da finally saw the huge city agglomeration on the ground.

Prosperous and developed, it is no less than the East China Sea, and it is even better in terms of city size.

There are only three super-large cities like Kyushu, and I think this is Huajing.

The capital of the Six Dynasties of Kyushu, it has been the power center of Kyushu since the reign of Dabin. It is located in the northeast of the center of Kyushu.

Ye Jianguo was floating at a very high position, looking at the huge city below, he couldn't tell the direction for a while.

He hasn't been here for 40 years.

In the end, relying on the location of the Six Dynasties Palace in the center of Huajing, Ye Jianguo made a rough guess, changed direction, and flew downward.

Its goal is not some magnificent palace, nor is it a majestic building.

It is an ordinary courtyard house, but the location is a bit special, in an arbor forest in the core of Huajing City.

As soon as Ye Da's feet touched the ground, he saw several people who seemed to be waiting in the courtyard.

The leader was a kindly 70-year-old old woman, sitting in a wheelchair with handicap, but she was full of energy, and she was looking at Ye Jianguo excitedly.

"Master Ye, you really haven't changed at all."

Ye Zongguo hesitated slightly: "Are you Pingping?"

 When it comes to the battle of civilizations, some things have to start to be involved, otherwise the protagonist's vision will be too low.

  So let me explain in advance: this work is completely fictional and does not have any allusions to geography, names, institutions, or anything else.

  Gentlemen, please don't ask for advice based on the pictures.

  No, not at all. It’s all made up. I don’t want to go in.

(End of this chapter)

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