Chapter 298 Wang Yuping

Huajing, a courtyard house in the arbor forest.

Ye Jianguo looked at the woman who was older than himself, hesitated for a moment before asking, "Are you Pingping?"

The old woman's eyes were slightly moist: "You actually recognize me. I never thought I would have the chance to see you again in this life."

From the manners of these people and the position of the old lady, it is not difficult to guess that this Pingping is probably not simple.

Ye Da noticed that although the people pushing the wheelchair were silent and smiling, their eyes were always patrolling Ye Jianguo and himself.

As for Liu Xiaoqian, although her appearance is outstanding, it seems that appearance is the least important point here. Liu Xiaoqian always has a kind of temperament.

The temperament of being regarded as a small follower.

So most people ignored her.

Ye Jianguo sighed, "That's right. You were in your early 30s at the time, and 40 years have passed. This is what you should look like."

He has seen too many similar scenes in his life.

There is nothing to do but sigh.

Ye Da cast a puzzled look at Ye Jianguo, wanting him to explain, but Ye Jianguo gave him a calm look.

Pingping wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "Master Ye, let's talk inside."

Ye Jianguo nodded, and led Ye Da inside. Pingping was pushed by someone in the wheelchair, and she was half a body behind.

As for the others, Ye Jianguo didn't even look at them.

Ye Jianguo seemed to be very familiar with this courtyard, so he walked straight to what should be the living room without anyone leading the way.

Ye Da looked at this place. The yard was not too gorgeously decorated, but it was completely closed by the arbor forest, which added a sense of tranquility and solemnity. He and Ye Jianguo flew in directly, but it should be heavily guarded outside.

After entering the living room, Pingping asked everyone to go out, and the people behind were stunned for a moment, but they didn't dare to say anything, and left one by one.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xiaoqian, who seemed to have not seen the winks of the few people, standing behind Ye Da with her neck stalked, where is her benefactor.

There are only four people left in the room.

The old woman pushed her wheelchair to the table, and Ye Jianguo asked, "Wang Yuping, what's wrong with your leg?"

Only then did Ye Da know the old woman's name.

Wang Yuping, an ordinary name, there were many people with this name in that era.

Ye Jianguo used to be the youngest one in the yard, and Ye Jianguo regarded him as half a daughter, but now she looks older than Ye Jianguo, and is very thin in a wheelchair.

More people, I'm afraid they have all returned to ashes.

Regarding her leg, Wang Yuping smiled helplessly: "It's been more than ten years, and I have a bone problem, and I can't stand up after the operation."

Ye Jianguo picked up one of Wang Yuping's hands, and the spirit's fluorescence flashed. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "It's a little late. If only it had been a few years earlier."

There are many strange people and strange things in Kyushu, and many new spiritual enlighteners and spiritual enlightenment abilities emerge every year, but it cannot be said that all human body problems can be solved. In addition, Wang Yuping is old and weak, and has lost had the best time.

Wang Yuping smiled and said: "We are all used to it. This time we brought some new things and new technologies from Xisaiin. They have made great achievements in human body modification, which has given our people a lot of inspiration. The following people want to try it. But I rejected him, and I have only a few more years to live, so I don’t want to worry about it anymore.” Then Wang Yuping said:
"Master Ye, there is a disturbance in Yuezhou this time, and I have to contact you as a last resort. I hope you will forgive me."

Ye Jianguo waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter. Such a being has gotten in. You really should inform me. I have something to ask you this time. What happened to Marquis Jiang?"

Wang Yuping sighed and said: "This is indeed a dereliction of our work. I heard someone below mention his name a few years ago, but I didn't know much about him. When you were on the way, I looked through all of Jiang Hou's Information, he has always behaved very normally, and a lot of expectations have been placed on him. Of course, we do not expect him to become the same existence as you."

"A year ago, Jiang Hou's behavior began to appear abnormal, which attracted the attention of the Special Affairs Department, but he was not too worried. Until the past month or two, it became more and more out of line. I only realized it later."

Although Jiang Hou is the backbone of the special affairs department, his affairs will not be handled by Wang Yuping personally. The old lady's energy is mainly focused on a more macroscopic position.

When it comes to a certain person, she won't ask about everything.

For Wang Yuping, she only found out about Jiang Hou when he won the first place in the three-city competition in Kyushu in the special affairs department. Today, when the Yuezhou disaster broke out, she looked through all of Jiang Hou's information again.

To be honest, even if Jiang Hou rebelled, as long as there is no such thing as reaching the peak today, Wang Yuping may not need to personally intervene. She has too many things to deal with.

But Jiang Hou has reached the peak, that is another story.

It cannot be overemphasized.

"I personally read a lot of information, combined with his performance today, it shows that he has been hiding his strength, and he is also hiding part of his spiritual enlightenment ability. The time may be traced back to his youth, but only the exposed part has been revealed. He has become the leading spiritual initiate in Kyushu, so no one realizes that he is very close to that step."

Kicking Ye Jianguo out doesn't count. The strength Jiang Hou usually displays is already regarded as the spiritual enlightener of the first echelon of Kyushu, and may even be the strongest one. Who would have thought that such a person would actually hide his strength? ?
Wang Yuping sighed: "Actually, if he doesn't hide his strength, we will naturally try our best to help him. It can be seen that what he wants is not only the ultimate realm, but judging from his initiative to offset the impact of the tsunami, it is not completely unattainable." People, that's why someone contacted you, I hope you let him go."

It has been too long since Kyushu has a new peak. In the past, this was something that the Huajing government could not even think about. What's more, Kyushu is now at an extremely complicated and dangerous historical crossroads. It is impossible for anyone to win Jianghou. will let go.

Ye Jianguo is still mostly dissatisfied with Jiang Hou: "Such a selfish and calculating person, even if he becomes the ultimate, it is hard to say whether it will be a blessing or a curse for Kyushu."

Wang Yuping said: "That's the truth, but whether a person's behavior is selfish or not is judged from the motive, and we can't require everyone to be 'perfect'. If there is a chance, we should try. After all, it is too rare."

Said, Wang Yuping looked at Ye Da, smiled and said: "Master Ye, can you introduce this one to me?"

Ye Jianguo thought for a moment and said, "He is from my tribe."

Wang Yuping's eyes lit up: "Is it your junior?"

"Ahem. Just treat me as a peer."

Wang Yuping was startled, isn't this also an old monster?However, it seems not surprising to hear about the inheritance of the Ye family.

But she didn't know that Ye Jianguo had already given him a face, so he couldn't say that he was my ancestor, could he?

When Wang Yuping checked Jianghou's profile, she also looked at Ye Da's profile. Adjectives such as excellent, genius, and dazzling resume were all footnotes in Ye Da's profile, but in front of Ye Jianguo's identity, other things were not important.

"Then, Master Xiaoye."

Ye Da hurriedly said, "Just call me Ye Da."

Although his seniority is extremely high, his "effective survival time" is far inferior to that of Ye Jianguo, and he is also a young man in mind. He doesn't feel uncomfortable when he sees someone who looks older than him, and is called auntie or auntie.

"Then I'll call you Ye Da. You are also a member of the Dawn Squad. Was there anything suspicious about Jiang Hou before? After all, all the information I have seen is already compiled, and it must not be comprehensive."

(End of this chapter)

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