I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 299 Ye Jianguo's Past

Chapter 299 Ye Jianguo's Past

Ye Da shook his head and said: "About Jianghou, everything I know has been reported, there is nothing more, if I have to say, I feel that he has been in a hurry, probably since he first joined the Shuguang team, There is a sense of urgency in Jiang Hou, a feeling of racing against time."

Wang Yuping said thoughtfully: "A sense of urgency means that there is an important time node, maybe it is waiting for some opportunity."

Ye Da said: "At first I thought it was his wife who needed to be rushed for treatment, but later I found out that it didn't seem to be the case."

Ye Da talked about the situation on the seventh floor of the youth training camp building. Wang Yuping thought thoughtfully: "A body without a soul."

The old woman is obviously well-informed and has her own thinking:
"Although it sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory, for example, Jiang Hou himself killed his wife, if you think about it carefully, there are many unreasonable things in it."

For example, if he really wants to kill someone, with Jiang Hou's ability, why leave a corpse behind?Wouldn't it be safer to be wiped out?
No matter what the motivation is, the special preservation of the body must be because he is unwilling to destroy it, or it cannot be destroyed.

Wang Yuping has already made up her mind that the wife of Jiang Hou who is soaking in the jar in Donghai must be properly dealt with as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Wang Yuping stayed with the two of them for dinner, which was not delicacies from mountains and seas, but the unattractive hot pot noodles for one night.

Ye Jianguo was taken aback when he saw the bowl of noodles, and moved his index finger: "I didn't expect you to remember that I love this, but I don't know if it's the same taste as before."

Wang Yuping smiled and said, "The current chef is Master Wang's apprentice, and he is over 60 this year. The taste should be the same."

Ye Da took a sip, and this noodle was really delicious, and it felt like the scallions were overflowing into his brain.

This guy Ye Jianguo never disappoints him in terms of food taste.

Afterwards, the two chatted about the daily life while eating, how leisurely the small courtyard in Wen County was, and how much Huajing had changed. It was rare for Ye Jianguo to meet an old friend, so he opened up the chatter box.

Ye Da was a simple listener. He could feel that due to the existence of himself and Liu Xiaoqian, Wang Yuping deliberately restrained the content of the conversation and didn't talk too much about family and country affairs. It should be because he still couldn't figure out his relationship with Ye Jianguo.

Until midnight, Wang Yuping looked obviously tired, and Ye Jianguo said, "Let's not talk, let's stop talking. I will stay in Huajing for a few days before leaving."

Wang Yuping said: "Master Ye can sleep here, I'll have someone vacate that room."

Ye Jianguo was taken aback: "I still have that room?"

Wang Yuping smiled and said: "It's a bit hypocritical to say that it's specially reserved for you. I also took a break in it in the early years, but it's not good in the past few years. I have to go home. The house is similar to the hospital. The house is vacant. For many years, I have restored people to the way they were back then."

Ye Jianguo was amazed.

After Wang Yuping was sent away, there were still many guards in the courtyard. Although they were curious about how Ye Jianguo, He De, and He Neng could sleep in this courtyard, no one dared to ask.

Any word said by anyone in this yard may be the top secret of Kyushu, and those who can be guards here are not stupid people who like to inquire about things.

A hut on the east side of the courtyard, with a total area of ​​about 30 square meters, has two single beds on the left and one on the right, which looks like a standard hotel room, but the bed looks like an antique, and there is nothing special about it , only some furniture with a sense of age.

After Ye Da followed Ye Jianguo in, he waited for Ye Jianguo to explain.

What happened today, especially what happened after coming to Huajing, made him so curious.

Someone brought two large mugs of tea, and Ye Jianguo took a sip and smiled with satisfaction.

Then he looked at Ye Da and said with a proud smile: "Very curious?" Ye Da rolled his eyes: "Otherwise? Shouldn't you be curious?"

Ye Jianguo put the tea mug on the table, thought for a while and said: "The chaos of alien races ended when the wall of gray mist rose, Kyushu was devastated, and a lot of waste was waiting to be done. We can't let the impoverished Emperor Chang decide again. They It has already harmed Kyushu enough."

Dachang, or the Chang Dynasty is the last dynasty in Kyushu, only in the early 100 years, three generations of emperors.

He has basically done nothing good, but he has done a lot of things that harmed the national strength of Kyushu. He is full of conspiracy and extravagant. Even if there is no chaos among alien races, it is probably a short-lived dynasty that left infamy.

"Especially when the rules of the world of Kyushu changed due to the Gray Mist Formation, I, as the only one who survived, always stood up and told everyone what happened, so I formed a team with the heroes who fought against Xisayin back then. Grassroots team."

Ye Da's eyeballs almost fell out.

"You're still open"

Ye Jianguo waved his hand: "That's not true. Old man, I just answer questions and lend my strength. There are other people who really make suggestions. Moreover, times create heroes. There are so many knowledgeable people in that generation. Managing political affairs is not When it comes to fighting, the most I can do is give you some advice."

I don't know how true Ye Jianguo's statement is, but he himself is caught in the memory.

"After that, I went around in circles for many years. Sometimes I lost my temper and would disappear for a few years, and sometimes I would be called back. Until 40 years ago, the first batch of people had already died, and they were replaced one after another. I felt bored by the new faces and felt that I was no longer needed, so I went back to Wen County to relax, telling everyone not to contact me and to treat me as dead."

Obviously, it is impossible for Huajing General Mansion to really think that Ye Jianguo is dead, and it may have been paying attention in a non-disturbing manner, so it can only call for rescue at critical moments.

"Pingping was the youngest person in the courtyard at that time. To be honest, I didn't expect that the burden would be placed on Wang Yuping's shoulders. I haven't paid attention to these things in decades."

Ye Da: "No one from the Xin family participated?"

Ye Jianguo said leisurely: "You have also seen the power of the big formation. Whoever controls the big formation will control the way out, the way out, and the way out of Kyushu. Before Xin Shilin entered the formation, he set the rules for the Xin family. Not to be in politics."

Ye Da: "Is it necessary to guard so strictly?"

Ye Jianguo sighed and said: "Human greed is endless. If our parents once shined brightly, the younger generations will feel that those auras were born with them. For example, when Kyushu was rebuilt, the earliest gang of my generation Among people, most of the truly top talents suppress their children and grandchildren, and even accept the ruin of their family. They don't want their family to become the worms of Kyushu. In today's terms, they are called enlightened, but they are second-rate people. They always want to May your children and grandchildren be blessed and enjoy the wealth passed down from generation to generation."

"The Xin family must have a back-up force left by Xin Shilin, but no one may be able to use it. It is also because of this consideration that the Ye and Xin families have not interacted with each other for a long time. The Ye family is relaxed. I am the only one who can survive. I am not afraid. There is no troublesome person in the younger generation, until someone happens."

Ye Da stared, did he talk to his ancestors like this?

Ye Jianguo took a sip of tea, looked out at the bright moon through the window, and said quietly: "What I said on the rooftop was the truth, and it was my hesitant and hesitant decision to get you out, because I was afraid that I would die. After that, the formation will completely collapse and no one will be able to control it, and I worry that blindly closing it will harm Kyushu."

He stood up suddenly, with his back turned to Ye Da, with the intention of giving some pointers:
"Now I understand, especially after running around with you these days after the year, even Pingping can carry such a heavy burden, including that Jiang Hou can also plan to achieve the 'extreme peak' by himself, as the so-called Kyushu A generation of talented people came out, why should I worry about a bad old man, the torrent of history is rolling forward, why bother to worry about these shitty things a few years before my death."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"Do whatever you want, you deserve it."

"Of course, I will give my full support. With that girl Wang Yuping here, the old man can somehow retain some energy from me."

(End of this chapter)

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