Chapter 300 Change
In the early morning of the next day, not long after Ye Da and the others woke up, someone brought breakfast, three fresh bean curds with milk, and a few dishes of exquisite side dishes.

It's worth mentioning that there were only two beds in the hut, and Liu Xiaoqian didn't want to leave Ye Da, so she just stood outside all night, but it wasn't tiring for her.

While he was eating, an old man with white hair and some fat walked over, rubbing his hands. When he saw Ye Jianguo, his voice trembled with excitement: "Master Ye, you really haven't changed at all. Do you still remember me? I'm a kid." Take care."

Ye Jianguo also laughed: "Of course I remember, Xiao Wang used to get old and couldn't get up in the middle of the night, so he always asked you to make supper. Come, come, let's eat together."

This person is the chef in this yard, and yesterday's hot pot noodles and today's breakfast are all made by him.

In the past, he was just an apprentice, but now he has become a chef, responsible for the meals of the most important people in the Huajing General Mansion. When Ye Jianguo left, he was only in his early 20s.

Ye Jianguo has always liked food, and he is very familiar with Wang and Gu Du, but they have not known each other for 40 years.

"I'm old too, my master has been gone for decades."

The two master chefs, Wang and Gu, knew something about Ye Jianguo's miracles as cooks in this yard, but they never guessed that after 40 years, they had become old men, and Ye Jianguo still looked like that.

Ye Da was amazed, once people live for a long time, they really often experience this kind of thing
After they had breakfast, Wang Yuping was already waiting outside the door, but this time Ye Da was not brought along. Ye Jianguo said to Ye Da: "I have something to say to Pingping, you follow them."

Then he drove away in the car.

A man with eyes and the appearance of a male secretary was waiting. This man also appeared in the yard yesterday. He brought Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian to a special building.

Huajing Special Affairs Division, and Kyushu Special Affairs Division Headquarters.

The two departments share a building, which is located in the core street of Huajing, only three streets away from the Palace of the Six Dynasties.

This building is the core and apex of the extraordinary power of the entire Kyushu government.

It is heavily guarded and crowded with people, and calm and capable personnel come in and out from time to time.

Many people stopped and nodded when they saw the male secretary, and they were quite curious about Ye Da beside him.

The lobby on the first floor is very grand, and Ye Da feels that the height may be as high as 20 meters, and you need to go through triple security checks before you can really enter.

The male secretary took Ye Da directly to the independent elevator on the side, reaching the 37th floor.

As the group moved forward, various staff gradually followed the group and came to a meeting room together.

The male secretary said very respectfully: "The new team you applied for in the East China Sea has been approved by the headquarters, and your file has been updated as an S-level spiritual enlightener. Based on your past achievements and resume, you will be officially promoted to the captain of the special affairs department." .”

The other party put a document in front of Ye Da.

It is said that it is based on past achievements and experience, but Ye Da knows that Wang Yuping and Ye Jianguo must be the influence.

S-class spiritual initiates are already qualified to serve as the captain of the special affairs department, but this is not the only condition. Generally speaking, without seven or eight years of experience in the system, no matter how talented they are, they will not directly become the captain.

Ye Da didn't nod directly, but asked, "What about the affiliation? Guanzhou? Or Donghai?"

"Neither, it is the headquarters of the Kyushu Special Affairs Division. The headquarters did not set up a standing force before. It was only responsible for the management and deployment of the Kyushu Special Affairs Division. You will become the first headquarters captain of the Special Affairs Division, or you can call it the 'special captain' ', all affairs and applications related to you will be handled by the headquarters alone, and all your information and whereabouts will be kept top secret, and I am your contact person, Tao Yongwu."

Ye Da opened the documents in front of him, the first page was his own files, followed by those of Li Zifeng, Ren Shilin and others, including Liu Xiaoqian.

There's even a file codenamed "Dump Truck."

"What are the rights and obligations of this position?"

Tao Yongwu pushed his glasses and said: "For you, you don't need to think about these things. You must understand the reason. You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't harm the interests of Kyushu. There is a long-term goal that may require your attention."

"One: If possible, please work towards the 'extreme' direction. Hai Long's corpse has been dragged back to land and is currently being transported. Mr. Yuping has explained that you can use it as you like, as long as Just apply with the research department."

"In addition, for any other needs, as long as it helps you get closer to the 'extreme' realm, we will do our best to help you. The official collection of old methods, enlightenment objects, cultivation needs, etc. are all included."

"Second: Considering the relationship between you and your team and Jiang Hou, please also pay attention to the possibility of recalling him. Kyushu is at a historical crossroads, and we need to fight for any possible strength."

"Third: The members of the Shuguang team are indeed the leading young talents in the three cities of Kyushu. If possible, please pay attention to the growth of the players and help them improve. They can also help you better."

Freedom, autonomy, full support.

Jiuzhou official's positioning of Ye Da can be summed up in these three sentences.This kind of support can be said to be unique.

When the official learned from Ye Jianguo that Ye Da might reach the "extreme" state, it actually meant that he had a lot of privileges, not to mention the "weight" brought by Ye Jianguo.

After the Yuezhou Hailong disaster, many changes have been brought about.
The threat of the deep sea has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Wang Weiwu awakened a very special spiritual enlightenment ability.

Ye Jianguo suddenly became enlightened and changed his mind.

Ye Da became the youngest and most special captain in Kyushu.

And Jiang Hou became the first person to climb to the top as a spiritual enlightener after the wall of gray mist rose and the rules of the world changed drastically.

The wheel of history rolls forward, and everyone is dust on the wheel.

I just don't know, who has the chance to catch the coachman's eyes.

Or, become a coachman.

In the vast sea, there is an uninhabited island.

The Dharma Seeker, Sai Yin and his team are repairing.

They can say that they were exhausted by boats and cars, and after crossing the state, they escaped from the gray fog and traveled thousands of miles overnight to come here.

The female Sein looked at the abnormal tide on the beach like breathing, and turned her head to the cave behind.

Inside the cave, Jiang Hou was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

His two-meter-five majestic body is continuously exuding blue energy with his breathing.

As he breathes, it affects the sea around the entire island.

"Swallowing the origin of the sea dragon, this hydrological power has a huge effect. Unfortunately, in terms of physical strength, I am still far inferior to those giant monsters that can easily reach hundreds of meters. It is quite difficult to mobilize. In addition, the thunder and lightning ability also has many wonderful uses. As for others, it is harmful to keep them. Useless"

The state of being covered with scales is actually the origin of the sea dragon in his body that has not been properly digested. For him, a pure human body is very important, so it is better to expel these things.

Jiang Hou stretched out a hand, a mysterious substance precipitated out of his palm, and several "pills" gradually condensed into his huge palm, but compared to the usual ones, these pills were no longer dark brown, but magically longer. Covered with fine blue scales.

If you distinguish it carefully, you will find that it is the same as the scale pattern on Hai Long's body, but it is much smaller.

Jiang Hou got up and came to the cave, and threw the "pill" in his hand to several people waiting outside the cave.

After the female Saiyin caught it, she asked, "This is?"

Jiang Hou: "What I promise to you is the original essence of Hai Long."

The few people were overjoyed when they heard the words. Isn't it because of these things that they have tossed for so long?

The "pills" given to them by Jiang Hou on weekdays have made them improve a lot, and the pills from Hai Long are probably even more miraculous.

The fat man who looked like a monk couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, holding it in his palm like a treasure.

"You can only absorb it slowly, don't eat too much at one time and be overwhelmed."

The young man in sportswear squeezed the "pill" and said with a smile, "Boss, what are you going to do next?"

Jiang Hou squeezed his fists, his majestic body looked towards the sea.

There, the "God of Mercy" was waiting for him.

"Go find the second one."

(End of this chapter)

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