I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 301 The Beginning of Seeking the Law

Chapter 301 The Beginning of Seeking the Law
The third day after the Hailong disaster.

The world still works normally.

Ye Jianguo hasn't come back yet, so he doesn't know where he went, but Ye Da has his own things to do.

In any case, after becoming a "special captain", some rights must be used in time.

"Captain Ye, this is the last piece of information kept by the headquarters. The rest are kept in special affairs departments in various places and are being collected and copied."

A short-haired woman with a good figure and full of intellectual beauty put a thick stack of files in front of Ye Da.

Short ear-length hair + a slim suit made her feel full of youthful vigor.

This is Ye Dapei's secretary, Wang Lina, who just graduated from college and is a member of the Special Affairs Department headquarters.

Ye Da praised the fact that he was appointed a secretary first when he was promoted to captain.

Tao Yongwu was not his secretary, but Wang Yuping's secretary, who was only in charge of communicating with Ye Da. As for whether Wang Lina was related to Wang Yuping, Ye Da didn't know.

It was the same for him, he was completely unfamiliar with the headquarters of the Special Affairs Department, and he couldn't go to Tao Yongwu for everything, so Wang Lina saved a lot of trouble.

Ye Da looked at the thick stack of documents.

In front of him, there are paper documents like hills, and the word "top secret" is written on many file bags.

"So much. It's too exaggerated."

This is what he asked Tao Yongwu to find.

These include: the official records of the boy in white, Jiang Hou's information, and the information of the Dharma seekers.

Among them, the criminal organization "Law Seekers" has the largest number. There are too many files related to them. After all, it is a criminal organization that has been active for many years.

Wang Lina covered her smile and said, "There are indeed quite a few. The main reason is that there are too many case files for law seekers. By the way, Mr. Ye, what do you want for lunch? There is a cafeteria in the building, and I can also take you to taste Huajing's delicacies .”

Ye Da shook his head and said, "As far as this amount is concerned, I'd better eat it in the conference room, please bring some up for me."

Ye Da has already rejected Tao Yongwu's suggestion to set up a special office for him. It is impossible for him to live in Huajing permanently, so he temporarily requisitioned this conference room.

Wang Lina nodded, bowed and exited the conference room. She was very curious about the sudden appearance of the special captain, but she wanted to be a secretary and had many opportunities to get acquainted with it.

After reading a few pages, Ye Da felt a little dizzy, and was about to use Yin Qi to concentrate, when he suddenly remembered that he still had something.

You can hang it up.

He touched himself, and took out a plastic box from his pocket, which contained a dead-looking beetle.

Bai Ying's soul "crusher".

It has been a long time since I got it. At the beginning, due to the restriction, I couldn't check the core secrets about the Dharma seeker. Later, Ye Da used the method of letting him reincarnate in the insect body to erase the restriction on his soul, and by the way, also erased his soul. Belonging to human consciousness, let it become a memory bag.

Again, this is an old hag who has lived for 100 years and killed thousands of people.

We can't feel compassion just because he stands upside down and slashes the horse.

However, after all the troubles, the replacement of the insect body was much slower, especially after the youth training camp incident, Ye Da was busy exploring the formation, and even went to the Hessein territory.

Sometimes the insect body died, and Ye Da didn't have time to catch new insects, and Baiying's tenacity was beyond Ye Da's expectation, so it took a long time.

Now it seems that the heat is almost over.

Ye Da put the beetle in his palm, and a wisp of soul floated out, already completely sluggish.The human part has been basically wiped out, and all that remains is the memory package called the soul.

For the first time, Baiying couldn't see anything related to "Dharma Gate" and "Dharma Seeker" in his memory. He only knew that this guy had lived for a long time and was adopted as a "Dharma Seeker".
In addition, I also learned that the juantian incense burner is something that seekers of the Dharma already have, and the Jiuyin stone needle was found by Baiying herself based on legends.

Now it is possible to reveal the secrets, save some by the way, and look at the trouble of piled up materials.

The little girl was led by the hand and came to a stone cave. There was no light source in the cave, but many beads were inlaid on the wall, emitting a soft and dim light.

The little girl was Bai Ying, the young Bai Ying.

It can be seen from the color of her hair that she is the first class of Hessein's blonde.

Bai Ying was 130 years old when she died, and she looked six or seven years old at this time. According to the time calculation, she looked like more than 20 years after the wall of gray fog was born.

It was a woman who was leading her, wearing very retro clothes. Strangely, in Baiying's memory, the other person's face was blurred.

Two people, one big and one small, walked into the depths of the cave, and passed many cave entrances that were sealed off by huge stones for unknown purposes. There was a strange whimpering sound inside, which made the young Baiying a little frightened, but the woman who was leading her But no response.

Finally, the two of them came to the deepest part. The place was empty except for two stone statues in the center.

This stone statue is slightly taller than a normal human body. The one on the left is a man wearing a long robe. The stone statue has no color, but at first glance it makes people think that the clothes should be plain, and the one on the right is a woman. Still retro, with a slightly shorter stature.

The strange thing is that the male stone statue on the left has no head at all, while the female stone statue on the right has a blurred face, which seems to have been carved and worn out.

Ye Da recognized at a glance that the male stone statue was probably the "boy in white".

Sure enough, the Dharma seeker can keep the "Jiantian Incense Burner", which is inseparable from the boy in white.

The woman holding Bai Ying said, "Although you are from a foreign race, you are talented. After prostrating today, join the 'Law Seeker'."

Bai Ying spoke the Kyushu dialect she was not fluent in, and pointed to the stone statue of the woman and asked, "Mom, is that you?"

The surrounding air pressure suddenly dropped, and Bai Ying felt an unprecedented terror, as if she would die of heart palpitations in the next moment.

"Don't call me mom, I don't deserve it." Bai Ying was so frightened that she didn't dare to say another word.

The woman calmed down for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Kneel down and bow nine times."

Trembling, Baiying kowtowed nine times to the two stone statues. Frightened, she knocked so hard that blood came out of her forehead.

Afterwards, Bai Ying became a Dharma seeker. Although it was an organization, she had never seen anyone other than that woman for quite a long time. She had been living in the cave for several years, which also made her dislike Sunshine's character has something to do with living in human skin all year round and not showing his true face to others.

On weekdays, she practiced Dharma-doors in her stone room. These Dharma-doors existed in the form of jade beads, which were given by the woman. The woman would go out from time to time, sometimes bringing back some food resources, and sometimes bringing back are people.

Some people of all kinds, men, women, young and old, all seem to have been defeated and imprisoned by women. When they came, everyone was wounded. They would be locked in those closed stone rooms, whimpering, or screaming. I don’t know what they went through. torture.

After they are dead, the women will produce one or two new jade beads. These are the techniques of those people, and they have been refined and recorded in some way. Some that are suitable for Bai Ying are thrown to Bai Ying. practice.

The "skin changing method", "puppet method" and "retaining beauty method" all come from this way.

Perhaps because of her childhood experience, Bai Ying never had any reverence for "killing people".

Until Bai Ying grew into a slim girl of sixteen or seventeen, the woman finally took Bai Ying out of the cave. She was very uncomfortable with the sun, so she made a piece of human skin to hide in, and the woman didn't care.

Women start to actually form Dharma seekers.

 Chapter 300 Sprinkle Flowers!
  It’s not easy to say something to yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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