Chapter 302

The woman left the cave with Bai Ying, who was sixteen or seventeen years old. At this time, 30 years had passed since the wall of gray fog rose. It was a period when Kyushu had improved slightly. Calculating the time, Ye Jianguo should be in Huajing, with him. The so-called "grassroots team" made suggestions together.

Pedestrians on the road are still mainly in long gowns and jackets, and a small number of people are dressed in "foreign clothes" from Hessein.

At that time, roads were still used for walking horses, cattle were still used for plowing land, fungus was still just a kind of food, and chrysanthemum was just a kind of flower that was loved by people.

There is such a thing as "electricity" in a small number of places, but it is basically useless and can only be used for lighting.

The woman once stared at the electric light for a long time, as if lamenting the changes of the times.

Baiying followed the women to many places, ranging from large towns to small villages. Their only purpose in this trip was to recruit talented orphans.

Because the identity is limited to orphans and the talent for practicing Dharma is required, the progress is very slow.

Women are not in a hurry, they are rewarded after all. They once met refugees fleeing the famine in Qinzhou, and took in four children at once, both male and female.

The team has also changed from two to six.

Bai Ying was very unhappy, she felt that her love had been taken away, although women never pretended to be polite and cold to everyone including her.

Finally, a year later, they returned to the cave again and brought back eight orphans.

The eight orphans knelt down in front of the stone statue and kowtowed, and became Dharma seekers from then on. Like Bai Ying, the woman put a restraint on their souls, and then gave them suitable Dharma jade beads according to their talents, allowing them to practice in the cave.

A few years later, when Bai Ying was 23 years old, three of the eight children had grown up.Women have become more and more secluded, and the children in the cave have to collect the food by themselves. Sometimes women stay in their own stone rooms for several months.

Some of the children have mediocre talents, some have great talents, and each of them learns different methods. Women never restrict them to practice which kind of method, as long as their talents are suitable, but they never tell them what to do besides cultivation. What is the meaning of "dharma seeker".

Finally one day, the woman gathered all the "dharma-seekers" and told them for the first time the goal of the dharma-seekers.

"Collect the laws of the world, send them back to the cave, and condense them into jade beads."

There is no distinction between good and evil, no additional requirements, and no ideological education. After the woman explained the matter, she returned to her cave again.

This time, she has not been out of the cave for 30 years.

She doesn't seem to care at all what kind of organization the "Law Seekers" become, nor what kind of people these children become. She neglects the management of the organization created by herself, as if she just completes a certain task.

The children began to collect all kinds of methods. Although the rules of heaven and earth changed and the government began to ban methods, there were still a large number of people in Kyushu secretly practicing methods at that time. Some were inherited from their families, and some were their own opportunities.

And so the best way to collect methods is to arrest people and kill people.

Some of the eight children are peaceful in nature, some are murderous and lustful. Although there are many discords among them, due to the prohibition of the spirit, no one dares to betray the "dharma seeker".

Thirty years later, Bai Ying is already in her 30s. Although she still looks like she was in her early 50s due to the practice of the "Beauty Rejuvenation Method", her body function has begun to decline.

As for the other children, some went wrong in their cultivation, and some died in fights, leaving only four of the eight.

The woman appeared again, and summoned Bai Ying alone, and said after taking a look at her, "I'm tired, you remember to tell them to send back the Dharma, pass it on from generation to generation, and never stop, until the Dharma of the world is gathered."

And handed Bai Ying an incense burner: "This originally had a companion, but the remaining one can be used. Together with your skin-changing method and facial-retention method, it can ensure that your life span is extended. If you die of old age, what is this? Forget about “Dharma seekers”.”

Bai Ying didn't know why the woman was tired.She only knew that after that day, the woman never appeared again, as if she had completely disappeared.

After that, Bai Ying became the hidden supervisor among the Dharma seekers.

More and more methods were collected, the first eight children gradually aged and died, and new people joined in, but without the suppression of women, it gradually became uneven, and people's hearts floated.

Some people only think that the Dharma seekers are villain organizations and come in to get help to achieve their ambitions. Some people are dissatisfied with the official ban and just want to use the Dharma seekers to find a way of practice.

During this process, Bai Ying, who lacks the concept of good and evil, and kills people like eating and drinking, is just watching and supervising.

For the rest, she doesn't care, and lives as she pleases.

With the death of all the first group of people, Bai Ying also concealed her identity. No one knew that she was the first seeker of the Dharma, and no one even knew the origin of the seeker of the Dharma. Newcomers no longer worshiped those two stone statues. , only feel that the two stone statues are white and redundant.

Due to the loose management, there is no affiliation between the seekers, and there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors. There are countless methods hidden in the cave. As long as the talents match, anyone can practice. It just meets the needs of many ambitious people. Increasingly lawless.

The reputation of the Fa-seekers has also become more and more bad, and finally it has completely become an officially recognized evil organization.

Of course, Bai Ying didn't care what kind of method these guys practiced, how many people they killed and how much evil they did, he only cared whether these people sent the new method they collected back to the cave.

About 10 years ago, Baiying found out what the woman said back then, it was a treasure that matched the juantian incense burner, it was called Jiuyin Stone Bian, so she went to the mountains and found three stone needles from an old house , but there was no way to use it until I met Ye Da.

Ye Da opened his eyes in the meeting room, and it was already dusk outside the window.

Bai Ying's memory is long and full of details, spanning a hundred years, which took him a lot of time.

Ye Da imposed a state of "Yin Qi Concentration" on himself, sorted out Bai Ying's long life in detail, then took out a brush, and wrote on the printing paper with Yin Qi.

Reasonable guess:
1. The seeker of the Dharma is the follower of the boy in white, and he is entrusted to the woman to maintain him, but the man is perfunctory about this, and even harbors hatred in his heart, which makes the seeker of the Dharma extremely crooked.

2. The original purpose of the Dharma seekers should be to preserve as much as possible the Dharma gates accumulated in Kyushu for thousands of years in the era of forbidden law. Only the official and the Dharma seekers are doing this work. One is in the temple and the other is in the folk. Do not interfere with each other.

3. If the woman didn't want to commit suicide, it means that her life expectancy is not something to worry about, otherwise she wouldn't have given the Juantian Incense Stove to Bai Ying, and the Juantian Incense Stove might have been given to her by the boy in white.

If Yin Qi writing was not deliberately controlled, it would not exist for a long time, but when Ye Da wrote the third article, the previous content had gradually disappeared, but this helped Ye Da clear his mind.

Finally, and most importantly.

The location of the stone cave where the law of the world may gather has been shown to him.

At the junction of Liangzhou and Yunzhou, but now is obviously not a good time to explore. There are still members of the Dharma Seekers who often come and go, and in the following 100 years, many methods have been added to ensure that they will not be discovered.

Bai Ying has mastered the method to get in, but it doesn't mean that Ye Da can put his own face on it.

Ye Da nodded his brush heavily.

There was a knock on the door of the meeting room, and Wang Lina walked in: "Captain Ye, how do you deal with your meal tonight? Do you want to keep the meal in the cafeteria?"

(End of this chapter)

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