I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 303 The Perfect Body

Chapter 303 The Perfect Body
Since Ye Jianguo couldn't find anyone yet, Ye Da had to eat and sleep by himself. Although the courtyard house had a side room, it was actually one of the offices of the Huajing General Mansion, so it couldn't be used as a hotel to go back to sleep every day.

Unless your name is Ye Jianguo.

But it doesn't matter, the headquarters of the special affairs department provided Ye Da with a luxurious hotel suite, and Liu Xiaoqian stayed there for the past few days.

If there are countless advantages to having a body, then the only disadvantage is that you can't follow Ye Da inseparably.

Wang Lina took Ye Da to a small shop, which was almost opened in the community, with a total area of ​​only fifty or sixty square meters, but there were many customers.

Wang Lina: "Don't underestimate this store. It has been in Huajing for more than 30 years. Needless to say, it is authentic!"

In just one cup of tea, there were five or six dishes on the table. Ye Da glanced at them, but none of them could be named, but they looked not bad, and they were steaming, making people move their index fingers.

Wang Lina served Ye Da a bowl of rice and said, "Captain Ye, you won't be stationed in the sea from now on, right?"

Ye Da looked up at Wang Lina and said, "Probably not."

Wang Lina said half hesitantly and half expectantly: "Then I have to move. I don't know if Donghai can live well. I only went on business trips a few times."

Ye Da asked suspiciously, "You want to follow me?"

Wang Lina said: "Of course, there is no secretary who does not follow the leader."

Ye Da shook his head and said: "No, actually you will be more helpful to me if you stay at the Huajing Special Affairs Division Headquarters. If you go to the East China Sea and you are not familiar with the place, you will really become a secretary with nothing to do."

The Headquarters of the Special Affairs Department manages and allocates all the affairs of the Special Affairs Department in the three cities of Kyushu. For example, the current "big plan" in Guanzhou was achieved under the coordination of the headquarters, with extremely high authority and great power.

But with Wang Lina's ass, I know that the special affairs departments in various places must have their own ideas and faction games. Instead of letting Wang Lina go to the East China Sea to open up wasteland, it is better to take root in the headquarters and provide Ye Da with greater help.

Wang Lina thought about it, but she didn't immediately refuse, saying that she would communicate with her superiors when she went back.

During the meal, Ye Da received a call from Wang Weiwen: "We have returned to the East China Sea, let me tell you."

"Is everyone safe?"

The other side of the phone smiled: "Yes, it's a blessing among misfortunes. In addition, Wang Weiwu Qiling has awakened. Remember to thank Senior Ye Jianguo for me."

Ye Da asked curiously: "The kid has awakened? What ability?"

Wang Weiwen's voice also became weird: "I don't understand it either. I'm going to take him to the youth training camp tomorrow to test it. From the looks of it, it seems that he will gain strength when he is praised."

Ye Da: What kind of outrageous ability is this?
"By the way, your skateboard is still at my house, and you will curse and ask me where you are when you come back."

At that time, Ye Jianguo helped Ye Da bring the Xuanshui stick, but he did not bring the skateboard and left it in the Wang family. Whether it is Puyang City, Yuezhou, or the current Huajing City, it is far more than the skateboard pair. The limit distance of Ye Da's position sensing, so now he and Ye Da are out of contact.

This guy usually has a bad mouth and a strange temper, but he feels anxious and uncomfortable when he doesn't see Ye Da for a day.

"Let it be calm, it may take a little time on my side."

During the call, Wang Lina was cooking all the time, so as not to disturb Ye Da, or make him feel that she was heard. Seeing that Ye Da hung up the phone, she breathed a sigh of relief.

If the phone calls continue, she won't be able to eat anymore.
After all, it was the first time for her to be a secretary.

After dinner, Ye Da suddenly said, "If I want to practice Dharma, do I need to apply additionally?"

Wang Lina hesitated and said: "Yes, the practice itself will not affect the society, especially our own people, but once some openings are opened, they will only get bigger and bigger, but Mr. Tao Yongwu said that you can apply for practice, may I ask you Is there a goal? The headquarters has collected a lot."

Ye Da shook his head and said: "No, I have it myself."

But after thinking about it, Ye Da said again: "By the way, there was a cave in Yunzhou Lake before. There was an article about the practice method called "Xuanshui Method" in it. The official should have collected it and filed it. Please help me apply for one. share." Wang Lina said in surprise, "Didn't you already learn it?"

She had read Ye Da's files, and many of Ye Da's abilities were marked as the effects of the Xuanshui method.

Such as white water vapor, such as illusion ability, and the weapon is also called Xuanshui stick.

Ye Da coughed slightly and said, "Yeah, yeah. I just want to improve myself, review the past and learn new things!"

In the next two days, Wang Lina helped Ye Da make a series of applications, and Tao Yongwu's promise was not compromised, and all the requests were approved.

Afterwards, Ye Da took Liu Xiaoqian and Wang Lina on a plane to the beach more than 2000 kilometers away from Huajing.

This place was originally a subsidiary of the Special Affairs Division, a research institute dedicated to the ocean, but recently it has been given an additional role.

Half of Hai Long's body was dragged here.

This deep-sea corpse is not so easy to corrupt. According to Ye Jianguo, it is very easy to persist for a few years, and because of Jiang Hou's spiritual enlightenment ability, the cross-section of Hailong's corpse is sealed by the paste of flesh and blood , which further prolongs its "fresh preservation" time.

It is even said that this corpse still retains a certain amount of vitality. It even had a convulsion reaction during the transportation, and some scales on the surface that were not seriously damaged are also slowly repairing.

This will be the most important research material for Kyushu in the future.

And Ye Da is one of the people who has the right to use it.

Here, Ye Da also met an acquaintance, although it was not a very good acquaintance.

On Yunzhou Lake, that "Old Li" with a bad mouth who was sitting in an assault boat.

As the official top scientist in the field of supernatural water attributes, it is of course impossible for him to be absent from the study of Hai Long's remains. In fact, the three cities of Kyushu have mobilized a large number of scholars and researchers in related fields to conduct thorough long-term research on Hai Long's remains. This institute is already undergoing intense expansion work.

Mr. Li obviously forgot who Ye Da was, but he still expressed his dissatisfaction with Ye Da's use of authority.

"How could you allow such an important sample to come into contact with at will? Which school did you graduate from? What is the direction of your doctorate? Who is your advisor?"

Ye Da rolled his eyes: "You don't know? That means your level of confidentiality is not high enough, so don't inquire about it if you have nothing to do."

Then he turned around and left, leaving the old man with a negative EQ froze in place angrily.

Hai Long's corpse is too huge. Even if only half of his body is left, the length has reached 132 meters. The cross-section is as high as a three-storey small house. The official dragged it to the shore from the first 60 meters of the fracture. In the sea, the expansion of the institute is also based on this.

The entire research base will be built around the corpse, just like countless buildings will be built on both sides of a small river.

Ye Da applied for a house at the junction of the coast and the sea. This newly built hut is only about 20 meters away from the remains of Hai Long, just like a security room guarding Hai Long.

He will spend a lot of time here in the future.

Opening the door, he can touch Hai Long's shell at will, and at the same time he can practice in the hut.

Ye Jianguo suggested that he absorb the original essence from Hai Long's body to strengthen himself, to be precise, to strengthen the "body", but after reading Bai Ying's memory, Ye Da had more ideas.

Because he got all the content of the puppet method and the skin-changing method.

He was going to combine the four things of "puppet method", "skin changing method", "mysterious water method" and "sea dragon origin".

Create the perfect body.

 There should be an update tomorrow to make up for yesterday's two chapters.
(End of this chapter)

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