I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 304 Four Heads Going Together and the Light of Humanity

Chapter 304 Four Heads Going Together and the Light of Humanity

Ye Da was unable to awaken his spirit, because his essence was not a "human being", and he could not be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth.

Similarly, his practice is half the result with half the effort, because the zombie body is completely incompatible with the human practice, just like you can't make a hammer learn how to become a spoon, so even if he practices, the effect can only be deposited in the body, which is an extremely low level. effective method.

But after learning all about the puppet method and the skin-changing method through Bai Ying's memory, Ye Da was surprised to find that
If you regard the two as one, there are many similarities with Ye Jianguo's process of shaping his body.

The so-called puppet method is to refine other people's body into a puppet, carrying one's own consciousness, to achieve the effect similar to an incarnation outside the body.

The so-called skin-changing method is to peel the skin of a living person so that it fits perfectly with its own body, achieving a state of perfect fusion and can be peeled off at any time.

Bai Ying has practiced these two methods for nearly a hundred years, and not only has she cultivated them to an extremely advanced level, but she has even brought forth new ones and combined the two methods with each other.

She basically never shows her true colors to others, and her main body has been hiding in the dark all the time, using the puppet + skin-changing tricks to carry out many secret plans.

After inheriting Baiying's memory, Ye Da came up with the idea of ​​using "skin change" + "puppet" to modify his own body, and then use Xuanshui method + sea dragon origin to improve his body.

On the one hand, according to Ye Jianguo, the way of living in the world is very close to consummation, and it is very close to replacing the original source with a body and becoming a living person completely.

If Ye Da's current idea can be realized, then in the future, not only can he be completely "resurrected", but he can also get a body with terrifying talents.

On the other hand, this "Law of Living in the World" is after all left by the boy in white. If the trust in Ye Jianguo has reached 80% after going through so many things, then for boy in white, Ye Da is still in the fog. There is a maximum of 30% trust.

If you can revise and sort it out by yourself, you may be able to discover and eliminate some hidden dangers, so as not to be controlled by others in the future.

Wang Lina left all the content of "Xuan Shui Fa" for Ye Da, and then returned to Huajing as Ye Da's remote support, while Liu Xiaoqian stayed to take care of Ye Da's daily life.

In fact, there is no need to take care of it, the main thing is a companion.

In the hut, Ye Da began to comprehend the four things of "puppet method", "skin changing method", "mysterious water method" and "sea dragon origin".

This will be a big project, which is why Ye Da and Wang Weiwen said that they will not be able to go back for a while.

"I hope I can make some progress before the end of the winter vacation. I have to go back to make up the exam."

In the last few days before the holiday, he and Wang Weiwen missed the final exams of several courses in order to explore their positions.

Eliminating distracting thoughts, Ye Da added a state of "Yin Qi Concentration" to himself, as if he had returned to the time when he was in Wen County a few years ago and made a surprise review before the college entrance examination.

In this state, his efficiency is extremely high.

In the East China Sea, Wang Weiwu is running vigorously in the morning.

It has been a week since Qiling awakened. Although due to his father's strict requirements and his mother's offensive of tears, he failed to stay in Puyang City to participate in the follow-up rescue and reconstruction work. Need him.

After returning to Donghai, Wang Weiwu was taken to the youth training camp building by Wang Weiwen after only one day's rest, to test his spiritual enlightenment ability. Since Li Youren was suspended for abusing his power, other people were in charge of this work.

However, Wang Weiwu's ability is too special. After the staff conducted routine tests, they were still at a loss. In the end, they could only increase the observation time and asked Wang Weiwu to come once a week to get accurate information.

In the end, Wang Weiwu's ability was tentatively named: "Light of Praise"

The ability level has soared directly to level B, and this is still in the case of incomplete test results.

After all, no one knows where the upper limit of this state of being praised will increase strength.

And Wang Weiwu was very satisfied with this, and even made a set of self-strengthening plans for himself.

He runs every day, not for exercise.He was helping the old lady cross the road!

"Grandma! I'll help you there."

"Ah? Let me go! I'm just waiting for the bus."

"Ahh~ I'm sorry!"

Wang Weiwu hurriedly bowed, turned his head and ran away in embarrassment.

He has become the "light of humanity" these days. Don't say that the road is uneven, even if the road is flat, he has to sweep the ground before walking.

When they see litter, they will stop to pick it up. If there are old ladies crossing the road, they will help them. They will stop at the entrance of the elementary school to help direct traffic. Even the beggars and homeless people they meet will buy them breakfast.

And although most of it was useless, and even often called "stupid", Wang Weiwu actually relied on this method to increase the strength in his body a lot.

Therefore, he also realized another use of his abilities.

He can tell which ones are sincere and which ones are sincere and which ones are not.

It's like a sincerity detector.

For example, after knowing that she saved a lot of people, although her mother scolded him at first, she praised him to the sky every day afterwards, and even her father couldn't hide her pride and recognition. strength.

If it weren't for the fact that one person can only provide it once, Wang Weiwu guessed that he would have been promoted to A-level by his mother alone.

Similarly, the power generated by praise will disappear.

Those who die, or who are ungrateful, will also lose the power provided.

In a few days, a small part of the strength was so useless. Maybe some of the affected people in Puyang City no longer "thanked" Wang Weiwu, and they might even die.

This also makes Wang Weiwu a little worried about gains and losses, but for now, he is still mostly happy.

Help more people, get more recognition, and increase your own strength.

If possible, he also hoped that those people would not forget themselves and not forget to praise themselves.

Back home in the evening, she finished her dinner again amidst her mother's compliments. Lu Zhixuan's daily work now is to find a relative, classmate, or friend who has not been in touch with for a long time, and then pretend to chat, and then "accidentally" reveal that her son The awakening of Qiling.

Wang Weiwu returned to the room and prepared to rest early, because early in the morning was the peak time for old men and women to go out. He had to get up at 05:30 and rush to the major markets to intercept them. Oh no, it was to help enough old ladies to live. road.

Dazed and not knowing what time it was, Wang Weiwu felt a knock on the door, rubbed his eyes and opened the door but there was no one there.

Wang Weiwu looked down in confusion.

A skateboard "stands" at the door.

"Young man, my uncle is bored, do you want to go out with me to fight for justice and fight against crime?"

Wang Weiwu: What is this?

I must still be dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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