I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 305 Touring the Sea

Chapter 305 Touring the Sea
Ye Da took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, the air flow was accompanied by some blue fragments.

Like the essence of the deep sea.

"I didn't expect that the Xuanshui method is quite profound."

As he expected, Xuanshui method and Hai Longyuan are very compatible.

Ye Da hung Xuanshuifa's sheep's head and sold pork, dog, duck, and goose meat for not a day or two. It has become his habit to rely on Xuanshuifa for everything he can't explain.

Common name: irrigation

But for a long time, except for a little intimacy with water that made him take a bath more comfortably, the Xuanshui method had no effect on him. The transmission method of the shadow jade in the cave that day may have just cast a little shadow on his soul.

After all, neither he nor Wang Weiwen were ordinary people at that time.

But this time he got the complete content of Xuanshui method, Ye Da found that this method is not easy.

Dharma seekers divide Dharma gates into grades A, B, and C. For example, Bai Ying's "skin-changing method" and "beauty-retaining method" are both grade C, while the puppet method is only grade B.

And the "Ruyi Magic" practiced by Jingwei, which involves space, is first-class.

Among those who seek the law, the first-class method is rare, and even fewer can achieve it.

If judged by the standards in Baiying's memory, "Xuan Shui Fa" is actually a first-class, because it is profound and complex, and it directly points to the core of a certain field.

When the Special Affairs Division archived it, it also gave "Xuan Shui Fa" a very high evaluation.

Of course, the more profound the method is not the better, it also depends on the talent and matching degree.

In Ye Da's attempt, Xuanshui method and Hailong's origin can be said to complement each other, allowing him, a "skin" practitioner whose normal efficiency is lower than ordinary people, to achieve an overtake in speed.

A little bit of the sea dragon's origin can greatly benefit the progress of the Xuanshui method, and the improvement of the Xuanshui method can speed up Ye Da's absorption of the sea dragon's origin.

The two are like a left foot and a right foot, supporting Ye Da's first practice journey together, stepping on the right foot with the left foot, and climbing over the wall.

When the two have reached a suitable height, you can use the puppet method and the skin-changing method to comb your own body.

Get a living body with terrifying talent.

When the time comes for the Great Consummation of "The Way of Living in the World", not to mention the birth of a golden lotus, it must be a golden light, right?
According to Ye Da's guess, at the beginning, it will be at least equivalent to the S-level strength of the physical system. After "resurrecting", his strength will not drop too much.

Then mix in the spiritual enlightenment ability from the rules of heaven and earth, don't be too beautiful.

Ye Da was in a good mood, stretched his waist, and Liu Xiaoqian who was accompanying him immediately said, "Grandpa, do you want dinner?"

Ye Da was about to nod when a new idea popped up suddenly.

"Let's go into the sea to catch fish!"

The research base was right next to the sea, and Ye Da's hut was not far from the junction of the beach. Ye Da changed into shorts and left as soon as he said it.

It was already dark outside, how would a normal person dare to go into the sea at this time.

Ye Da was different.

He is not human.

Arriving at the deserted coast, Ye Da plunged in with all his might.After just one meeting, Ye Da felt something different. Although he had an inexplicable sense of intimacy in the water in the past, he grew up on land after all. He would feel uncomfortable underwater, and he couldn't breathe (although there was no need for it). .

But at this moment, Ye Da felt as if he had come home.

What does it mean to feel like a fish in water, what does it mean to let the fish leap in the sea.

The big herring and Xiaoqing also got out and swam happily around Ye Da, expressing their joy for Ye Da going into the sea.

Ye Da patted Xiaoqing's big head: "I will teach you the complete Xuanshui method later, and try to see if I can understand it."

The big herring spat out a mouthful of water, as if inviting Ye Da to swim in the sea together.

It is already a spirit body, so it does not matter whether it is salt water or fresh water.

Ye Da laughed, put his legs together, and with a slight swing, he felt like he was wearing flippers. A huge thrust came from behind him, making him jump out of the sea.

The sea water can't dazzle his eyes, he can see those reefs and fish and shrimp even in the dark seabed, the influence of water pressure can hardly be felt, at least the depth of 30 meters is unfeeling to him.

With an acceleration, Ye Da leaped out of the water, jumped several meters high, turned in the air for three and a half weeks, and then turned into a depth charge, picking up violent water splashes.

If people's desire for "flying" is engraved in their genes, then people's nostalgia for "riding the tide" is also a memory in their genes. After all, people walk on land from the sea.

Ye Da swam to the bottom of the remains of the sea dragon. The sea dragon itself was something like "coercion", expelling parasites everywhere in the sea. Small fish and shrimp would walk around it. Xiaoqing also looked very scared, not daring to It was too close, but Ye Da couldn't be stopped.

Attaching their hands to Hai Long's scale armor from the bottom of the sea, "Jiu Yin" and "Jian Tian" absorbed Hai Long's original power with all their strength, and the speed was much faster than before.

However, compared to the huge energy contained in the corpse itself, this little change is not worth mentioning. This is a colossus whose weight and size are hundreds of thousands of times that of a human being. I really don't know how Jiang Hou can "eat" it.

"The unity of soul and flesh" is truly terrifying!
The ability to refine the body and soul into pills at the same time is destined to lead to the top of the mountain.

After absorbing part of the original power of the sea dragon, Ye Da no longer misses it, and swims in a further direction. Now he is almost a sea creature, and he can move freely in the sea water.

It can even control the water flow to a certain extent. Although it has neither strength nor scale, it is only about a few cubic meters, but it is also a good start.

After a while, he found his dinner today, a grouper the size of a bucket.

The grouper was cruising around the outside of a reef in a daze, looking for its own dinner. It was not vigilant about Ye Da behind it. It may have grown to its size, and there were no natural enemies in shallow water.

Ye Da even reached out and tapped its buttocks, frightening it so that it flicked its tail and flew several meters away.

Ye Da wanted to test his swimming speed, and was not in a hurry to catch it. Instead, he kept teasing it behind him, making the grouper hot all over, and he could only keep speeding up and fleeing.

Ye Da found that compared with this big grouper, his speed was slightly better. This level of speed has already been used in actual combat. If it encounters underwater battles, it will not become a fish on the chopping board.

Although he did not measure the value accurately, he was satisfied with the result, so he decided to thank the big grouper for his contribution.

Help it take care of the aftermath.

Be sure to make you delicious!

Five minutes later, Ye Da invited the big grouper to come to land as a guest, and warmly lit a bonfire.

Half white cut sashimi, half cumin chili noodles, make the big grouper feel right at home.

(End of this chapter)

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