I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 306 The army gathers

Chapter 306 The army gathers
There is no time in practice, half a month has passed in a flash.

In half a month, many things happened.

Wang Weiwen was in the Wang family's mansion every day, practicing the method that Ye Jianguo polished up for him, hoping to restore his strength. Ye Da had a few phone calls with him, and it was said that the progress was good.

Wang Weiwu persisted in helping the grandmother cross the road every day, and even went out to fight against injustices in the middle of the night. His strength became stronger day by day, but the dark circles under his eyes became heavier and heavier.

For half a month, Ye Da worked hard every day, and his life was plain and fulfilling. Under the blessing of Hai Longyuan's source, the Xuanshui method has improved rapidly, and now he has begun to comprehend the "skin-changing method" and "puppet method".

Liu Xiaoqian helps Ye Da take care of daily chores, keeps the hut in order, and takes advantage of the yin energy provided by Ye Da in her spare time to concentrate her soul.

Even Xiao Qing listens to Ye Da's explanation of the Xuanshui method every day. Although it is already a spiritual body and theoretically cannot be qualitatively improved, its spirit and soul were influenced by the lectures on imaging jade in the cave every day. Xuanshui method already has some mysterious connection and has many benefits.

Ye Jianguo and Wang Yuping came once, saw what Ye Da was doing, expressed their appreciation, solved a few doubts for him, and then disappeared.

Ye Da looked at the two of them and always felt that they were like an old couple.

Wang Lina came here twice, and talked about major events happening outside from time to time.

"On the other side of Guanzhou, a larger crack appeared some time ago, which was nearly ten meters high. Some equipment was transported through the crack above, and a permanent base was planned to be established on the periphery of the gray mist. Assemble some large weapons."

Ye Da asked curiously, "Airplane?"

If it is ten meters high, tanks and trucks can drive directly there, and it needs to be assembled there. It seems that there are only things like airplanes.

"Yes, our biggest advantage over Hessein is heavy firepower and air supremacy. Although the production volume may not increase, and the cost may even increase exponentially, at least we can make the aircraft appear outside the fog."

Wang Lina's tender fingers were tearing the grilled fish on the stick, eating it with great joy.

"In addition, starting this year, the government will gradually announce the existence of the gray fog. Internally, the confidentiality authority will be lowered, and the personnel in the system will gradually accept the existence of the gray fog in batches. The public will start from archaeology, history, and approach science. A new round of desensitization of information will be carried out gradually.”

Thanks to the previously prepared information strategy, many people in Kyushu already had a premonition that the sky in Kyushu was about to change. It seemed that something big had happened. Hai Long’s weird disaster exacerbated this concern. After all, countless people watched the rocket flying in the sky. Then, along with sea water and sea beasts, they entered the city.

Long-term doubts and worries have gradually evolved into social pressure, which has even affected economic development to a certain extent, and people's hearts are unstable.

But this is the throes of history at the crossroads, after all, it will be a knife.

There is a thing called "ideological trend". When the way of thinking of a large number of people is unified, this force called "ideological trend" may be more terrifying than Hessein. A little carelessness may cause problems from within.

It is very important to spend a year or even longer to make it public gradually and actively guide the social trend of thought.

"Once this work is started, it is foreseeable that there will be a variety of different voices in society, such as those who are complacent and want to seek new opportunities; those who are frightened and unwilling to accept reality, and even those who focus entirely on blaming the government."

Ye Da held an oyster, pointed at it and said, "Open Sesame!"

The oyster was tricked into opening the house shyly, and then sucked down by Ye Da.

Under the influence of the sea dragon's origin, he can now command water creatures to a certain extent.

The more ignorant the more effective, the more intelligent the more vigilant, you don't have to think about ghosts and monsters, and it takes a lot of effort to deceive a fish.

But it's okay to open the shells, who made them lose their minds?Ye Da cheated him of the house and his body.

Wiping his mouth, Ye Da said: "Do you think the official choice to completely conceal the existence of gray fog and leave this problem to this day was the right thing to do?" Wang Lina thought for a while and said: "When I was in school, the teacher I have said that the most complex existence that humans have built so far is the 'society' itself. The poor, the rich, the great, the villain. The system built by hundreds of millions of people is like a black box. No one knows what will ferment in the black box. To produce something, you can only see the inlet and outlet, and then look for patterns and logic from your own history."

"Now that we have surpassed Hisense, have a solid material foundation, and people's living standards have greatly improved, the result of this decision is good. Everything that happened in the intervening 100 years may be related to This decision may or may not be relevant, who knows.”

Ye Da nodded and said, "You think it through."

Wang Lina smiled shyly: "That's because I'm just a kid, so I can stand and talk without back pain. If I really want to reach the top position, who can guarantee the result of every decision in a hundred years, I'm afraid I have to think about it." Bald."

Wang Lina patted the sand on her buttocks, and was about to leave and return to Huajing, when the phone in her trouser pocket vibrated.

Taking it out for a look, Wang Lina's smile disappeared, and she was silent for a long time.

"what happened?"

"Team Ye, satellite footage shows that Xisayin is gathering troops on a large scale. The number has reached 10 and is still increasing, heading towards the Wall of Gray Mist."

Beyond the gray fog, Xisaiyin, Far East District [-].

Winter has just passed, at least for people in the second district of the Far East. If they are unlucky enough to live in the seventh district or even further away, they will have to persist in the ice and snow for another month.

During this period of previous years, it was the time when farmers began to work hard for a year's rations, and urban residents with a little wealth would invite their favorite girls and boys to spring outings, and even more so, they would hold receptions.

But this year is different.

Since a week ago, "Saqin", the largest city in the Far East, has been continuously stationed with troops. The third-class untouchables didn't know what was going to happen, but they also had vague guesses. Until the number of troops reached tens of thousands, the entire "Saqin" When it became crowded, they realized that there seemed to be a war.

But who is the enemy?
Does the invincible Hessein have any enemies?Could it be that someone rebelled somewhere?

Soon someone got the news.

The invincible Hessein army is going to attack the place where milk and honey flow behind the wall of gray mist, to complete the great cause that was not completed more than 100 years ago.

People are boiling.

Countless people saw opportunity.

It is a place with countless wealth in the legend, and the palaces are all built of gold. A large number of third-class Li Fa people began to fantasize about following Hissein's great cause, changing their fate, plundering wealth, and even trampling the "fourth class" under their feet. A sweet dream of slavery.

Especially when they heard that the consul "Ironsa" led the team this time.

Those idlers in the city of "Saqin" who were fighting for power began to buy guns and ammunition spontaneously, preparing to follow behind the large army and pursue their own opportunities.

This is the tradition of Hessein, and it is also the thought engraved in the bone marrow: plunder, invade, get rich, and then step on others.

150 years ago, the number of "ordinary people" who followed the main force of Hessein even exceeded that of the regular army.

This military action seems to be about to turn into a carnival for the whole people.

(End of this chapter)

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